Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1341 The violent tycoon

This battle only took a few minutes from start to finish. Four died and one was injured. The only one alive was saved by Agassi in disguise.

If Agassi hadn't hugged him, there would have been only one outcome, and that would have been "death!"

Angela asked the security captain to call the police. At this time, Agassi was particularly smart. He turned on the phone, dialed Anton's number and asked Lev to call him.

They answered the call in seconds, so you can see how anxious Anton was waiting for the call?

After Lev told him what happened and his address, Anton simply said: "Wait for me." and hung up the phone.

At this time, Angela had already taken Ye Yuze to the hospital. While driving along the way, Angela leaned over and kissed Ye Yuze on the face from time to time.

Angela loved him very much, but after this experience, this love has been engraved in her bones and she will never return it.

Ye Yuze looked at this petite Russian woman with mixed feelings in his heart. It cannot be said that the relationship with Angela was not purposeful at the beginning.

One could say that her family background attracted him to some extent. But now his feelings have changed. At least he feels guilty, which means he has fallen in love with her.

While driving along the way, Angela contacted the hospital. When they arrived, a stretcher was waiting there. It made Ye Yuze dumbfounded. Labor and capital can run and jump, right?

After the examination, the doctor was dumbfounded. The bullet actually passed through the muscle. Even the cartilage was not injured. Ye Yuze had been shot several times. Except for the time in Tangcheng, he was luckier every time.

This kind of wound can basically heal without treatment. To be on the safe side, the doctor disinfected him thoroughly. This time, Ye Yuze burst into tears. It was too painful and the local anesthesia didn't work.

To be cautious, Ye Yuze will stay in the hospital for 24 hours of observation. Angela naturally wanted a single room, and she would not leave Ye Yuze and go home alone.

Anton's men over there came faster than the police. Seeing the swelling on the face of his lively son, he couldn't help but feel like a knife. He fired at the corpses again and beat them into sieves. .

Agassi and others were so frightened that their faces turned pale. How cruel is this?

Then Anton asked Agassi to call the man named Vasily and tell him that the money was ready and ask him where to put it.

Also, I just noticed a vehicle passing by the house and asked if it’s time to move?

Over there, Vasily became anxious when he heard that he might be discovered. He quickly told them to move immediately and he would meet them twenty kilometers to the west.

He looked at Agassi and a few others and patted them heavily on the shoulders: "When it's over, tell me what you want. I, Anton, will never treat anyone who is kind to me badly."

"Dad, the person who really saved me was injured and went to the hospital. I want to go take a look!" Lev, a boy with a conscience, was worried about Ye Yuze's injury.

Anton nodded: "You go home first, my son. I will accompany you tomorrow morning. Then I will show you how your father treats his friends."

At this time, the police also arrived. After briefly understanding what happened, they immediately called for hidden cards to be set up along the way.

Anton was a little dismissive of them and asked someone to send his son home, while he drove west with Agassi and his men.

The car was naturally the same van, but it was filled with Anton's elite bodyguards. Anton didn't let the police get too close to them. He was feeling angry and wanted to vent his anger.

The SWAT captain who led the team naturally knew his identity and his background. I have always supported people like this and cannot afford to offend them.

So the police car had to stay far behind them, for fear of offending Anton. At this time, Anton was like a moving powder keg.

Not long after driving, a jeep merged on a side road. Agassi's phone rang, and Vasily's voice came from inside.

"Agassi, you call Anton and tell him to put the money under the railway bridge fifty miles away in the eastern suburbs. Then ask his son to talk to him and then kill his son. I just saw a suspicious vehicle. Yes, we have to leave after we get the money."

Agassi nodded calmly and hung up the phone.

Anton roared angrily: "Agassi, hit me and force them to stop!"

Agassi didn't say anything, but he exerted force on his feet. Black smoke came out of the van's exhaust pipe, just like a tractor.

The jeep leading the way was not prepared at all and was directly hit by Agassi on the front of the car. The jeep swayed a few times and then rolled over the roadbed.

The bodyguards all got out of the car and fired at the overturned jeep. After a while, the jeep compartment was beaten into a sieve.

Agassi rushed to open the car door, and the five corpses also became a sieve. Before he could drag the people out, the fuel tank exploded.

When the police arrived, they couldn't even see anyone alive, so they had to wait until the fire was out to distinguish the number of people.

The man who withdrew the money was soon caught, and the police were there to control him. All thirteen members of Vasily's group were arrested.

None of Agassi's gang received a reward of two hundred thousand rubles. In fact, this matter had something to do with Agassi, but it was smoothed over without a word from Anton.

When Agassi drove his Lada back, his companion looked at him gratefully: "Brother, I will follow you for the rest of my life. I can drink these two hundred thousand for many years."

But Agassi shook his head: "I think we have to do something meaningful besides drinking."

The companion scratched his head. He thought for a long time but couldn't think of anything more meaningful than drinking. Agassi patted him on the head: "Stupid, of course we are looking for a woman! Don't you think we should find a woman to have a child?"

My companion was convinced: "My brother is thinking far ahead. You can find it. Just let me use it when you have free time. The wooden house is for you. When the child is born, we will raise it together."

Ye Yuze fell asleep lying on the hospital bed, and Angela stood by the bed quietly. The heating in Moscow is very strong. This may be because people have enough fuel, right?

Endless natural gas is burned open, and the temperature in the room can reach 30 degrees, making it difficult to even wear a short-sleeved T-shirt.

At this moment, Ye Yuze was bare-chested and wearing boxer briefs. Angela's fingers gently traced his body.

Every time she comes into contact with Ye Yuze, Angela can discover his outstanding qualities. I originally thought that his physical flaw was his flaw, but today I learned that being small does not mean that he is really weak!

Maybe it was because the wound was a little painful, but Ye Yuze frowned slightly in his sleep. That expression was even more charming.

Angela stretched out her hand to rub his brow away: "Don't be so charming anymore, otherwise what will I do when I get old? You will dislike me."

The sky in the distance showed a touch of fish belly white, and it was going to be dawn soon. Angela lay on the edge of the bed and finally fell asleep.

I've been feeling a bit confused lately, and suddenly I don't know where to focus my writing? Do you have any suggestions?

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