Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1336 New Order

The most important aspects of economic development are these two aspects. Therefore, they don't need other lighters. However, if a first-level government is established, there will always be some allocations from above, and this Ivory will naturally not be corrupted. But it will take a while for the account to arrive.

When a chief transforms into a national cadre, it takes a while for a lighter person to get used to his status. This matter is quite serious. This morning, I still asked Yang Geyong about which leg is suitable for walking first? Yang Geyong kicked him so hard that he forgot what he was doing?

Because of the large concentration of the population, disease prevention and control is naturally the first big problem to be solved. Malaria and plague are rampant in this place.

However, this problem was solved the fastest, because the Red Cross has always had a medical team to assist Africa. Lighter vacated a yard and then contacted Yang Geyong. They quickly agreed to send someone over.

Not only doctors and nurses came over, but also some necessary medical equipment. Lighter and the tribesmen were very moved. Unexpectedly, the first person to solve their problem would be the Red Cross.

Yang Geyong consulted a doctor and spent money to purchase a batch of equipment and drugs. You can't just let people take all the money, right?

Although Marseille City is not rich now, it is definitely not poor. After the equipment is updated, the output will increase. This county with a population of one million is definitely the richest place in the entire Tan country.

I dare not even think about what a county with several mines will develop in the future.

The most important thing now is local governance. It turns out that people here have many bad living habits. It is also one of the reasons that affects economic development.

Regarding this point, Lighter and Yang Geyong agree that one size fits all. There are already many festivals, and I wish I could have a rain festival when it rains. How much will this delay work?

Therefore, after stipulating a few legal holidays, the others are not considered holidays. You can only celebrate them after work.

Of course, there will naturally be resistance to implementing all this, and we can’t take that much into account. Without a complete management system, stable and safe development will never be achieved.

The education department has really helped. The district has allocated an infrastructure fund of 100,000 shillings and a group of staff.

Although these are all officials, at least they are educated. Putting aside whether they need to participate in management, at least they can teach children to read, right?

After the arrival of the Chinese medical team, while treating illnesses and saving lives, they also implemented a disinfection and epidemic prevention model.

In fact, many infectious diseases are related to their lives, mainly due to lack of hygiene. Regarding this point, Yang Geyong directly ordered the army to assist, and directly beat those who were disobedient and stubborn until they were obedient.

At the same time, every village must dig wells, at least to ensure that there is enough water to irrigate the fields during the dry season to maintain enough food for survival.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and there were some accidents in the process. For example, in a Toga village, the village chief was extremely stubborn.

Taking advantage of one's age, one relies on one's old age to show off one's abilities. Originally, Lighter's governance was relatively gentle for the people in the village.

But this old guy insists on living according to the custom passed down from his ancestors, that is, if he has something to eat, there is no need to work.

Today's Maasai Autonomous County is governed primarily by laziness. How can such people be tolerated? He was simply carried away and left to starve in the woods.

The reason why these people shout the loudest slogans of safeguarding the ancestral system is actually because they have vested interests.

Because if there is a bite to eat in the tribe, it will definitely go to their mouths. In fact, this is the same as China’s feudal society. The ruling class places the status of businessmen at the lowest level and even discriminates against them.

But every family has its own business, even a monopoly business. While spending all this money, they did not forget to suppress merchants and were not even allowed to participate in the imperial examination.

The old village chief didn't have any water or rice for two days in a row, and then he began to beg for mercy. Begged his guards to give him something to stutter.

How could the guards be so inhumane? However, those who want to eat cannot be given for free, and those who do not work will not be able to eat.

So the poor old village chief went hungry and planted two acres of corn before he had enough to eat.

When the villagers saw the old village chief starting to work, who would dare to be lazy? Everyone just did what they were supposed to do.

In fact, Yang Geyong really wants to control their fertility problems. Every woman here has several children.

Basically after birth, after the lactation period, they are raised as puppies. If there is food, they will eat, and if there is no food, they will be hungry. So most of them are sallow and thin.

It’s useless no matter how many times we talk about the issue of “preferring fewer children and optimizing children.” The condoms distributed are all used as balloons in the end. Therefore, this plan was ultimately aborted.

With the first harvest of crops in the Toga tribe, the problem of famine has been completely resolved. Everything started to develop in a positive direction.

Yang Geyong looked at all this and was full of pride. He couldn't even figure out why he felt so proud. What does this country and its nation have to do with him?

Ye Yuze also encountered a problem at this time. That is, the aeroengine has already taken its prototype.

Once the engine test is successful, will Junkencheng only make engines, or will it build another aircraft factory?

Ye Yuze specifically asked his father for instructions on this issue. Ye Wancheng was so excited that his whole body trembled. As a veteran, the significance of airplanes is not a means of transportation, but a symbol.

From the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War to the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, how many losses did we suffer due to insufficient air power?

Now that we can actually produce our own aircraft, how can he control his emotions?

Seeing the old man's state, Ye Yuze quickly explained: "Dad, I'm not telling you that we can build airplanes. But that we can produce airplane engines."

"However, as the core component of the aircraft, once this problem has been overcome, everything else is a trivial matter. However, the establishment of an aircraft manufacturing plant is too big a move, and this may have to be reported to the highest level. And even if it is approved, various accessories will still need to be developed. And purchasing, to actually building an aircraft still requires a process, and this process may be very long.”

Ye Wancheng understood what Ye Yuze meant, glared at him and said angrily: "Are you guilty of the old habit of capitalists and are reluctant to spend money? I don't need you!"

Then Ye Wancheng held a meeting and directly raised the issue of the aircraft factory project.

I thought there would be some controversy. After all, the investment is large and the cycle is long. Unexpectedly, all members unanimously approved it without waiting for Ye Wancheng to finish introducing the situation. Ye Yuze was stunned.

A resolution was also passed that no other shares are allowed in the airport and it must be solely owned by Junken City. Because this is Junken City's own enterprise.

However, he cannot be excluded from parts production. Just kidding, without Ye Yuze, who could make the engine and turbine?

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