Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1265 The girl who looks like her

The girl is actually very pretty, but a hint of stubbornness in her expression makes her seem incompatible with this environment.

The old man patted the sofa and motioned for her to sit next to him, and Qiaozhen immediately went over and sat down. But unlike other girls, who always sit close to their guests, Qiaozhen keeps her distance from the old man.

The old man couldn't help but smile, and immediately understood why Meimei brought her in. This girl probably can't make any money here.

The old man didn't take it seriously. He didn't plan to find any romantic encounters. His wife and children were still waiting for him in the capital. Besides, girls in these situations have never been his cup of tea. Never mind why she got into this profession.

When you come to the karaoke hall, of course you still have to sing. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to sing, these singing girls are here to sing for you.

Xiaohui rarely experienced this kind of situation, and he was already a little confused at this moment. One of the two ladies fed him wine, and the other pulled him to sing a love song.

As soon as they finished singing, my sister had already found the song "Love Is Confused" sung by Jiang Shan and Wang Zhiwen.

Niu Dali was not pretentious. He picked up the microphone and sang along with the subtitles: "How much love can be explained clearly, how much love is vague and confused. How much love is tenderness, how much love is sour and sad." .”

The old man applauded loudly, this Niu Dali sang really well. The voice was deep and hoarse, and he sang the full flavor of the lyrics.

"The scenes I can't forget, but I can't retain the warmth of the past, the warmth in my thoughts..."

Meimei's voice is crisp and sweet. He should be a master at singing sweet songs. But at this time, he lowered his voice and tried his best to make it sound a little sad. It has a different taste.

However, Niu Dali only sang this song and then put down the microphone and stopped singing. Instead, she whispered to Meimei.

The old man glanced at them evilly several times, and he could tell that Meimei acted very close to Niu Dali despite her condition. But some inadvertent actions revealed the alienation in her bones.

It seems that this Meimei is the person Niu vigorously pursued but failed to get!

Seeing that Lao Rou had not sang, Qiaozhen beside her finally remembered her accusation. He asked in a low voice: "What song does brother sing? I'll give you some."

The old man shook his head: "I can't sing, go ahead and sing for me."

Qiaozhen obviously didn't feel comfortable with her role, so she just said "oh" and went to order some songs.

She ordered a song called Wild Flowers by Di Zhen. When I saw the title of the song, I was stunned for a moment. He has listened to this song the most, but can this girl sing that kind of flavor?

For whom do the wild flowers bloom and fail for whom?

Waiting quietly to see if someone can pick it.

I am just like the flower waiting for his arrival,

Just tap me on the shoulder and I'll do whatever you want.

The swaying flower, she also needs your comfort.

Don't let her grow old and wither while waiting.

I want to ask him if he knows my feelings.

Don't let me wander in uneasiness...

When Qiaozhen opened her mouth, everyone in the room was shocked. No one could imagine how this thin girl could burst out with such shocking power in her chest!

Old Rouxin seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned. The same voice, the same explosive power. Is this another her?

Laorou didn't believe himself, so he looked at Qiaozhen carefully with his eyes wide open. Then lower your head and close your eyes to listen to the song carefully.

Finally he heard the difference in the two people's tastes. There is a kind of release in Di Zhen's singing, the kind of burst that comes from running on the road.

But in this girl's singing, there is loss, helplessness and a hint of unwillingness and struggle. Therefore, this song she sang was very sad, which made it easier to move people.

Di Zhen is Laorou's first love and the only woman he has ever loved. In fact, most of the reason for marrying Bu Shuli was that it was time to get married.

Qiaozhen's singing suddenly opened all the gates of his memory, and his mind flashed to the girl running out of the cafe in the Beijing Hotel with a big guitar on her back.

The singing had stopped for a long time, and the old man was still sitting there blankly, as if he was immersed in memories and couldn't get out.

Niu Dali looked at the girl carefully, and he was also shocked. Maybe it's because she's not dressed up. At first glance, this girl looks very ordinary.

But when I take a closer look at it, I can see that the fair skin and delicate facial features are both top-notch! The only thing missing is a suit of clothes that fit well.

Niu Dali's eyes were a little bright, and he stared at Qiaozhen awkwardly, as if he was seeing a prey.

Maybe it was because Qiaozhen sang so well that several other girls stepped forward and took away her microphone. Girls are more jealous.

It is clear that these guests in the house are all wealthy owners. The only two bottles of 1982 Lafite in the room were suddenly surrounded by them.

Although there are often some high-rollers in the karaoke hall, it is really rare to see such owners who spend a lot of money.

Therefore, several girls in the room tried their best to attract the attention of several men. How could a newcomer like Qiaozhen be allowed to lose her halo?

Next is the performance of each of these girls. To be honest, they have been here for a long time and they all sing well. It's just that no song can impress me anymore.

Qiaozhen did not sit back again, but was instructed by the girls to do this and that. The old man's side was also occupied by two girls, who kept urging him to drink with soft words.

Laorou stood up immediately and walked up to Qiaozhen who was requesting a song: "Sing another song called Perseverance. This is a tip for you."

Lao Rou put five pieces of Mao Yepa into Qiaozhen's hand.

Qiaozhen seemed to be burned by the fire and hurriedly pushed out: "I will sing for you. I can't ask for this money. These two hours with you include singing."

"Take it, sing!" Old Rou's voice did not rise. But after years of experience, he naturally has a sense of majesty. Just kidding, he is also the vice chairman of a multi-billion company. Why don't you have any domineering spirit?

Qiaozhen was stunned for a moment and did not dare to say anything else. She silently found the song and started singing.

When every night comes,

Loneliness is always around me.

Waiting with heartbeat every evening,

It is my infinite tenderness.

Every time I face you,

I dare not look into your eyes.

Behind my gentle smile,

How many tears and sorrow….

Lao Rou stared blankly at Qiaozhen who was singing. Her figure gradually overlapped with another shadow. He seemed to have traveled through time and space and returned to the days when he first arrived in the capital to work hard.

"Can I take her out to eat?" Niu Dali's eyes flashed green, like a wolf.

Meimei shook her head: "She never goes out with others. She comes home as soon as she gets off work. She is very unsociable."

Niu Dali said "Oh" and said nothing, but his eyes did not leave Qiaozhen for a moment...

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