Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1312 Found the rightful owner

Jackal was founded in this environment. Peak originally came to Africa to join Whitewater Company, but only after arriving did he realize that joining the company was not the best choice.

So he summoned a few like-minded friends and recruited some stragglers to establish the Jackal Mercenaries. Their most eye-catching achievement is to help a small country's government-in-exile successfully restore its country.

Since then, that small country has become their base camp. From the president to the army, everyone basically obeys their command.

The reason why he took this mission was that the remuneration was high, and Peak was more concerned about his relationship with White Water Company. Because he knows that the background of this company is unfathomable.

In fact, the purpose of coming here this time is to occupy the gold mine of the Lighter tribe. As for this construction site, it is just a matter of picking up grass and kicking around.

Unexpectedly, it has been half a month since I arrived, and the gold mine has not been captured yet. It’s time to take down the hydropower station construction site.

As for this construction site, the employer is also Whitewater. Their demand is that China withdraws its investment and leaves and tears up the contract. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to intervene.

After all, the quotation given by China has no profit at all for them. If they want to enter, they have to match the Chinese offer.

Therefore, only if China tears up the contract, they will do it according to their own price. The Tanzanian government can’t say anything?

However, this Chinese manager is more difficult to deal with and still refuses to contact the head office, even if he is tortured.

In fact, what Peak didn't know was that the Chinese manager had called them since they broke in. He believed that the country would not ignore them, so he persisted until now.

However, the head office contacted the embassy, ​​and when the embassy went to negotiate with the Tanzanian police, they kept arguing, so there has been no movement yet.

The gunshots outside were caused by several intruders, five of them in total, each of them smart and capable. If they hadn't driven directly into the construction site, no one from Peak would have noticed them.

The five of them were all wearing camouflage uniforms, with oil paint on their faces, and looked like standard mercenaries. It can only be seen from the body shape that it belongs to Asian body type.

There was also a woman among them, as agile as a leopard, with an automatic rifle in her hand, constantly spraying fire snakes. As long as her gunshot sounded, someone on Peak's side would definitely be shot.

It's just that most of Peak's people were hiding in the house, and there were still hostages in the house. The people who came were obviously worried, so they were restrained.

Although some mercenaries were injured, the number was too small after all, and two of them were injured. This time it was even worse.

When Peak saw this scene, he couldn't help but show a fierce expression. He grabbed a hostage and walked to the gate, shouting to those few:

"Are you here to rescue the hostages? Now I give you two choices, either draw your weapons and capture them without mercy. Or watch them die in front of you one by one, and then we will kill you!"

After saying that, Peak shot the hostage in the temple, and then asked his men to bring another one over. When the hostage came to him, he pushed the dead hostage away and replaced it with the new one.

"Give you ten seconds to think about it. If you don't choose, I will kill one in five minutes until I finish all the kills. Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

The newcomers all looked at the woman, who was obviously the leader. The woman hesitated for a moment, then stamped her foot and threw the gun to the ground.

Peak laughed evilly, strode over, grabbed the woman's hair, and kicked her hard in the stomach. The woman gritted her teeth and blood flowed from her mouth, but her eyes were filled with fierceness.

"Tie them all up and beat them hard. Anyone who dares to kill me, I will make it impossible for you to die today!" Peak roared.

The men swarmed up. These people had injured more than a dozen of them in succession. They were already filled with hatred, and they immediately started punching and kicking them.

Peak picked up the woman's collar and tore it down hard, revealing a sliver of snow-white. Peak licked his lips: "I'll do it first, and then I'll hand you over to my brothers later, so you know what it means." I want to die."

But before he finished speaking, a helicopter roared in the sky, deafening.

Peak looked up and saw that this plane was the same one that had flown away a few hours ago. Then he cursed and asked his men to get rocket launchers and shoot down the plane.

But before his men started to move, grenades were thrown from the plane like raindrops, and they were thrown towards the place where Peak's people were concentrated. At this time, the hostages were still in the work shed.

"Throw it here, don't worry about us. Blast all these bastards to death!" the woman shouted.

Because her hands and feet were not tied yet, she was just kicked to the vital point by Peak, and she had just recovered from her injuries.

Peak's hand holding her hair didn't let go at all, and he tugged hard again. He raised his foot and kicked her again.

Now that the situation was so chaotic, how could the woman still let him kick her? She leaned forward, almost close to Peak's arms, and then pushed her knees up as hard as she could.

Hearing a scream, Peak immediately bent like a prawn. How could a woman just let go? Another knee to his face.

Peak's face was covered with blood. This shows how strong this woman is.

As soon as the plane finished throwing grenades, several cars broke in. At the front were two infantry vehicles, which were running rampant like tanks. Peak's men were shooting desperately, and the steel plates they hit made a "snap" sound.

But by this time, everyone in the truck behind had jumped out. The black men rushed over with guns in hand and fired.

There are fifty people on Peak's side, and a dozen of them were killed or wounded just now. In addition to Ye Yuze's explosion, more than a dozen people were killed and injured.

There are only about twenty people left who can really fight. But Ye Yuze and the others rushed in with more than 200 people. Even if they can fight more, they can only be completely destroyed.

At this time, the helicopter also lowered its altitude and began to fire with machine guns. Ye Yuze took advantage of the plane's lower altitude and jumped down holding the machine gun.

At this time, Yang Geyong also rushed over with a machine gun in hand. The two of them joined together, like two wolves breaking into a herd of sheep, and they were invincible.

And the group of black people were infected by them, and each one of them was holding a gun and shouting and beating anyone on sight. Within ten minutes, no one on Peak's side was standing.

This is because they all wear bulletproof vests, otherwise they would all have been sieved long ago.

Ye Yuze had just seen Peak on the plane and knew that he was the leader of the group, so he immediately ran over there.

At this time, Peak was still rolling on the ground being beaten by the woman. Seeing this, Ye Yuze trembled all over. Don't mess with anyone, don't mess with women!

But Ye Yuze heard the woman shouting at them just now, and he was very impressed.

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