Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1330 Turkey’s Plot

Things were agreed upon and action began. Turkey is not a patient person. The moment he got the property, he immediately went to the district.

In fact, what they call a district is a union of various tribes. Then a few people are recommended, and these people are basically the spokespersons of powerful tribes.

Originally, the district had a plan to build the Toga tribal alliance into a county. The county seat was chosen in the tribe of Central Toga Turkey.

But things have been stagnant due to lack of funds. After all, establishing a county requires funds. This is a government project, and it cannot be justified for the Toga Alliance to pay for it itself.

In fact, the power that the Tanzanian government can really control is the area around the capital. The areas a little further away adopt a franchise system.

If you come to me, I will give you an official title. That land is still yours, but you have to pay a certain amount of taxes to the government every year. When there is a war, the government will help you fight against the enemy.

This was the case in the Mara district, where the district chief was the son of the chief of the largest tribe in the vicinity. To say it is big does not mean that its tribe has a large population. In fact, its population is only over 200,000.

Mainly because there is a sapphire mine in his tribe. In fact, there are many tribes in Africa with mines, but most of them don't know how to operate them. They just take some money and let the white people buy them.

However, the father of the district chief Xiangya was very wise and refused to sell the mine. Instead, he let his tribesmen mine it.

When selling, we will not sell to anyone specifically, but contact more Western businessmen, and the one with the highest price will get it.

In this way, a lot of wealth was quickly accumulated. The old chief worked hard and not only invested in some equipment to increase mining efforts. He also purchased a batch of weapons to fully arm the warriors of his own tribe so that all surrounding tribes would not dare to covet him.

He also sent his son Ivory to school, not only in the capital, but also in England to study. As for Ivory not getting his diploma in the end, he didn't care.

The purpose is just to go out and see the world, so a notebook like that is of no use, 99% of Africans can’t understand it.

After Ivory returned to China, he started to find a job in the capital. Later, the area controlled by the government gradually expanded, and he worked hard to establish the Mara District.

The senior government officials were naturally happy and sent him an armed team to assist him in implementing the plan.

Ivory returned home and told his father his plan. The old chief convened a meeting of chiefs of nearby tribes without saying a word.

Because they are wealthy and have their own armed forces, and now they are backed by government troops. The matter was accomplished without any danger.

Ivory was also ruthless, and dealt a severe blow to those tribes who acted in a positive and negative way. The chiefs and young men were killed, and the women and children were evenly distributed among the tribesmen.

This made his tribe grow stronger all of a sudden.

Since the district government was established, the address was simply chosen to be the headquarters of one's own tribe. Each tribe must send people to participate in the construction. Coupled with government funding, the location of the Mara District was quickly built.

Then a few symbolic representatives from each tribe are selected, and the coalition government sends some officials over, and a team is established.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Mara District is just a one-word hall of Ivory. It is a first-level government, but it is better to say that it is a large tribe.

Ivory is not a reckless man. After the establishment of the district government, he did not conquer the area. Instead, a combination of kindness and power was adopted.

Promise benefits to those powerful tribes, make them submit, and maximize their interests. As for the small and weak ones, there is no other way out except to be obedient.

Over the past few years, the prestige of ivory has flourished throughout the Mara region. No one can compete with him.

When the turkey arrived, Ivory was gnawing on a chicken leg leisurely. Of course it has to be paired with red wine. This is the only habit he learned in England.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, he did not stand up, but just nodded to let the people be brought in.

The turkey acted very humbly and handed him a small bag with both hands. The ivory weighed it down and he threw it into the drawer with satisfaction. Then he stood up, wiped his hands, and hugged the turkey.

"My friend, what's the matter with coming here so far?" He knew that Turkey was a simple and rude person, because he didn't exchange much greetings.

"I want to buy a batch of guns to destroy the newly established city of Marseille." Turkey is also simple and clear.

Ivory's brows frowned, he naturally knew about Marseille City. The higher-ups sent people to conquer them, but they were beaten away.

He had been ordered to resolve this matter. But he refused. Why should a foreigner say mining means mining? This is my Mara District territory after all, okay?

But he was also afraid of the city of Marseille. Being able to drive away a company of government troops is a strength that cannot be underestimated.

After all, the current armed forces in the Mara District are only one regiment. Although the weapons are better than the average army, they are not much stronger.

After pondering for a long time, Ivory still found it difficult to make a decision. He understood better than anyone else that although this turkey was groveling in front of him at the moment, it was just feeding an unfamiliar jackal. Once there is no flesh in your hands, he will definitely bite you directly.

"Turkey, I have to contact you before I can answer your question about guns. After all, these things are bought from white people. The government troops themselves currently don't have enough equipment."

Ivory answered sincerely, as if he was sincere.

Turkey was stunned for a moment: "I'll wait for you here for three days. If you can't do it, we won't pay taxes in the future. Why should I give money to a government that can't protect us?"

Turkey's attitude was firm and decisive. After saying that, he turned around and left the house.

Ivory's face was gloomy, and he frowned and thought for a long time. In fact, Ivory's impression of Lighter's father is quite good, he is obedient and knows how to behave.

So he approved it when buying the plane. Although Tanzania currently does not have an air traffic control agency.

However, after the death of the old chief, his son became a little worried. First he destroyed the Tuva tribe, and now he annexed Nantoga.

What does he want to do? Does it mean that when you take a stroll in the United States, you just want to float like an airplane? This land can’t accommodate you?

In fact, there is another reason why Ivory did not move to Marseille City, and that is that the tax revenue was not reduced at all. After the annexation of the Tuva tribe, it began to be paid double.

Currently, South Toga has just been annexed, and since it’s not time to pay taxes yet, I wonder if the lighter will give three copies?

If people give it, then this Marseille city will be more reliable than Turkey. After all, if he was given a gun, it would be surprising if this guy would listen to him!

But then I thought about it, the wisdom of leadership lies in balance. Whichever party is too powerful is a threat to him.

Now since the turkeys want to fight, let them fight first.

Happy Children's Day

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