Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1334 Battle Baptism

Before Yang Geyong could speak, Lighter had already jumped up like a rabbit: "Oh, buy it, it's great. This is the most beautiful building I have ever seen, it's him!"

Lewis also nodded in agreement. Yang Geyong had no aesthetic appreciation for these things. If others want it, he will.

Once things are settled, construction can begin. The geological structure here is very stable, so there is no need for exploration. The main reason is that the floors are not high.

Nowadays, Marseille City happens to have a lot of people. The Chinese masters work as technicians, and the people from the odd-job tribe follow them, so the speed is much faster.

But Yang Geyong didn't know that they were being remembered again. Chief Turkey of Zhongtuojia had returned to the camp and distributed the purchased weapons.

Each of the three tribes in the east, west, north and west were allocated twenty rifles. He kept for himself forty rifles and a machine gun. Including the original weapons, his equipment is enough to arm a team of 200 people.

Including those with cold weapons, the tribal team has reached 1,500 people. The other three tribes each have a thousand armed men, so the total number is 4,500.

At present, there are only 500 formal soldiers of the Maasai tribe. This gap is close to ten times, which makes several turkey chiefs very excited.

Since it is a crushing force, there is no need to hide one's head and show one's tail. Simply join forces and have an epic blockbuster that will scare the enemy.

Turkey has a cruel temperament, so he disdains doing things where others can be used as cannon fodder. Therefore, his 1,500 elites were ranked first.

Of course, those with guns must be with him, so the five hundred people in the front are all spearmen.

And two hundred men with rifles on their backs gathered tightly around his elephant. Not leaving even an inch.

He did not hesitate to distribute the grenades to his subordinates, but carried them on the back of the elephant, preparing to use them at critical moments.

The main reason is that he is self-possessed and powerful, and most people really can't throw him away. From morning to dark, we finally approached the city of Marseille. Because they did not restrain their behavior, the people in the city knew that the enemy was coming.

However, Yang Geyong lost interest after flying the plane for a while. Damn, what era is this? Are you kidding me with the long contradiction card?

But he really didn't pay attention to the chief's two hundred elites, because those guys were dressed the same as others, and the plane flew high. So I didn't see it.

But whether they can see it or not doesn't affect their confidence in winning this battle. In what age are you, charging at a gun while shirtless, how stupid is this?

This battle was commanded by Lewis, while Lighter and Yang Geyong were watching the battle on the plane. Yang Geyong wanted Lighter to fully understand the cruelty of war. The result was a miscalculation. Such a cruel battle turned into a massacre.

Sure enough, after the enemy team came within range. Lewis ordered the soldiers to aim and fire. After a burst of gunfire, all the enemy's men in front fell down.

It's just like cutting leeks, but it's less laborious than cutting leeks. The arrogant Toga warriors were suddenly stunned. Where were the roars and fights they had promised?

Shouldn't they rush into the ground with strange screams and then engage in fierce physical combat? A spear is broken with a knife, a knife is broken with a fist, and a knife is broken with teeth.

But the enemy’s shadow hasn’t been seen yet? Why did so many people die? Is this God coming to punish them?

The turkeys were even more furious. Shouldn't they be cruel and violent? Are you bullying me for not having a gun?

He pulled off the lid of a wooden box, picked up a grenade and threw it out. Not to mention, his arm strength is really strong. It hit Lewis' helmet directly.

Lewis was so frightened that he peed, what a grenade? No matter how good the equipment is, you can't stop this thing from exploding, right? I just pretended to stand a little higher, and now I was struck by lightning.

Unexpectedly, the grenade hit the helmet, bounced a few times, and then rolled to the side. Lewis, who was still waiting for death, opened his eyes and cursed angrily: "Is your grenade used as a stone?"

But after cursing, he crossed himself again. Fortunately, this guy didn't turn on the insurance, otherwise he would really have seen God at this moment.

After picking up the grenade, Lewis tried his best to hit the turkey. Unfortunately, he was not as strong as others and fell down halfway, right among the Toga tribesmen.

This time the grenade safety was turned on, and there was a loud "boom". Then there were screams, and several Toga warriors with their leather skirts blown to pieces lay on the ground with their little birds exposed.

Only then did the turkey realize that he had thrown it out without completing the procedures. Angrily, he picked up another one and hit the safety net.

How could Lewis, who was in battle, give him this opportunity? The muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand was slightly raised, the bullet came out with a "bang", and the turkey's huge head instantly turned into a watermelon.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed in throwing a grenade until his death.

Angry, the warriors carrying rifles around him began to get angry. These are all his die-hard fans. How come he has no supporters after being the chief for so long?

These guys shouted and started charging towards the Maasai position with their guns in hand. It's just that people are lying in the trenches taking aim. Their actions have no effect on Mao except committing suicide.

A cruel shooting competition began. He rushed upward without fear of death, while loading, aiming and shooting calmly.

Both parties seemed to have regarded themselves as tool men. They had no fear or emotion, and just mechanically repeated monotonous actions until they killed the other party.

Recently, the enemy's gun has been almost on the head of the Maasai soldiers. But at this time there was no bullet in the gun chamber.

The Maasai warrior didn't even blink. He raised his gun and hit the enemy on the chest.

I have to admit that rigorous training is like steelmaking, forging pieces of rough pig iron into hard steel ingots.

In this bloody experience, no one of the Maasai soldiers retreated even though they were at an absolute numerical disadvantage. A human wall was built in front of the trench with enemy corpses.

The best performers were naturally the one hundred special operations soldiers. They used advanced equipment and superhuman physical fitness to not only block the enemy's attacks, but also took the opportunity to launch several counterattacks.

Of course, this was all done under the leadership of several of Lewis' companions. Only after this baptism of blood, they have become real warriors.

Yang Geyong originally flew this aircraft just to watch the battle, but when the situation was critical, he also dived at a low altitude and asked the lighter to throw grenades at the enemy crowd one by one, which also caused a lot of trouble to the enemy. Laying the foundation for victory in the battle.

After Toga's soldiers were almost slaughtered. The warriors of several other tribes began to retreat, which turned into a rout.

At this point, how could Yang Geyong let them run away? Especially those chiefs must be captured alive.

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