Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1359 Scary Anna

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Ye Yuze drove the car out, mainly because he still didn't know what this Sokolov looked like?

After leaving the villa area, Angela called and asked where he was? It turns out that this girl has been busy at work for a long time, and now she is back from get off work. I thought Ye Yuze would sleep in the company, but it turned out.

Ye Yuze asked her and Dasha to eat first, and he would be busy for a while. Angela hung up the phone without asking any questions.

Ye Yuze called Ma Guoping and asked him to send a photo of Sokolov. I waited for him in a small restaurant.

Ma Guoping came over very quickly, and Ma Guoqing also came with him. The two people met with a somewhat complicated mood. Ye Yuze was generous, but not everything could be let go, but the person in front of him made him regret his whole life.

Although he had been married to his senior sister, and he had silently endured her betrayal. But every time Ye Yuze saw him, there was still a hurdle in his heart.

After Ma Guoping explained, Ye Yuze realized that he brought his brother here because Ma Guoqing had renovated a villa for Sokolov and was very familiar with the terrain here.

As soon as Ye Yuze mentioned the name at noon, Ma Guoping was already ready. Even if he risked his life, Ye Yuze wouldn't be able to have any accidents here.

Currently, his brothers have been notified that they will come to kill him at any time as long as he makes a phone call. After Ma Guoqing learned about this, he also volunteered to follow his brother.

I took a look at Sokolov's photo and saw that he looked like a very ordinary person. You wouldn't recognize him on the street. The only special thing was his pair of eyes, which were gray and looked very fierce.

Ma Guoqing explained the structure of the Sokolov Villa in detail. The house is three-story, with a large living room on the first floor and a small living room on the third floor.

Sokolov lives in the master bedroom on the third floor. On the sunny side, there is a huge floor-to-ceiling window.

However, Russian-style buildings are all Gothic buildings. They are not neatly three-story like Chinese houses, but are scattered in an orderly manner.

What Ma Guoqing wanted to tell him was that he could directly enter the small living room through the fireplace chimney. As long as you enter the living room, you can enter any room.

Ye Yuze nodded in thanks, but Ma Guoqing was a little embarrassed. After rubbing his hands for a long time, he finally said what he wanted to say:

"Yuze, I apologize to you for what happened in the past. When I was young and selfish, I didn't understand until this divorce how much harm my innocence had caused to you?"

At this point, Ma Guoqing's eyes turned red, and everyone could see the guilt in his heart.

"It's just that the matter has passed. No matter what compensation I make, I can't undo my mistakes. But for the sake of the fact that we are both the second generation of the Corps, please forgive me."

Looking at Ma Guoqing, who was already in tears, Ye Yuze sighed deeply and hugged him.

Yeah, what's the use of hating him? The situation is irreversible. So what if I could stay with Yinghua for one more year? She will eventually leave this world early.

Ma Guoqing is also the second generation of the Corps. According to his father's words, he and he are comrades-in-arms, and they can turn their backs to each other on the battlefield. What hatred can there be?

With Ye Yuze's hug, Ma Guoqing also hugged Ye Yuze's shoulders tightly. The knot that had lasted for more than ten years was completely resolved.

Ye Yuze asked them to go back first, and he would stay here until night. Ma Guoping agreed, and drove away without hesitation.

As soon as he left the villa area, Ma Guoqing asked, "Brother, are you really leaving? Are you sure you can leave Yuze here alone?"

Ma Guoping smiled: "What if I don't leave? It's not like he has a bad character and he will be impatient. I just don't know what grudge he has with this Sokolov? My people are waiting nearby. Once there is someone inside, If there is any movement, I have to save him even if I risk my life."

Ma Guoqing nodded solemnly, and then waited in the car with his brother. Here they could see Ye Yuze's car. Once he got out of the car, their car would approach.

Lev came to a villa. The villa here was not a commercial villa. Rather, it was the residence of an important person guarded by soldiers.

An old man in his eighties, with age spots on his face, sat in a wheelchair and looked at Lev who walked in with a sad expression.

"Great-grandfather, are you okay?" Lev stepped forward and held the old man's hand.

The old man nodded, stretched out his hand covered with age spots and wiped Lev's face kindly.

"Kid, don't be sad. The matter is over. Sokolov agreed to give you the oil field and will not have any conflicts with you for ten years."

Lev shook his head firmly: "You are old and have no fighting spirit. My father can't die in vain! I don't want this oil field, but I want him to die!"

The old man sighed: "Silly boy, just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm timid. But I don't dare to touch you when he's around. Once I'm gone, the power behind him will grow stronger, and you won't be able to hold him back then. . If we take a step back this time, the two sides will shake hands and make peace. They will no longer be enemies."

Lev laughed: "Great-grandfather, I learned one thing when I went to Africa this time, and that is not to believe the enemy's promises. The only thing he wants to do is to kill you! And his retreat is just looking for opportunities."

The old man's eyes flashed, and then he spread his hands helplessly: "But I promised to reconcile with the other party. If you insist on dealing with him, then neither of us will interfere. It is a matter between you and him. You are still too young." , I don’t have my own power, I can’t defeat him.”

Lev looked at the old man firmly: "Don't worry, I know what to do!"

The old man nodded, seeming extremely tired. He waved his hand and said: "You go and be safe. I will try my best to save your life."

Lev walked out of the villa firmly and never looked back. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Ye Yuze's number, but it was prompted that the phone was turned off.

He frowned and called Angela. When he knew that Ye Yuze was not at the company, he got in the car and asked the driver to drive towards Sokolov's villa.

As night fell, a black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove into Sokolov's villa. A veiled lady got out of the car and walked into the villa door under the leadership of Sokolov's housekeeper.

Ye Yuze, who was lying on the roof of the building, stared at him. He felt that the lady's figure looked familiar, but he didn't know anyone in Sokolov's circle?

Ye Yuze's location happened to be on the roof of the floor-to-ceiling window of Sokolov's living room on the third floor. After a while, he heard a report: "Master, Miss Anna is here."

"Let her in." A somewhat gloomy voice sounded, and then the door opened.

Ye Yuze was surprised to hear this name when Anna's voice sounded: "Why did you kill him?"

There are so few tickets, have you all fallen in love with someone else? Do you know that loving the new and never getting tired of the old is a man’s virtue?

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