Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1314 Water Ballet

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment: "She will just leave you if she leaves you?"

Yang Geyong was even more surprised: "Shouldn't I listen to her? I have been obedient since the day we met."

Ye Yuze didn't want to talk anymore. This couple had always been different from others. Don't get involved in things you don't understand. But after thinking about it, I still said: "Let's leave tomorrow morning and take Han Xiaojing and the others back to China."

Yang Geyong said "Oh" and stopped changing clothes. Turned around and went to the training ground again.

After this victory, this tribal army is as strong as a chicken. Everyone is like a lighter, as if labor and capital are invincible.

Anyway, I’m not short of money, so I’ll just pile up bullets. After several months of training, the results are still very significant. At least the government troops here are really not on the same level as them.

Although they are not at the same level as Lewis yet, as time accumulates, the gap will soon be filled.

For dinner, we had antelope meat, which was captured by a male lion. Now this lion is obsessed with eating cooked food. Although we can’t stew it, we can roast it and add some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, otherwise we will lose our appetite. .

A few female lions were also more lazy, taking a nap next to the training ground if they had nothing to do. I only go hunting once a day, as long as I have enough to eat.

The key point is that these black brothers are enthusiastic and have guns. How can they be short of food for hunting or something?

Mainly because of the majestic presence of a few house-holding beasts here. Anyone who goes out can chat with the people outside for a long time. Now that the two tribes have merged, the Lighter tribe's settlement has doubled. It is under construction, and Lighter plans to turn this place into a small town.

At least build a few decent houses, and you can be considered the overlord. You have to have an office space, right? There are also soldiers’ barracks, schools, and hospitals.

Ye Yuze will definitely get some money when he goes back this time. Plus those mercenary cards, how much money will there be in total? If you are rich, be prepared to plan a small town for him.

When it got dark, Han Xiaojing came to him and asked him to accompany him for a walk outside. This reunion only lasted half a day, and they would be separated early tomorrow morning.

Because it was Yang Geyong's plane, and Ye Yuze was going back to Boston, so he couldn't fly on the same plane yet.

They walked along the river for a long time. The river was very wide and the current was very fast. That’s why a hydroelectric power station was built here.

We walked to a place where the water surface was particularly wide, and the water flow here became much gentler. Because it was just starting to get dark, the river water was dark green. The waves sparkled under the breeze.

"I want to swim, you are not allowed to peek." Han Xiaojing guessed that the combat uniform had been worn for a long time and the clothes had a rancid smell. Seeing the river water, the girl's beauty-loving nature came back.

"I don't want to look at it. Just look at the crocodile. That guy doesn't care about the meat. He has to eat it when he sees it." Ye Yuze reminded.

Han Xiaojing raised the saber in her hand and said, "I'm not afraid. If the crocodiles come, we'll kill them for dinner."

Ye Yuze had no choice but to nod, forgetting that this girl was a female tyrannosaurus. The crocodile probably had to go around when he saw her.

Han Xiaojing was wearing shorts and a short shirt, with a saber on her waist. As the cool river water hit her body, she moaned happily. Then he plunged into the water.

When her head emerged again, she sprayed out a spray of water and shouted to Ye Yuze: "Ye Yuze, come down quickly, it feels so comfortable!"

How could Ye Yuze still hold back? He was already dripping with sweat, so he took off his clothes in a few seconds, leaving only a pair of shorts, then jumped into the water and swam towards Han Xiaojing.

When he was approaching, Ye Yuze also plunged into the water. When he was about to dive in front of Han Xiaojing, he suddenly jumped out and startled her.

The water of this river is very clear and you can see things in the water. But when he swam in front of Han Xiaojing underwater, he saw a white figure.

He thought he had seen it wrong, so he jumped out of the water and was stunned. Didn't this girl come down wearing something? Why is this so bad? Do you really think I, Liu Shanghui, is his younger brother?

Han Xiaojing looked at him with a smile. What was it if it wasn't clothes? Ye Yuze pounced on him. It would be too hurtful to his self-esteem if he was worse than an animal at this moment.

The water is a bit deep, about three meters. Wrestling in such deep water does require skill.

After all, both of them are masters, and their bodies have excellent strength and flexibility. So this difficulty is not a problem.

They fought all the way from the water to the shore, and a large piece of waterweed was flattened. After more than an hour, the two finally stopped.

"Love me?" Han Xiaojing clung to Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze's mouth felt bitter. He was most afraid of someone asking him this question. Has he ever been in love? It seems there has been. But that was a long time ago.

In fact, all subsequent experiences cannot be said to be love, including my wife. I can only say that I am touched and loved. How can a person who is truly in love have so many women? One person can fill his heart completely.

Feeling his hesitation, Han Xiaojing couldn't help but feel sad. In fact, she already knew the answer. It’s just that I don’t want to admit it. Otherwise, there would have been sparks between the two of them last time in Africa.

After groping Ye Yuze's stubbled face for a while, Han Xiaojing laughed: "Little brother, don't be burdened. You saved my sister's life. This is just a promise. From now on, let's live our lives together!"

After saying that, Han Xiaojing stood up and put on her clothes, reaching out to pull Ye Yuze who was still lying on the ground.

Ye Yuze looked at her quietly for a while: "I like you, we will be relatives for the rest of our lives. I just don't know how to love, or I am not qualified to love."

Han Xiaojing was stunned for a while, then she pulled him up and hugged him: "These words are enough. No matter where I go in this life, you will always be in my position!"

Han Xiaojing pointed to her heart, and then urged him to get dressed and go back. She wants to drink.

The wine was brought at the hydropower station construction site. Hao Guoguang had some. This guy liked to drink Hengshui Laobaigan.

The spicy liquid poured down your throat was like burning, but it was pleasant. How can wine with a temperature below 53 degrees be called wine?

Because they were leaving tomorrow, a group of people drank until midnight. The drunken lighter hugged Ye Yuze and cried "Wow".

It was Ye Yuze who changed his destiny. Although his father died, he had a future. At the very least, the lives of him and his tribe will change a lot in the future.

Why else would it be important to say which friends a person has, because friends may affect your life. And lighter is just the lucky one.

Yang Geyong solemnly asked Lewis to take the people to train well. He had arranged everything and would be back soon. That posture seems to be taking root here.

Dear friends, do you want to develop here? give a suggestion

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