Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1328 African Dry Season

Africa has entered the dry season again, and the puddles and small lakes that were once everywhere seem to have disappeared overnight. There are only big or small pits left, with cracks underneath.

Animals that are familiar with the climate have already begun large-scale migrations to find places with water sources, otherwise the only result will be death from thirst.

Only humans who have become accustomed to settled life are still suffering on their own land. First, they are unwilling to leave. In this human species, if we go to other people's territory, it will easily lead to war and killing.

Africans do not have the habit of storing food because food here is so easy to obtain.

But in the dry season, there is no food. Plants everywhere die in large tracts, and the animals that roam the grasslands and eat grass disappear overnight.

A group of people starve to death every year during the dry season, but for generations the people here have responded by being patient. They think this is a test given to them by God. Only the kind and pious will survive.

So the only thing they did was pray constantly. Keep praying, for yourself, your family and friends.

But all this was broken by the arrival of Yang Geyong.

In the lighter tribe, large areas of land are cultivated. The crops have been harvested for a season. XJ’s granaries are full to the brim.

The tribal settlement has become a small town, with brick houses and concrete pavements. Neat and clean.

Aunts wearing red armbands can be seen everywhere on the streets, watching the passing crowds with vigilant eyes, and those who litter and spit will be fined.

It’s okay if you don’t have money. It’s enough to go to the mine and carry sand for a day, and you still have to take care of the food.

No one in the entire tribe felt anxious about this dry season, and they all showed confident smiles. Because their granaries are full and the crops in the fields are all green.

What are you afraid of if it doesn’t rain? There are so many wells, and submersible pumps can be pumped up to the ground for watering.

When people from other tribes escape, everyone will give them a bite of food and then loudly show off the food they have saved at home. Look at their envious eyes, and then smile proudly.

At this time, they had completely forgotten because they did not want to farm or dig wells. How many people have been whipped?

The laziness of Africans is actually not nature, but tradition. Because this is how it has been passed down from generation to generation. Just like the Chinese people work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

The only way to change them is through violence. Otherwise, if you kowtow and beg them, they will think you are rebellious.

Because starving to death is their business and none of your business. This is how our ancestors survived.

lighter is very proud and proud. The position of chief has been passed down to him for many generations.

And he was the first clan leader to prevent his people from starving during the dry season. Even though the tribesmen chose to accept the fate of heaven, it did not mean that they were really willing to die.

But now the chief Lighter has managed to prevent them from dying in such a season. This is their god.

They also have another god, Yang Geyong, who is a supreme god who is more respected than the chief. He can tear apart lions and leopards with his bare hands. At this moment, he is walking on the street, with several lions following behind him.

As more and more people come from outside tribes, Yang Geyong has taken control measures. That is, only those who are willing to work will have food to eat and water to drink.

The children have all gone to school, and teachers are invited to teach cultural knowledge. Yang Geyong also added a course, which is Chinese.

People here look stupid, but they are not stupid when learning languages. Many children have begun to speak some simple Chinese. Teachers are also invited from the capital. Yang Geyong occasionally makes a guest appearance.

Those who flee will receive all these benefits as long as they are willing to surrender. Therefore, the number of people in the lighter tribe is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are no idle people here, and the old, weak, women and children can do some simple farm work in the fields. Yang Geyong originally wanted to build several factories, but because the hydropower station had not yet been completed, he put it on hold.

Of course, there must be some rebels among those who come. They are not engaged in production, but they still want to get something for nothing. So robberies happen from time to time.

When dealing with this kind of thing, the lighter tribe handles it simply and directly. Execute! In troubled times, heavy codes are used, and those tolerant policies are of no use here.

The tribe of Lighter was originally called Yajia. After merging with the tribe of Tuva, Lighter decided to change the name of the tribe to Maasai and the town to Maasai City.

In fact, strictly speaking, they are not purebred Maasai people. But because the Maasai people in East Africa represent warriors, Lighter feels that his tribe deserves this title.

The rise of the Maasai tribe will naturally touch the interests of some people. That is the Toga tribe adjacent to them.

Strictly speaking, the Toga tribe is not actually a tribe, but an alliance of five tribes with the same ethnic group.

They distinguished the differences between tribes based on geographical location. It’s the east, west, south, north, and middle toga.

Among them, Zhongtuojia is the most powerful because they have iron ore and can make simple iron tools and make pottery.

In any era, only when economic strength rises can one truly have the right to speak. Such as today's Zhongtuojia.

Because other nearby tribes have to buy ironware and pottery from them, they are one of the richest tribes in the area.

If you have money, you will naturally build up arms. Their soldiers' spears and bows and arrows were all made of iron, and the chief and his guards all had guns. Although guns are products made by the British decades ago, they are much more powerful than cold weapons.

Adjacent to the Maasai tribe is the Nantoga. The Nantoga is a farming tribe. They grow corn, sorghum and tobacco leaves.

Of course, their planting methods are naturally the same as those of Lighter. Take a pointed stick, dig a hole in the ground and throw the seeds in.

As for whether it will grow long or not, that is God's business. Anyway, when the day comes, they will come and look for the food they planted in the grass.

In this way, they not only have enough food to eat, but can also exchange it for some daily necessities, which shows how fertile the land here is.

However, this kind of lifestyle also has the worst resistance to natural disasters. The food at home is gone in less than a month. What will we do in the remaining days?

Even if you eat grass, only licorice is left. How do you eat that? We can only dig some underground plant roots to satisfy our hunger. Change it to one meal a day.

As these roots become fewer and fewer, people have begun to look sallow and thin. The old, young, women and children were the worst affected, and some began to starve to death.

The instinct to survive led these people to start looking for a way to survive, and they came to Marseille. First it was a few people, then a group, then a village.

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