Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 128 Yu Laogui

Ye Yuze knew this man, Yu Laogui, who drove the carriage in the company. He usually has no sense of presence in the company.

The family lived alone in the horse pen. They are rarely seen in the company except to haul things.

He has four children. Although they are all considered Ye Yuze's classmates. But Ye Yuze could hardly remember their names.

What I remember most is that the standard for their family is to be dirty.

The clothes of the two adults are always shining. Full of oil.

The same goes for kids. There will definitely be two streaks of mucus under the nose. It may be due to being soaked in nasal mucus for a long time. The upper part of the lips is always red.

In school, they have always been assigned to the corner of the classroom. This is really not discrimination. But they can't change it no matter how much the teacher stresses.

The eldest son of his family is a daughter, the same age as Yang Geyong. Her runny nose was gone. But washing your face is always just about washing your face.

So much so that everything below his face was dark.

Yu Laogui and his wife are not only responsible for raising horses. Also raises pigs.

This couple is responsible for feeding the dozens of pigs in the company.

According to classmates who occasionally visited his home. His family basically doesn’t eat vegetables. Even the staple food is often eaten as feed.

No one can verify this. But Ye Yuze thought about it later. It's really possible.

After all, the feed provided by the infrastructure company is bran and soybeans. If these things are compared with some poor places. It’s also considered good food.

Yu Laogui is very tall, about 1.8 meters tall. But very thin. When you open your arms. The ribs on the chest are clearly visible.

The two arms hang like two sticks at the sides of the body. There was almost no meat visible.

He was about fifty years old. The hair is basically gone. At this moment, he was lying on a stretcher with his eyes closed.

There was a deep indentation on his head.

"How did this happen?"

Ye Wancheng was a little panicked. He is not afraid of trauma. That's bleeding, just suture it.

But it would be terrible to have such a deep groove in a person's head. Because you don't know what's going on inside?

One person replied that when he was unloading feed, he accidentally touched the horse's butt. He was taken to the ground. The carriage wheels rolled over his head.

The wagon wheels of the Infrastructure Company are not made of rubber. Instead, the wooden wheels are covered with a steel plate. It seems that this is what caused the groove on his head.

Ye Wancheng lay on the ground and shouted softly. "Lao Yu, Lao Yu! Can you hear me?"

Yu Laogui's Adam's apple twitched, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.

Ye Wancheng reacted when he saw him. Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here, pour some water!"

Ye Wancheng ordered Xiao Liu behind him.

Xiao Liu took his teapot and handed half a glass of water to Ye Wancheng.

Ye Wancheng brought the teapot close to Laogui's mouth. Slowly came a little water.

Yu Laogui's chapped lips felt water. Opened slightly and drank.

Ye Wancheng fed him another mouthful. Then he handed the teapot back to Xiao Liu.

Injured people cannot drink large amounts of water. This is common sense.

"Lao Yu, how are you feeling?"

Ye Wancheng lay next to his ear and asked softly.

Yu Laogui finally made a voice this time. Just slowly raise your right hand before speaking.

"...Long live! Treasure Island is liberated!"

His hands were raised with difficulty. In the end, it fell down without straightening.

But everyone heard the faint voice. Many people's eyes began to moisten.

Ye Wancheng nodded with tears. "Well, Treasure Island is liberated!"

A smile appeared on Yu Laogui's face. Then he said softly:

"I saved 10,000 yuan, but the country is poor. Consider it my party dues! Give it to the company party branch for me!"

Ye Wancheng is now the instructor. This matter is naturally under his control.

His eyes searched the crowd. I saw Yu Laogui's wife walking over.

His wife obviously heard what the man said. Nodding towards Ye Wancheng.

"The money is at home! I'm going to get it now!"

Ye Wancheng waved his hand to stop his wife. Then he said softly to Lao Gui:

"Okay, I know about this. But we'll talk about it later. Treatment is more important now. I'll send a car to take you to the regiment hospital right away!"

Yu Laogui shook his head and seemed not to agree. But this time Ye Wancheng didn't say anything else to him. The tractor was called and the stretcher was carried to the car. He also followed.

The tractor left with a "chug!" puff of black smoke.

He didn't even bring Yu Laogui's wife with him.

At that time, hospitals did not yet have the habit of refusing to provide treatment without money or family members' signature, as in later generations.

Just like Ye Wancheng, he returned to his mouth when he came back. We also adhere to the concept that doctors are to save lives and heal the wounded.

The deputy instructor also treats patients at the regiment headquarters. Ye Wancheng followed the tractor again.

There are only three people left in the company headquarters: Deputy Company Commander Ma Quanyi and Chief Secretary.

Ma Quanyi looked at the deputy company commander. "How do you think he saved these ten thousand yuan?"

The deputy company commander shook his head. He couldn't figure it out. Their combined salary is only one hundred yuan. and four children.

Yu Laogui was one of the first batch of regiment soldiers. It was the Second Army that surrendered. So I have always been in the Corps.

In this way, it will take seventeen years.

The key point is that in those early years, the wages in the Corps were not so high!

Especially in the early days of the founding of the Corps, Shihezi was built. So many businesses. The state simply has no money to allocate.

Those companies are all money squeezed out of the teeth by soldiers!

A full calculation will give Yu Laogui ten years of time to save money.

One thousand and twelve a year, only ten thousand in ten years. Doesn't he eat or drink?

At this time, the Chief Secretary said something. “Every time I bring him flour and other side dishes, he doesn’t even ask for them!”

"Then what do they eat?"

The deputy company commander couldn't help but ask.

Even the flour and non-staple food are not provided free of charge. It will be deducted from salary. But don't want this. What to eat?

The chief clerk sighed. "It should be feed!"

All three were silent. They are all veterans. I have endured all kinds of hardships. Food worse than feed has been tried.

But saving money like this is just for paying party dues. Ask yourself that they can’t do it!

The door was pushed open, and Yu Laogui's wife opened the door and walked in. She carried a dough bag over her shoulder.

"Company commander, this is Yu Laogui's party dues. Please check it and collect it!"

Ma Quanyi and the three of them exchanged glances. Then he declined:

"You should take the money back first. Wait until Comrade Lao Yu's injury stabilizes!"

But Yu Laogui's wife shook her head: "That won't work. What Laogui said must count! You guys, please take stock, I have to go back to feed the pigs!"

The chief secretary couldn't help but ask. "Sister-in-law, if Lao Yu's injury cannot be controlled, you have to pay the party dues. What will you and the child do?"

Yu Laogui's wife smiled. "There are regiments and companies! How many of our mothers can be left hungry?"

Yu Laogui's wife is gone. Looking at the dough pocket on the desk. None of the three opened the inventory.

Please collect, recommend, vote and invest.

Actually this is true. There will definitely be many people who don't believe it. I won’t explain much. Because each generation has its own pursuits and feelings. If only they understood it themselves! Please vote.

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