Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1365 Cute Ke Xin'er

The proprietress of the small shop seemed to be very familiar with Ke Xin'er. She might be idle at the moment, so she came over and looked at the two people with a smile and asked: "Xin'er, is this your boyfriend?"

But Xin'er blinked and looked at the fourth child mischievously: "Fourth brother, what is my sister-in-law asking you?"

The fourth child was a little confused. He was concentrating on eating, mainly tasting the taste. It's amazing that the combination of Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers can create such an irresistible desire.

His mind was all on the food, and he didn't even hear what the landlady said, so he nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, yes."

The landlady smiled, but Xin'er also glanced at the fourth child with some annoyance, thinking that the people who came back from the United States were different. Not subtle at all.

Who knew that after the fourth child said that he was right, he picked up a piece of fat meat and stuffed it into his mouth: "It's so delicious, fat but not greasy. Boss lady, can I learn how to cook with you?"

The proprietress and Ke Xin'er looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know whether the person in front of him meant that the food was delicious or whether he admitted that Ke Xin'er was his partner.

After dinner, Ke Xin'er took Lao Si to the riverside park. The two found a bench and sat down. But Xin'er took out an English textbook and humbly asked the fourth child for advice.

The fourth child likes this girl very much. Not only is she cute, she is also so studious. She is more well-behaved than the girls she knows.

Think of Ye Yuji and Ayijiang at home. Jenny. And Jingjing. The former are all strong female types. Only Jingjing makes me really like her, but in the blink of an eye, she turns her back on them and doesn't recognize them.

"Oh," if I had met this little girl earlier, I guess I would be much happier.

But Xin'er works very hard and has memorized all the common words. However, she often has problems with grammar and spelling. This has something to do with the cultural differences between the two countries. This fourth child just needs to talk about it a little bit.

Then the fourth child started to talk to him directly in English. When he didn't understand, he took his time and asked her to answer in English. In this way, Ke Xin'er's progress is really fast.

Jingjing didn't eat at night and couldn't eat, so the fourth child was scolded by her and left with others. The cook never replied, and Jingjing had basically concluded that the cook had completely disappeared from her life.

When she saw the fourth child this time, she felt a little unwilling. On the one hand, she wanted to scold him, but she just wanted to ask him, why did he do that to her? What do you think you are?

No matter how angry she was, she had to admit that the moment she saw him, her heart still moved, as if she wanted to throw herself into his arms. Just like we always did before we parted ways. Because every fat person's embrace is more generous than others.

Walking along the corridor by the river, the night breeze was blowing and it was a bit cool. "Wear a cotton-padded jacket in the morning and wear gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelon around the stove." Although this proverb describing the climate in northern Xinjiang is a bit exaggerated, it is not inappropriate.

For example, it’s too hot to wear a vest during the day now. But at night, I have to wear a coat, and the shirt is a bit unbearable on my body.

Jingjing came out in a hurry, only wearing a white shirt. It was already a little cold at this time, so she hugged her arms to her chest.

"Do you love me?" came a familiar voice. She looked over quietly and curiously. She saw Lao Si and Ke Xin'er sitting on a bench. Ke Xin'er was looking up at Lao Si and asked this question. talk.

Jingjing's heart suddenly twitched, and then she looked at them nervously. She didn't want that "yes" to come out of the fourth child's mouth.

"I don't love you. I have someone I like." The fourth child's answer made Jingjing secretly relieved.

"The pronunciation of "伱" is wrong. The grammar of English is like this... The fourth child's voice came over again. It turned out that they were really learning English.

But Jingjing was still angry, very angry. Because the fourth child's coat was draped over Ke Xin'er at the moment, and the fourth child was only wearing a half-sleeved shirt.

"Scumbag, don't you know how cold it is? You don't care about anything for women. Fortunately, I didn't pay attention to you."

Jingjing thought angrily, and instantly lost all intention of taking a walk, turned around and went home. I don’t want to see that damn fat man, and I don’t want to hear that disgusting voice.

The two of them studied until eleven o'clock, but Xin'er just stood up to say goodbye. She really didn't want to leave. There was something about this man that fascinated her. But people kept sneezing, which made her feel embarrassed. This guy may be in poor physical condition and afraid of the cold.

It wasn't until I walked back to the dormitory and took off my clothes that I realized I was still wearing someone else's coat. Thinking that she was so cold and sneezing because she gave her clothes, Xin'er suddenly wanted to cry. In her entire life, this was the first man to be so kind to her.

But Xin'er took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the fourth child, but sadly discovered that after playing together for a long time and half a night, she even forgot to ask for her contact information.

The fourth child trotted home, sneezing nonstop, and Mei Hua scolded him when she saw him.

"You little brat, you don't even know how to wear clothes at night. You'll freeze to death!"

After scolding, Meihua seemed a little confused: "Didn't you wear a coat when you went out? I remember it was a denim jacket. Where are the clothes?"

Yu'e poured a cup of hot water and took two bags of cold medicine: "Hurry and drink while it's hot. Don't get into trouble later if you catch a cold."

"My uncle must have gone to pick up girls and gave his clothes to others." Ye Feng suddenly raised his face and said to his grandma.

He felt a little unhappy today. He was planning to teach Yuanfang how to play bo, but his grandma called him back. Children have no personal freedom!

Seeing that the old uncle was okay when he came back so late, it was natural to give him some eye drops, otherwise the common people would not be angry.

The fourth child glared at his nephew. Ye Feng's face was raised high and he didn't care at all. Ye Yuze didn't come back either, so he probably went drinking with someone again.

Mei Hua's eyes lit up, but she didn't scold her youngest son anymore. Instead, he asked: "Did you go out with Jingjing?"

The fourth child shook his head honestly: "I went to learn English with Ke Xin'er."

"But who is Xin'er? Why go outside to teach English?" Meihua was even more confused.

If the younger son can fall in love with the old Xi girl, Mei Hua is 100 percent in favor of it. Although the girl is two years older, it doesn't matter if she suffers a little loss. Who makes her the daughter of Liu Sannv?

But who is this Ke Xin'er? It seems that there is no such person in the infrastructure company?

The fourth child drank the medicine and went back to his room. They had too many questions and he found them troublesome. I still have many questions that I haven’t had time to think about.

First of all, the annoying lawyer turned out to be Jingjing, which surprised the fourth child. Isn't she from Harbin? Why did you come to Junken City?

But when I think about it, I am also talking about people from Tangcheng, and I feel relieved. Who can avoid telling a lie in this life?

Turn on the computer, hang up the penguin, and an avatar flashes. He is just a good friend. Could it be that he was talking quietly?

Subscribe guys, otherwise I won’t have the motivation to write. It’s like a roller coaster going up and down, it’s so scary.

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