Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1324 A step higher

After some research, I finally came to a conclusion. Just controlling the supply channels is not enough. We must also open convenience stores like Junken LIDL. In this way, they can be blocked from channels, and these goods can also be sold through these stores, so there will be no backlog.

Once the matter was settled, Schneider began to implement the strategy. It is easy to open a convenience store. For such a small store, only three or two employees are enough. Schneider only needs to issue the order.

By this time, Erhong and Martha had returned to Boston, because the Wal-Mart branch manager had started opening a convenience store.

Not to mention, this trick really works, the only thing missing is Chinese small commodities. In fact, Wal-Mart also purchased some goods, but the sales were not very good, so they gave up, mainly because the price was high.

I have to admit that Wal-Mart has strict procedures for purchasing goods. Whenever you choose a source of goods, you must not only check the quality of the goods, but also the manufacturer.

As a result, the vast majority of suppliers will be shut out. Because where do these small commodities come from from big manufacturers? Once scale is established, prices will go up.

Besides, some small commodities do not require strict inspection. For example, that bamboo basket, what are you inspecting?

Therefore, Wal-Mart quickly gave up on this issue. They are afraid that these products will damage their brand.

And how does Junken LIDL manage this business in such a booming manner? In fact, aunts from all countries are the same. They like to go shopping when they have nothing to do.

In addition, after Americans get married, many women like to be housewives. Therefore, there are more people on the street, and these dazzling Chinese commodities are what attract their attention the most.

Slowly, the business that had declined due to the lack of fresh food picked up again. Coupled with the gradual establishment of a supply base, Junken LIDL in Boston has begun to supply fresh food again.

I have to say that Schneider is ruthless enough. He adopts Erhong's strategy in China, that is, wherever there is military reclamation LIDL, there must be a Wal-Mart convenience store.

Not to mention, this trick is really effective. After all, Wal-Mart has been in business for many years and has accumulated a wealth of contacts and a considerable audience. As a result, closures are rising rapidly.

But what they didn't know was that Junken LIDL's business was not affected at all. On the contrary, some other small and medium-sized supermarkets and convenience stores were affected, and there was a wave of closures.

The United States is a place where the law is strict, and small shop owners have gone to court to sue Wal-Mart for malicious competition.

As for why they didn't sue the military to develop LIDL, it was because they couldn't find a reason, because it started out as a convenience store, while Wal-Mart was a large supermarket.

After a long lawsuit, Wal-Mart finally won. Because the business license says that it is a retail business, you can’t control how big a store they open.

At this time, Junken LIDL took the opportunity to speed up its layout and quickly occupy the market. The layout was quickly completed in Boston, leaving Wal-Mart a step behind.

Although Americans live in relatively loose living conditions, especially those with middle and high-income earners, their purchasing power is leveraged. The profits are not lower than those in a domestic community.

In order to highlight Chinese characteristics, Junken LIDL also added some dumplings, steamed buns, and other Chinese fast food. Of course, there must be no overlap with Laosi’s fast food.

This greatly increased the interest of the foreigners with dietary patterns, and they even came over to buy some food. Anyway, it’s just a matter of walking a few steps, which is much easier than cooking.

This time Junken LIDL has completely established a foothold in Boston and has been recognized by the people. Now the people here have become accustomed to it. If they don’t go to this store to buy something, they feel as if something is missing.

Wal-Mart did not lose this battle, after all, its sales increased a lot. Schneider also gave an explanation to the board of directors. Although he did not defeat Junken LIDL, his turnover increased.

However, they suffered losses because a large number of supermarkets and convenience stores closed down, and these people became big fans of Junken LIDL.

Erhong and Masha took the opportunity to recruit this group of people. After all, they all belonged to the industry, and the military reclamation LIDL wanted to spread out across the United States at a time when they were short of people.

These people soon became the backbone of the army, helping them fight for success.

Because of Wal-Mart's constant surveillance, Erhong and the others have also slowed down their expansion and are working steadily. Everywhere they go, they must first establish a fresh food base.

This was of great help to Lao Si, because the quantity of things his store needed every day was quite large. Now that the two have become one in this regard, these channels cannot be taken away by Wal-Mart.

Rob frowned and looked at the turnover data report. He understood that this battle was not won. It just squeezes the market share of other stores.

And his old rival LIDL has begun to grow and develop. This incident was like a thorn, piercing deeply into his heart.

However, the board of directors didn't care about this, and still commended Schneider. If he made money, there would be no reason to fire him.

Ye Yuze and Yu'e flew back to Boston, and they were free again. Yu'e does housework every day, while Ye Yuze goes to the master's place every day to help train the juniors.

Now the master has more than 200 disciples, and he is well-known not only in Boston but also in the United States.

The word Chinese Kung Fu has been known to more and more Americans. The media people's sense of touch was sharper than a dog's nose, and soon Lin Tiejiang, the military attache of the Baji Sect, began to be reported in various news.

Although Zhou Guihua and Harry have resigned from the club, there is an endless stream of people coming to the martial arts gym every day to challenge.

Every time something like this happens, reporters from the media and TV stations will flock to the scene. Start broadcasting.

I have to admit that Lao Mi has a strong sense of law and they don't dare to be vague about broadcast rights. Harry is also a lawyer and quickly finalized the price of each broadcast.

As a result, this time, the income is much higher than that of those apprentices. But reporters are also very good. Sometimes the people who come here are so overestimated that they will be kicked by Zhou Guihua until they can't get up. What’s the point of such a broadcast?

So they conducted interviews with the challengers from the beginning, exaggerating the challengers' records and abilities. Every challenge is made full of suspense, and the ratings are very good.

When the Colombian TV station in the United States saw that this program was going to be successful, it simply spent 10 million US dollars to buy out the exclusive broadcast rights and expel those little shrimps from the country.

If you want to rebroadcast it, you can buy it from me. Don't even think about finding bargains in an eighth-level martial arts gym.

At this time, Bassong, who succeeded Zhou Guihua and Harry to sign with the club, was also at the peak of his fame.

This guy is inherently fierce and has never lost before challenging Zhou Guihua. As a result, he fell into the hands of Yang Geyong, and he has never been able to get out of this mood.

Li Bai and I are classmates

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