Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1295 British Gold Diggers

Human beings have a common habit, that is, they like to trace their origins. Whether they are Chinese emperors, European nobles or African natives, they all like to support people with blood to lead them. It's as if that bloodline is a seal.

Now that Lighter has eliminated these Tuva bloodlines, this threat no longer exists. The Tuva tribe was now completely annexed by Lighter.

Their tribe is called Yajia. They have their own language and writing, while the Tuva tribe has similar language and writing because they share the same origin.

Lighter captured all the leaders of the Tuva tribe and took them away. And left fifty people to tidy up the place, and then returned to the camp.

But Yang Geyong wanted to stay here, and Ye Yuze naturally couldn't leave. He couldn't worry about his brother being here by himself.

Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze patrolled this new territory with several lions. The land here is more fertile than that of Lighter, mainly because there is a river passing through the territory.

On Lighter's side, the river flows through the junction of the two tribes. Therefore, it is difficult for their land to be irrigated.

Africa is a continent rich in products. Many places here are actually very suitable for growing crops. The two of them were driving around in the car while Yang Geyong talked about his plans for the place.

Ye Yuze looked at him in surprise: "Brother, you don't want to stay here to farm, do you? Wake up, we are just here to have fun. If you want to farm, there is plenty in the city."

Yang Geyong was stunned for a while, and then laughed at himself. He was too deeply involved in the drama. After driving forward for a while, Yang Geyong found a group of people gathering in front of him. He didn't know what they were doing. So I stepped on the accelerator and drove over.

I saw a few white people directing a group of local people to work, just like Lighter and others selecting diamonds, using dustpans to find them in the river.

The two people became curious, did the Tuva tribe also have diamonds? Just as the two were about to get out of the car, two white men pointed guns at them and shouted: "Go away, visitors are not allowed here."

Yang Geyong was about to scold back, but was stopped by Ye Yuze, who stepped away from them as soon as he accelerator. He could tell that the eyes of the two men holding the guns were full of murderous intent, and they looked like professional gun players.

If you are not prepared at all and you brag to others, you are very likely to be shot in the head.

But there is one thing that cannot be tolerated. This is already the territory of lighters. What are these white people doing here? At the very least, no matter what you do on other people's land? You also have to say hello to the owner, right?

After the car drove to a safe area, Ye Yuze took out his phone and called Lighter, asking him to interrogate the prisoner to see if anyone knew about this?

Naturally, lighter took this matter very seriously. Although he was still holding a funeral for the old chief, he did not delay at all and quickly interrogated several leaders of the Tuva tribe.

After asking everyone, no one knew about it. Finally, the leader of a small village told him that some white people went to their village to hire people to dig for gold.

For this, the white man also gave him a few bottles of wine and two cigarettes.

After hearing Lighter's explanation of the situation, Ye Yuze couldn't help but cursed: "These bastards came to dig for gold and then got rid of them with a few bottles of wine."

Yang Geyong was already furious. He was pointed at a gun just now. If Ye Yuze hadn't stopped him, he would have done it. When I heard what was going on, I couldn't bear it anymore. I pulled the gun and walked back.

Ye Yuze still stopped him and drove towards the Tuva tribe. After all, this is Africa, and Ye Yuze thinks it is better to let the locals solve these matters.

Back at the station, Ye Yuze called a few warriors from the Lighter tribe and pulled them towards the gold diggers. Ye Yuze asked these Africans to expel the white people.

As soon as they got close to those people, the two men with guns pointed their guns at them again. Ye Yuze saw clearly the guns in their hands and couldn't help but be secretly shocked. It turned out that they were the latest American automatic rifles, and both of them were wearing body armor in such hot weather.

There are only two origins of such people, one may be the military, the other may be a mercenary. No matter what kind of situation, two people cannot mess with each other.

Several tribesmen rushed over with spears, and made a sound toward the white people.

These white people brought translators, and the translators were also locals, otherwise they would not be able to understand the language here.

When the translator translated the meaning of several tribesmen to drive them away, the leader, a white man in his forties, stretched out his middle finger and cursed "Fake!" and then asked the two bodyguards to drive them away.

The two bodyguards then fired a shot into the air, pointed their guns at the black men, and yelled curses at them to get out.

Naturally, the black men were not to be outdone, because Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were both in the car, and they also had guns.

Moreover, they all saw Yang Geyong's performance in attacking the Tuva tribe. He shot one shot at a time, and every bullet was perfect.

Add in Ye Yuze, a man who rides a lion as a horse. If they are still timid, they are not Marseille warriors.

Therefore, a few of them held up their spears and walked over directly facing the muzzle of the gun.

At this time, a bodyguard's patience seemed to have reached its limit, and he reached out and was about to pull the trigger. Ye Yuze, who was staring at each other on his cell phone, had already shot the bullet.

"Bang" the bullet accurately hit the bodyguard's right hand that pulled the trigger. The other bodyguard reacted very quickly and immediately turned his gun and pointed it at Ye Yuze.

Yang Geyong's bullet immediately shot out and hit the guy's right wrist directly.

If Ye Yuze hadn't told him in advance not to kill anyone, this guy would have gone to see the King of Hell.

When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he also pulled out the pistol on his waist. It turned out to be a Desert Eagle. This kind of pistol is famous in the world, not only has a huge caliber of 0.44 mm. The lethality is also very terrifying.

A single shot from a distance of 200 meters can bring down an elk. You must know that elk are large herbivores.

Coupled with the beautiful shape and gun body, countless gun fans flock to it.

However, this thing is good, but its shortcoming is equally obvious, and that is the terrifying recoil. It is said that people who weigh less than 80 kilograms cannot control it at all.

But after the middle-aged man took out his pistol, he didn't dare to move it, because Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were already walking towards them with guns in hand. As long as he dared to raise the muzzle of the gun, there would definitely be two more holes in his body.

Although he did not dare to hold a gun, he still shouted angrily: "I am British businessman Ziba, which country are you from? Why are you attacking us?"

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong almost stopped complaining. What the hell are they called? They have to be called Jiba. I don’t know what his father thought at first?

"This is the land of the Tuva people. Who allowed you to mine gold here?" Ye Yuze was naturally unambiguous and asked loudly in English.

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