Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1346 The calm student union president

And this Jenny has a greater influence than her, both in school and in the outside world. Although many people say that Emily was born in an ordinary family and did everything by herself, Jenny doesn't believe it.

Along the way from elementary school to college, she understands better than anyone else that it is not completely impossible for a small person to counterattack, but it is basically a fairy tale.

A person's success is never accidental. The starting point itself plays a big role, plus resources, vision and then one's own struggle and hard work.

Therefore, Emily was able to get to this point in school. Jenny really doesn’t think Emily’s abilities are outstanding?

On the contrary, the fourth child seemed to be the lucky one. His success would be accidental, if he wasn't from China, if he didn't like to eat. There would be no Chinese fast food for him.

Although his starting point was very low, at first it was just to keep himself fed and have some pocket money. As a result, it ended up like this accidentally.

In fact, he doesn't have any lofty ideals, and he won't work extra hard for anything, he just takes things as they come.

But you have to admit that this is a man of great luck. Such people generally don't really need any background. Everything is like divine help. God has helped, so why do you need people?

Therefore, Jenny has been holding the fourth child tightly in her hands all these years and pushing him forward. She understands better than anyone that as long as the fourth child is here, everything she wants can be achieved.

It was just the sudden appearance of Emily in front of her that made her suddenly nervous. Because others have all her advantages and can even surpass her.

"If you lose, you lose. Just keep working hard. What's the use of looking for him?" Jenny showed her claws like a wild cat in contrast to He Xi, who was like a spring breeze like her classmates.

"As a subordinate, what does my appointment as the chairman have to do with you? With my votes, I can at least be a vice chairman. What do you want to do? Can you still use your relationship to manipulate the student union?"

Emily didn't give in at all, and the two women showed their fangs as soon as they met. Don't be deceived by women's weak appearance. When they are cruel, they even scare themselves.

Jenny didn't say a word when Emily was reprimanded, and then watched her walk away with high heels.

At this time, the fourth child had already woken up. To be honest, he had nothing to do with the election results. Anyway, he worked hard, and the rest is God's will.

You can't just bring a cart of U.S. dollars and shout: "Elect me, bring your votes and exchange them for U.S. dollars."

In fact, he would be more willing if that were the case. How worry-free would it be? You don’t owe anyone anything? Elections are actually like this. How many of the tens of thousands of students know who the fourth child is?

It's not all about pie-in-the-sky and deception. We'll wait until this term is over. As for whether the pie can be eaten, it doesn't matter. The big deal is whether he is re-elected. Presidents are like this, let alone a student union president?

When I turned on the computer, the profile picture of my only friend was flashing. When I clicked on it, it was just a series of question marks?

The fourth child naturally understood what she was asking and made an OK gesture. Immediately there was a string of exclamation points and a smiling face.

The fourth child immediately became happy. He knew that the girl opposite was really happy for him and had no other purpose. This is how people think. First impressions.

With the same smiling face, this netizen and Jenny gave him completely different feelings.

The two chatted for a while, and then the fourth child's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, and Lao Si picked it up easily. He had always been a student union cadre and had to answer many unfamiliar calls every day.

"I'm Emily, where are you? Can we chat for a while?" There was a clear female voice on the other side, very pleasant, with an obvious New York accent.

"Emily?" Lao Si repeated. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

There was obviously some anger there: "I am the propaganda minister of the school student union, a student at the Kennedy School of Politics!"

The fourth child patted his head and suddenly thought, it turned out to be her? own competitors. This woman is not only beautiful, but also eloquent. She is the only opponent who puts pressure on him in this election.

The Kennedy School of Government is the top school at Harvard. When the School of Public Administration was first established, there were only more than 20 students in the entire school.

At that time, there was no division of majors, and students in the two departments studied courses from both departments at the same time. In the 1960s, the School of Public Administration was renamed the Kennedy School of Government.

The curriculum has been further improved and professional courses such as politics, economics, history, and statistics have been opened. Taking into account the actual needs of civil servant training, a large number of case teachings are used in teaching, and emphasis is placed on cultivating students' practical problem-solving abilities.

After decades of development, the Kennedy School of Government has become Harvard University's most outstanding school, and its enrollment capacity has exceeded Harvard's famous law school, business school and medical school.

It has also become an important training base for public officials and a research institution on government issues in the United States.

He has trained a large number of outstanding public leaders in the United States and undertaken a large number of government research projects, which has had a huge impact on American social development and government decision-making.

Moreover, this college not only cultivates a large number of talents for the United States. There are also a number of foreign dignitaries.

For example, ***, Prime Minister of Singapore.

Liu He, Vice Premier of the State Council. Master of Public Administration

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia, 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner MPA

Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, former Mexican President MPA

Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia MPA

Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, President of Colombia MPA

Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada and father of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau MPA

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General MPA

Donald Tsang, former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region MPA

John Tsang, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong MPA

Liu Qian, Chairman of the World Youth Development Forum.

Any one of these people can influence the development of the political situation. But the most important thing is that they all graduated from Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Well, some people say that these people do not have enough weight. They are all small countries and small administrative regions. Then let me add that it also trained 8 presidents of the United States of America, including Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Hussein Obama.

"I remembered. Could you please give me some advice? I just woke up and didn't react for a while." The fourth child quickly explained.

"I just woke up. Did you fall asleep again just now? Didn't you pay attention to the election just now?" This time it was Emily who was surprised. How aware was her opponent? Can you actually fall asleep at this time?

"I've done everything I have to do, and the rest is up to others. What else can I do if I don't go to sleep?"

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