Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1274 Another promotion

Many people start going wild when they have some money, thinking that they are the richest man in a certain place, capable of everything, and no one can offend them. In fact, it’s because the government doesn’t want to pay attention to you. If you really get carried away one day, you’re guaranteed to be doomed.

The downfall of the Parsels sounded the alarm to some local forces in Shenzhen City, and the police struck while the iron was hot and eliminated a wave of bad guys who were doing evil. Although these people make no big mistakes, the sum of their small mistakes is enough to drink a pot.

After this wave of cleanup, the security of Shenzhen City has been significantly improved, especially in the chartered villages, where petty theft and fights have almost disappeared.

Afterwards, Secretary Wang called Ye Yuze and exchanged greetings. Of course, this is just a greeting, there are many things that need not be said, all that is required is an attitude.

The economy of Junken City has always been booming, and the brand effect has kept them from worrying about money for at least a few decades.

What no one expected was that the fastest growing enterprise in Junken City was Junken Electrical and Mechanical. Although the products of this company are just inconspicuous small chips, they are produced in large quantities! And the customer base is so huge that it’s unimaginable.

Ni Guangnan's usually serious face has recently been filled with smiles, grinning as wide as a gourd. He really doesn't care how much money he makes. What he cares about is that the company produces the most advanced chips in the world, and they all have independent property rights, so he is not afraid of being stuck by anyone.

Many scientists of their generation returned to China after studying abroad. If it were not for patriotism, they would have made good progress abroad.

Making the motherland prosperous is their only ideal. They also cherished this ideal and dedicated their lives. From two bombs and one satellite to various large-scale projects in the later period, they have their shadow in every project.

Ni Guangnan likes to go to the sales department after work. Everyone thinks he is looking at sales, and they all rush to tell him how much he sold today and which unit bought the most.

In fact, no one knows that what Old Man Ni is looking at is actually the name of the purchasing unit. He has always hoped that one day there would be Lenovo's name on the customer list.

It’s just that after a few months, this name has not appeared. I don’t know whether it is because of resistance to Ni Guangnan, or simply because I think the chips from foreign companies are good. No one can predict this.

Nowadays, Ni Guangnan focuses on the research and development of chips, while Alexander is responsible for researching the combined application of chips and equipment. The two of them each lead a team, and they work together very well.

Kevin naturally has a team, but this team is very small. Except for the few brought by Kevin, the rest are a few new domestic weirdos.

Despite the small number of people, joining this team is the most difficult one. Now Junken University also has a computer department. Kevin, like the old men in the two research laboratories, also has teaching duties.

If you don’t have superb computer operation skills, Kevin won’t even pinch you from the corner of his eye.

Now the first batch of villas in Junken City have been sold out. Surprisingly, the buyers of these villas are all scientific researchers from various units. It can be seen that scientific researchers here are the highest-paid group.

Because the refinery was put into operation, a large amount of liquefied petroleum gas was also produced in large quantities. The hydropower station of the infrastructure company was no longer able to satisfy the huge industrial system of Junken City.

I have been using electricity from the thermal power plant in Tacheng. Now that we have such convenient fuel, we naturally need to have our own power plant. After all, in the future, there will only be more and more companies, and electricity consumption will only increase.

The city strongly supports this kind of thing. The investment in thermal power plants is not large, and it is an enterprise with relatively generous returns. Besides, Junken City is not short of money, so naturally it can be launched immediately.

In fact, not only the power supply, but also the heating heat in Junken City can be solved by the power plant. In this way, the big smoking chimneys everywhere in Junken City will disappear completely in winter.

At this time, another piece of good news came. For the sake of the stable development of Junken City, and with the outstanding political achievements of Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua, with the approval of the highest level, the two people's ranks were exceptionally raised one level and became deputy ministerial level cadres.

In other words, because both of them are full-time employees, the age of appointment can be extended to 65 years old. Now, not only Ye Wancheng and Ma Rong were completely relieved. In another ten years they would have completely grown up.

The development of a city has a lot to do with the officials in charge. This city was built brick by brick by Ye Wancheng and the others, so naturally they know the situation best.

If a cadre is parachuted in and does something new and unconventional for the sake of political performance, it is really difficult to predict whether it will be good or bad for the development of the city.

You must know that some companies in Junken City are not only business cards of the Corps, but also business cards of the country.

Although everyone in Junken City was excited about this incident, Meihua couldn't be happier. Originally, according to her plan, the old man retired at sixty and was still in good health, so the two of them traveled around the world.

Although she stayed abroad for a while, she had too many children and didn't have time to look around.

I wanted to wait for my wife to come with me, but this time my plan fell through again.

Ye Wancheng comforted her: "Don't think so far ahead. Your superiors have their own considerations. But now that the younger generation in Junken City has grown up, my task is to hand over Junken City to them safely and stably. They can do anything. We Why are these old guys still occupying the position?"

"Then you are willing to retire early?" Mei Huabai said with disdain.

"Why are you reluctant? Now Old John and Old Liu have started clinical trials of their new drug Xueshuantong. You know how much I want to join them." Ye Wancheng sighed.

Meihua knew this was true. She knew that her man was a good doctor who had been delayed by the system. If it hadn't been for becoming a leader, Liu Xiangdong and John would have cooperated, and he would have made great achievements in the medical field.

But life is like this. Compared to the development of Junken City, who knows which one is more important?

Now that the two granddaughters have started to go to kindergarten, Ye Mao can also be sent to day care, and Mei Hua, a restless person, is also thinking about what to do.

In fact, it is stipulated that family members of leading cadres are not allowed to engage in business. But Ye Yuze's business developed first, so this was not considered a violation of the regulations.

You can't give up all his shares just because your father is an official, right? There is no way to explain this matter.

As for Meihua, she has to consider this aspect when doing things, otherwise it will definitely cause some trouble for Ye Wancheng.

When Masha and Erhong left, they entrusted the supermarket and two factories to her, and asked her to take care of them when nothing happened.

But if Mei Hua is asked to work for them, she will definitely not do it.

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