Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1299 A lot of American equipment

They didn't have enough transportation, and it took them four hours to walk here from the station. This was because they moved more quickly.

Yang Geyong had to drive his Grand Cherokee because neither Lighter nor Ye Yuze could go that far. Only by car.

Yang Geyong drove because as the top officer of the army, he must be distinguished from others.

When they arrived not far from the gold mine, Ye Yuze and the others also got out of the car and turned off the engine. This was a tactic that Yang Geyong came up with. In order to avoid casualties on his own side, they tried their best to resolve the battle without bloodshed.

After a month of training, the level of these guys has improved greatly. At least the AK47 is no longer a fire stick in their hands.

It's just that grappling and fighting cannot be trained in a short time, so the two sentries on duty have to be dealt with personally by Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze.

The two people went around from the left and right sides respectively, but unexpectedly, as soon as they left, Lighter waved his hand and lurked forward in a straight line with a few black people.

It had to be admitted that at night, their skin color had a natural concealment effect, and coupled with their stealth skills trained in long-term hunting life, they quickly approached the two guards.

Lighter nocked an arrow and cocked it, and several of his subordinates did the same, with uniform movements. Then several arrows were shot out at the same time.

The two guards fell to the ground without making a sound. At this time, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong had just approached. I was also shocked.

Fifty people lived in three tents respectively. I have to admit that Americans value enjoyment. There was a generator outside the tent they lived in. This generator not only provided lighting, but also had an electric fan. Even Lighter and his father have never enjoyed this kind of condition.

It may also be because the noise of the generator was a bit loud, and the professional security guards didn't notice the movement outside at all.

Yang Geyong divided the 200 people into three groups and entered three tents respectively. As a result, by the time the security guards were scolded, the weapons and equipment had been confiscated.

They were all wearing only underwear and were ordered to squat on the ground.

Yang Geyong couldn't close his mouth. These weapons were much more advanced than the ones he bought from Nicholas. The individual equipment alone was an astronomical sum.

According to Yang Geyong and Lighter, these prisoners were killed and thrown onto the grassland and left alone. The wild beasts would naturally help them clean up. But he was stopped by Ye Yuze. He didn't want to cause too much carnage.

Soon, these people and Jiba were escorted out without any clothes. Who knows if these guys have any weapons hidden in their clothes?

Ye Yuze's method of dealing with the situation was simple and crude, that is, leaving one driver behind, while the rest of the people were tied up and thrown into the truck, letting them go wherever they came from.

As for the things they brought, they will naturally be confiscated. After all, a group of foreigners came to the land of the Maasai people to dig for gold. This is something that my uncle cannot tolerate but my aunt cannot tolerate.

Jiba went completely crazy, having invested so much money this time. The result is still the same. Doesn't this make him bankrupt?

So he roared and declared that he was a legal foreign businessman and had a contract signed with the Tanzanian government.

But lighter waved his hand and told him to get lost: "This is the territory of our Maasai people. Even if the government expropriates it, it needs to negotiate with us. And reasonable compensation must be given."

"You, a foreigner, just come here to mine without paying a penny. Whose law are you following?"

"The reason I won't kill you today is because God has good intentions. If I see you again next time, even your God will not be able to save you."

After sending those guys away, everyone cheered, mainly because the harvest was so rich.

The way Africans celebrate is always monotonous, singing and dancing.

With so much food and wine, Yang Geyong would naturally not treat his subordinates badly and make as much as he wanted. The gold mine produced a lot of gold, so there was no harm in eating and drinking.

After Jiba and his party, who fled back to the Baishui Company base, reported the situation, the company's senior management also hesitated.

They are not afraid of fighting and have a variety of advanced weapons and experienced warriors. But after all, they are just a company, and any actions must be based on profit.

In this way, he got into an inexplicable fight with a group of heavily armed locals, which was not worth the gain. After all, the gold mine is on someone else's land. Who can say whether it is legal or not?

If a fight really breaks out, it’s impossible for the Tanzanian government to blindly worship foreigners, right? After all, the government of every country always has to consider the voices of the people.

The silence of Whitewater's senior executives made Ziba very angry, because he paid a huge price for hiring a group of security guards.

Now that the task was not completed and they refused to send anyone, he naturally wanted the money back. Just relying on his strength to fight against Baishui Company is obviously still far behind.

The reason given by Whitewater is that they are bodyguards, not soldiers. They will not do anything that is not protected by the Tanzanian government. Moreover, they have also suffered losses. If Ziba persists, they will sue in court and seek compensation.

After Jiba was angry, he still endured it, because life was more important than money. He didn't want to be found dead one day and dumped in the wilderness. This White Water Company could do it.

However, this place used to be a British territory, and they naturally have inextricable connections here. Ziba had no choice but to contact his compatriots here, and still wanted to legally own this gold mine through the channels of the Tanzanian government.

Naturally, he didn't dare to deal with Baishui Company anymore. It was a demon that ate people without spitting out their bones.

Even though the senior management of Whitewater Company handled this matter calmly, how could they be willing to suffer such a loss?

At the very least, the equipment and supplies must be returned. Otherwise it would be so embarrassing. Moreover, after they counted the number of people, they found that there was one missing, and that was Captain Lewis.

Although they didn't care much about the life and death of the African-American, this loss was something they couldn't bear. So after discussion, the senior management decided to send someone to get the things back. If the other party really didn't give them, they would not hesitate to use force.

Lewis took advantage of the chaos to escape, mainly because he realized something was wrong in advance. Therefore, before Lighter and the others rushed into the tent, they opened the tarp and escaped.

But there were Maasai people everywhere and he couldn't get away, so he took advantage of the chaos and got into a big wooden box.

He squatted in the box until the black people's carnival was over and there was no movement outside, then he quietly got up.

After some observation, he was not in a hurry to escape, because at this time he was only wearing a pair of underwear and walking on the African grassland like this. There was only one outcome, and that was to become food.

First, he needs to get weapons, and then get a car. This is the most basic guarantee for survival. It must be done.

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