Meimei was very open-minded. She ordered a fruit plate with her own money, and she also got discounts on wine. Anyway, as soon as she entered the venue, she arranged everything clearly.

Xiaohui smiled and said to Laorou: "I think this Meimei should be your secretary. With her here, you will save a lot of worry."

The old man smiled and said nothing, his eyes roaming around. I wonder why that Qiaozhen hasn’t come yet?

Meimei seemed to understand everything, lying in his ear and saying: "Qiaozhen is at the clock, she will be here when she is finished."

Because it was too close, Meimei tickled Laorou's ears, and he couldn't help but hide back. Meimei's eyes were filled with sadness.

It was Niu Dali who made the difference. Today, a local developer Parsel invited him. As a local snake, it was impossible for him not to hear about Shekou's big move.

For this kind of thing, Niu Dali has long been able to handle it with ease. What can be said in one sentence must be said ten times, and the words must be said in an ambiguous manner.

Parseltongue is a person who is willing to spend money, and he has been beaten once or twice. Niu Dali is very familiar with his style.

However, Niu Dali was still very wary of dealing with him. Mainly as a local snake, this Parsel's social relations are very complicated.

It is said that Datou Bin, the famous eldest brother in Shekou area, is controlled by him.

As the name suggests, Parsels were born catching snakes. Cantonese people love to eat snakes. At that time, Parsels made a living by catching snakes.

In fact, this profession is very dangerous because many snakes are venomous. Snake catchers will be bitten at any time when catching snakes in the mountains. So there are not many people in this industry.

As for Parseltongue, he has a long life. He was bitten not only once but twice, but he managed to survive. I don’t know whether it was because he was bitten by too many snakes or because he ate too much snake bile. Not only were the eyes of the Parselman bright, but they also had a faint green light.

With his skinny figure and prominent cheekbones, everyone who interacts with him is a little frightened.

Parsels are smart people and ruthless in their actions. In the early stages of development in Shekou, we seized the opportunity and took over a lot of earthmoving work. Because this thing is simple, just hire a group of people to dig it. As for the pile driver, you can rent it with people.

So after more than ten years, he has become the largest local developer. Many big companies from other places come here and they have to discuss things with him. At the very least, they should give him a piece of the pie.

There is nothing that can be done about it, as others are very familiar with it. Everyone everywhere has to give him some face. Even big companies are afraid of trouble, so they spend a little money to save their worries.

Parsel actually looks down on Niu Dali. This man is selfish, greedy, and loves to show off. It's just that the place where you stay is important, so you can't help but interact with them.

Parsels don't like to be messy when doing things, so the briefcase contains things that Niu Dali likes. Prepare to do it right the first time.

At this moment, Qiaozhen was sitting awkwardly next to Niu Dali, who had an expression like a cat catching a mouse. He looked at her playfully. His eyes were aimed specifically at the protruding parts.

Qiaozhen was on pins and needles, she had known for a long time that this Niu Dali was not a good person, otherwise she would not have ignored him last night.

But now she was asked to accompany a guest, which she couldn't refuse.

"Go, order the song that I, Dihao, sing, and let's sing together." Niu Dali hated her for not giving him face last night, so he spoke rudely.

Qiaozhen stood up to find the song and handed the microphone to Niu Dali: "You go ahead and sing, I can't sing this song."

Niu Dali's eyes widened: "Didn't you sing well the past two days? Why can't you sing when it's my turn? Are you not giving me face?"

Qiaozhen was not a person who could make any distinctions, so she lowered her head and stopped talking.

Niu Dali felt angry, hugged Qiaozhen's neck and kissed her on the lips.

Qiaozhen turned around and pushed hard, stood up and ran out.

There were two girls and the Parselman in the private room at the moment, and the Parselto happened to be sitting near the door. He saw Qiaozhen running over, grabbed her hair, and slapped her hard.

The two girls had been in the field for several years, so they knew about Parseltongue, and they didn't dare to stop him when they saw him beating someone.

"Bitch, I paid you to pretend to be aloof here? Believe it or not, I'll find someone to take your turn soon!"

Parselman cursed loudly. He never took women seriously. He didn't care what happened to Qiaozhen, but he dared to ruin his business. This was something he would never tolerate.

Qiaozhen's face suddenly swelled up, her head was buzzing, and she was pushed down by Parsel on the sofa where Niu Dali was sitting.

Niu Dali was also smiling ferociously at this moment, putting his hand into Qiaozhen's clothes and pinching her hard. He scolded: "You bitch, aren't you pretending? Keep pretending!"

Qiaozhen was so stimulated by this series of blows that she went crazy. She opened her mouth and bit Niu Dali hard on the face, then pushed him away and ran out.

Just as Parsel was about to stop him, Niu Dali was already screaming at the top of his lungs, so he shouted from outside the door: "Catch that bitch!" and then lowered his head to check Niu Dali's injury.

Qiaozhen's bite was so hard that a piece of meat on her cheek was almost bitten off. The cow was so painful that she cried out to the heavens and the earth!

Seeing that there was no way to talk about this matter anymore, Parselso had no choice but to take him to the hospital for a checkup. There was blood on the round tooth marks on his cheeks, and the area in the middle was purple. A woman wouldn't be able to achieve this effect unless she tried her best.

"No, catch that bitch, I'm going to kill her today!" Niu Dali refused to leave at this time, and he wanted to say this.

Standing at their door was a nephew of the Parseltongue. This man was not very bright, but he was loyal, which was why the Parseltongue took him with him wherever he went. Talk less, be obedient, and do whatever you are told.

At this moment, this guy has chased to the door of Laorou's private room. Qiaozhen ran here subconsciously, because she knew it when Meimei booked the private room.

He suddenly opened the door and burst in, startling the people inside. Meimei saw that her face was swollen and her hair was disheveled, and she quickly asked what was going on?

Before Qiaozhen could say anything, the Parselman nephew had already chased in and reached out to pull Qiaozhen. By this time, the old man had already stood up. Pushed him to the ground.

The boy was so determined that he got up and continued to catch Qiaozhen, because his uncle told him to catch the person. If he didn't catch him, the task would not be completed.

When the old man saw him being so rampant, he kept his hand again and punched this guy in the face. Then he screamed, turned around and ran out with a nosebleed on his face, and shouted: "Uncle, I can't catch you." Stop, someone is hitting me."

At this time, Niu Dali and Parsel had also rushed out and were looking for him. The two private rooms were not far apart. And the two girls had already gone to find the manager.

Parseltongue's nephew led the two people to Laorou's private room. Parseltongue kicked the door open and walked in.

Niu Dali, who followed him in, looked at Laorou and the others in astonishment. When he saw Lao Liu, his eyes became even more sinister.

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