Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1344 An unexpected encounter

Jingjing didn't want to see that dead fat man again in her life. She had cursed the fat man's death countless times. But she understood that if she really died, she would be very sad and sad.

Even though that man was such a scumbag, he just wiped everything out and left, but he still wanted to use money to solve the problem.

But once he really stopped contacting her, she felt really empty. The two have been in contact for two months. Based on Quiet's intuition, the fat man is a very kind person, but why does he handle the relationship between the two like this?

If you really don't love me, can you tell me? Am I someone who stalks men? Why do you want to insult me ​​with money?

I glanced at the computer and saw the penguin head bouncing there again. Look at the watch, it's already late at night in the United States, why isn't this guy sleeping yet?

We have been chatting for two months, and Jingjing has become somewhat dependent on this cook who almost drowned. The man was kind and gentle, and nothing seemed to make him angry.

And, no matter what time, as long as you talk quietly, he seems to be always there. It was as if he didn't have to sleep. You must know that the working and resting hours are opposite in the United States.

Jingjing's character meant that she would not be ambiguous with anyone, so the scope of their chats was very narrow, and she had never even touched on relationships. Most of them were about the cultural differences between China and the United States and some professional matters.

There wasn't much information in China, so when she was confused, the cook would often check it there and send it to her.

Several times the cook wanted to send her some information and books, but he was quietly rejected. She cannot let the other party know her appearance and address. This is her bottom line.

As for why there was such a bottom line, she didn't know, and she hadn't thought about it carefully. Many things happen unconsciously and do not require a reason.

"Are you at work? Are you busy? Have you had breakfast?" The cook is very attentive, and Jingjing feels that what he cares about most every day is his three meals.

If I hadn't known that he was a college student, I would have thought of him as a cook.

"Hehe, I ate it today. Mom was not at home, so I had naan milk tea." Jingjing was a little shy.

In the past, when I got up early and worked late at night, I never missed a meal. But when I commute to get off work on time, I often find myself unable to get up. Maybe there was a reason to chat with the cook.

When I go to work, others often accompany me. So at night, Jingjing tries to spend as much time with others as possible.

"Do you have a boyfriend? How many times have you been in love?" The cook suddenly said this today, making Jingjing a little stunned. I didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Do you have a girlfriend? How many have you had? I heard that the United States is very open, right?" After a long moment of silence, Jingjing decided to ask him back. This question was really hard for her to answer.

There was silence for a while, and then he replied with one word, "Yes." He seemed unwilling to answer the question.

Don't know why? Jingjing suddenly felt a little disappointed. She and the cook had never talked about any relationship issues, and they had no thoughts about each other, but why were they so depressed?

"She must be very beautiful, right? After all, you are so good?" Jingjing suddenly wanted to know everything about his girlfriend.

"Very beautiful, very capable, and born in a very powerful family in the United States." The cook answered quickly this time.

"Then you are so happy. I heard that the United States is very open. You have been together for a long time, right?" Jingjing felt increasingly uncomfortable.

But people are like this. They know that they don't want to hear many things asked, but they still insist on asking.

"Well, it's like this in the United States. When two people fall in love, they stay together. The family doesn't care about these things, and they all support it." The cook explained.

"Then why aren't you getting married? Aren't all Chinese people forced to get married by their families once this happens? Don't your parents care about you?" Jingjing suddenly felt a little unfair for the girl.

"My family supports dating and marriage. When you become an adult, no one will care about you. But we are not in a hurry yet. She said she will not get married until she is thirty years old. During this period, she will have to start a career." The cook was very calm.

"Oh my God, it took so long? What if we break up? How much do women suffer?" Jingjing couldn't figure out why this woman was like this?

The cook is obviously feeling a little sore, why can't this girl explain it? "Didn't I say it? No one in the United States cares about these things. If you are still a virgin when you are an adult, you will be laughed at."

"And men don't care about what a girl was like before? He only cares about what it's like to be with him?"

The chef's theory confused Jingjing. She is a college student, but she is also a Chinese influenced by traditional culture. She really can't understand this theory.

If he couldn't understand it, he didn't want to think about it. He shook his head like a paste and asked again: "Then you must love her very much, right?"

This time the cook hesitated for a while: "I don't know, sometimes I think she's pretty nice, but sometimes I think we're not the same person?"

Jingjing didn't understand, so she made a question mark? ? ?

"How should I put it? She likes the kind of man who is all-powerful and can call the shots. But I don't like that kind of life. I just want to read a book every day, take care of the business, and lie down at home the rest of the time." The cook was obviously helpless.

"Why would he like you if you are so unmotivated?" Jingjing couldn't understand.

The cook sighed: "It must have been an accident. I'm very popular. I once competed with her to be a student union cadre and I won her, so I ended up getting better. And she pushed me all the way to become the student union president of the college. Now she is promoting me to run for president of the student union of the school."

Jingjing took a breath of cold air. Nowadays, there are international students in every unit in Junken City. She knows the situation of the student union in the United States.

According to her knowledge, almost no Chinese international students have served as the president of the student union, not even the minister. But how did this lazy cook do it?

"Are you lying to me again? Are you not lazy at all? Or are you not the president of the student union at all?" Jingjing didn't believe him.

The cook reluctantly told Jingjing all about the campaign. When Jingjing fell silent, she finally understood the cook's distress.

It's not that this guy has no ability, but he doesn't have the competitive spirit. However, Jingjing doesn't think the cook is at fault. Everyone has their own ambitions. For example, she just wants to do her job well, instead of thinking about how high an official she will be or what earth-shattering achievements she will make.

We are all ordinary people, just do what you can. Now that we have become supermen, who will do the ordinary work?

Yes, there is the fourth child over there at the computer, but neither of them really knows who the other is? But fate brought them together again.

Robbery, hand over all the tickets. If you don't give them back, I will send a bunch of fat women weighing more than 200 pounds to ravage you.

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