Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1290: When in town, do as the Romans do

Ye Yuze couldn't bear to look directly at him, and Yang Geyong also covered his face, but the gaps between his fingers were a bit wide. Then Lighter explained generously:

"The reason for this is to let you choose the one you like based on the shape. I don't have anything good here, so don't be polite about the souvenirs."

People often need to be easy-going, especially after arriving in a strange place. The best way to integrate is to do as the locals do.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong are both good guests. Naturally, they will not embarrass their host. They are all friends. There is no need to be polite and they must treat each other sincerely.

It's just that their mansion is a little less interesting. Whether rich or poor, they are all straw huts, but they vary in size.

The chief's residence is an earthen house with carpets, furniture and other furnishings. It makes no difference to anyone else.

The next morning, Ye Yuze walked around and found that his mansion was different from others, that is, it had a bed. Everyone sleeps on the floor.

Only when I entered Yang Geyong's house did I realize that even the bed was prepared for nothing. There was no way, there were so many people, the bed collapsed.

The four of them just slept on the straw mats, sleeping soundly.

Ye Yuze quickly retreated. It turned out that sleeping on fruits was popular in this place and it was too hot.

A pair of arms came up behind him, and Ye Yuze knew who it was by smelling it. He was mainly hungry and got up to look for food, but no one got up.

After gesticulating for a long time, the woman behind him finally understood what Ye Yuze wanted? Pull him to the place where the bonfire was lit last night.

The burnt wooden sticks were also covered with the same burnt pieces of meat. The woman opened her mouth and gnawed the burnt layer on the outside. Then hand him the meat inside.

Ye Yuze was a little moved, and after biting his teeth for a long time, he ate it. It just doesn't have much flavor, because they don't marinate the barbecue, they just sprinkle seasoning on the surface when grilling.

The woman brought another pot and gestured to make sima for him. Ye Yuze nodded, Yang Geyong and the others would have to eat after they got up anyway.

It was also the first time for Ye Yuze to see the processing of this thing. It turns out that you just boil a pot of water and keep adding cornmeal to it. Then stir continuously with a wooden stick. It's ready until it's so thick that it can't be stirred.

After the meal was done, Lighter and Yang Geyong also got up. Lighter gave Yang Geyong a thumbs up to express his admiration. Yang Geyong smiled shyly, his old face turning red.

Ye Yuze asked Lighter what the name of this woman was? lighter said cat. Ye Yuze smiled, are people here so arbitrary in their naming?

Forget about the lighter, the cats are out. But if you look closely, you can see that they are quite similar, with shiny black skin, sparkling eyes, and snow-white teeth. There is no fat on his body at all, and his movements are agile and light. Isn't it just a cat?

As the chief's son, Lighter naturally still has something to eat, and that is bacon. But their bacon is always eaten raw.

A few people ate half a pot of sima with this bacon. Finally they were full, and then they drove to the grassland.

The climate in the African savannah is hot and dry. Perhaps due to climate influence, the grass here is a little yellow, but this does not affect their vigorous growth.

Compared to the grasslands in northern Xinjiang, the wild grass here can be described as a forest. They are basically half a person tall. Ye Yuze also couldn't understand why the plants were so lush in such a dry place.

However, there is no shortage of water in Junken City, but the grass has barely grown out of the ground. They can maintain this height for three seasons, from spring to autumn.

Of course, there are also grasses as tall as a person, which are reserved for winter and are reluctant to graze.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong sighed: "If this grassland were placed in northern Xinjiang, how many cattle and sheep would be raised?"

But people here don’t raise any of them, they just hunt them if they want to eat meat. They are all wild and natural.

Don't think that the tribesmen will hunt like they did today, with guns in hand. They all use sharpened sticks, bows and arrows, and blowpipes.

Their homemade blowpipe is very magical. It is a small tube with small arrows inside. Blow it out with your mouth.

Even though this little arrow is only as long as a palm and as thick as a chopstick. But the cut hair part is coated with poison. It's basically like sealing one's throat at the sight of blood. But the poisonous man was fine after eating it.

This incident also made Ye Yuze deeply emotional. The reason why humans stand out among many animals is their outstanding wisdom.

I guess this kind of venom can only be obtained after many experiments, right?

The three people drove aimlessly on the prairie. Originally, the chief wanted to send two experienced hunters to follow them, but Lighter refused.

Because Lighter always believed that he was the best hunter in the tribe.

Ye Yuze asked about his mother. He was sure that there were no white people among the chief's wives he saw last night.

Lighter looked disappointed and said sadly: "When I was ten years old, she contracted malaria and died."

Yang Geyong couldn't help but wonder why a white woman came back to this place. After lighter's explanation, the two of them understood that there were white people in Africa as well.

Because they settled here very early and have reproduced for many generations, they have long had nothing to do with their original country.

But later, with the independence of various African countries, these white people who originally had status in African countries were directly deprived of their property, and they became homeless.

He can only wander around Africa and make a living by selling his physical strength. And lighter's mother is one of them.

The chief didn't figure out her name until his death, maybe she didn't deserve a name in the first place.

Ye Yuze patted Lighter on the shoulder and apologized, and Lighter quickly laughed again. He is a cheerful person who can easily put his unhappiness behind him.

After wandering around for more than an hour, except for the occasional hare, no other prey was seen. Naturally, the three of them disdained to fight the hare.

Yang Geyong looked at the gun in his hand. It was a British-made Lee-Enfield rifle. Uses 7.7mm bullets, which are pretty powerful. It's just that I'm a little older, and the paint on both the handle and the barrel has all faded away.

Yang Geyong has never played with this gun. There are only a few types of guns in Junken City, and there are more guns in Moscow. But how accurate is this old British product?

Seeing that Lighter was still wandering aimlessly, Yang Geyong said: "Go to the river, no matter what kind of animal, all animals need to drink water."

Lighter's eyes lit up, and then he slapped his head and cursed: "I'm such a pig, I couldn't think of such a simple thing!"

But it seemed there was no need to go to the river, because a herd of zebras was galloping towards them from a distance.

After staring for a while, the three people became dazzled. Because the zebra's stripes quickly blur the vision as it runs at extremely high speeds. It makes you think that the wind is causing the grass to rise and fall.

All three men took out their guns and started aiming straight ahead.

Tickets, tickets, tickets, hit me, hit me

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