Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1332 The first netizen

Jingjing has been very busy. After working for more than a year, she has lost weight. Wan Laiji is a workaholic. This was true during infrastructure construction, and even more so after it was put into production.

And Jingjing, the assistant, can often only keep up with his pace. Later, both Wan Laiji's wife and the colleagues around him began to blame Wan Laiji. If this continued, not only would his body collapse, but he would also be cheated by others. Comrade Lao Wan then restrained himself a little.

Now that he is off work, Du Juan will not allow him to return to the factory unless there are special circumstances. Even if he comes out at night, the cuckoo will stay by his side and only allow him to wander around.

It's not that Dujuan is overbearing, but it's just when the infrastructure project was completed and the factory was successfully put into operation. Wan Laiji fell ill, and it happened that Old John was here. It was caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Got rescued.

It's just that Lao Wan is free, but Jingjing is a little at a loss. She has been like a spinning top since she started working, with only work on her mind. Once this stops, you don’t know what to do anymore?

It was already one o'clock in the evening. Even if it was not too late in Northern Xinjiang, it was still early. Most people have fallen asleep, but she is still counting sheep:

"One, two, three." She has been counting for three hours. She, a science student from a prestigious university, has never been able to count to one hundred.

This is not a matter of not being able to count, but of being distracted. I had never felt that before, my mind was occupied with all kinds of devices and data.

Now the shadow of that bastard will take the opportunity to creep in whenever there is a little gap in his mind.

"Capitalist, running dog of US imperialism!" Jingjing cursed in her heart, having already forgotten that the boy was the son of Uncle Ye and Aunt Meihua.

Jingjing is a late blooming girl. Although she is very beautiful, she has been pursued since middle school. But she was focused on studying and didn't think about it at all.

As a result, he met Lao Si by accident, and then he was taken advantage of by others inexplicably. The little seedling of love in my heart has just sprouted. I was uprooted by several phone calls from lawyers.

Thinking of this incident, Jingjing became angry. She had never dealt with a man since she was a child. She met such a guy for the first time, how could she bear it?

The key point is that the guy is still haunted, calling the work at every turn, with an innocent attitude. If this is enough, Jingjing dares to use a stone to directly open a hole in his forehead to see if it contains brains or feces. ?

The key is that no matter how scumbag this kid is? But Jingjing just can't forget her? There are many college students in the factory, from all over the country. So many people expressed their feelings overtly or covertly, but Jingjing filtered them all directly.

I was so preoccupied with thinking about that scumbag that I couldn't stop the car at all. Didn't his head get squeezed by the door?

I couldn't sleep anyway, so I just started working quietly and turned on my computer. As soon as I logged into QQ, my profile picture started flashing. It turned out to be a notification to apply for adding friends.

Jingjing just applied for QQ, and she doesn’t have many friends in it. This is the instant messaging software just launched by Tencent. The reason why Jingjing applied was because she was forced by her classmates. Those guys called one by one to notify her that they wanted to gather her classmates. together.

However, Jingjing is a reserved person and doesn’t interact with many people at school. She wouldn't join ordinary people, and she had nothing to say, so why would she join them?

But at this moment, the name of the person who added her made her heart move, and she casually clicked to accept.

His online name is Foodie who almost drowned.

Maybe this internet name touched a certain chord in Jingjing’s heart? Jingjing suddenly felt the desire to chat.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you add me?" Jingjing was not good at chatting in the first place, and this was the first time she faced a stranger, so she went into awkward chat mode.

The person there obviously didn't expect this kind of opening statement. After typing a few ellipses, he said honestly: "I just applied for a number two days ago. I don't know how to use it yet. Practice. I don't have any friends, so I came to add one, and I got lucky." Yes, it’s a woman.”

"How do you know I'm a woman? And why was it me who was added directly?" Jingjing obviously hasn't let go of her vigilance yet, and continues to ask a hundred thousand whys?

The other party was obviously more relaxed now, and his typing speed was obviously faster.

"Because my number ends in one, and I like nine, so I changed the number according to my number, and added it. And men don't talk like you."

The batch of numbers that just came out of QQ were indeed six-digit numbers. After quietly looking at the other party's information, it turned out that the two people only had different last numbers, and I couldn't help but laugh.

In fact, she was just afraid that the other party was an acquaintance and would talk to her in a stranger's tone. If we talk about something taboo, it will be embarrassing.

The other party was so frank that Jingjing was embarrassed to continue the interrogation. Just chat for a day, just block me if you don't like.

"I'm from the Northeast, working in Harbin, and graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology." In view of the other party's good attitude, Jingjing also decided to be honest.

But this frankness misses the geographical location. As a girl, it’s important to protect yourself. What if the other person is a bad person?

"Haha, I'm from Chinatown, studying abroad at the University of Chicago in the United States. I don't have classes right now, so I'll be lazy." The other party explained honestly again.

Jingjing is still very curious about the life of international students. She originally had the opportunity to study in Germany, but she gave it up because of her parents.

Acquisition and Liu Sannv's hatred of each other was intense, and they hated the opposition and lackeys of American imperialism. If they quietly stayed in school to study, it would be easy to break off the relationship.

In fact, Ye Wancheng is the same, but with the changes in his family and Meihua's experience in the business world, she has accepted a lot of things.

If the couple has been working in the infrastructure company and the children want to go abroad, it will be a dream.

Unconsciously, the two of them chatted for almost two hours. It was already past three o'clock in Northern Xinjiang.

Jingjing looked at her watch and said "Ah" and quickly said goodbye and said she was going to bed.

The other party also quickly expressed his apology, saying that he had been in the United States for a long time and forgot the BJ time. However, we made an appointment to chat tomorrow and then went offline.

This time Jingjing lay down and fell asleep. At half past nine the next day, Liu Sannv grabbed her ears and woke up.

Looking at her watch, Jingjing hurriedly dressed, washed, and ate, and hurriedly rushed to the factory, but she was still late.

The doorman looked at her with a strange look. The main reason was that she came too early every day. Being late shouldn't happen to her!

In fact, she has free working hours, and no one except her boss Wan Laiji cares about her. But Wan Laiji already treated her like a daughter, so how could he care about her?

She sneaked back to the office like a thief. She had her own room alone. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she patted her chest and muttered: "Little fat man, you killed me."

In fact, she didn't see what the other person looked like, but the one who was called a cook would definitely not be able to lose weight.

Parents, you should have a childlike innocence, that way you will be more happy

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