Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1243 Aging Harry

Ye Yuze was secretly frightened when he saw it, was he planning to crush Chi Guoguo? How much do you look down on Harry?

Sure enough, Mad Dog's move immediately angered Harry. No matter how old he was, Harry was a boxing champion who had experienced many battles. How could he be crushed by him all of a sudden?

Harry's body swayed and he was already in front of Mad Dog. Mad Dog stretched out his hand to hug his head when Harry hit his lower jaw with an uppercut, causing Mad Dog to stagger.

"Okay!" There was a burst of cheers from below, and Harry did not disappoint. He disrupted the opponent's offensive with a powerful counterattack.

The mad dog shook his head, laughed ferociously, and then charged forward again. This time his attack was a little more stable, not violent, but straight punches and swinging punches alternately, giving Harry no chance to fight back.

Harry was hit continuously by him. Although he didn't hit any vital parts, he still couldn't lift his head. He backed up to the edge of the fence. The moment he leaned against the rope, he pushed back hard.

Mad Dog's punch was empty. In the moment of shock, Harry had already used the elasticity of the rope to rush forward. The moment his body and Mad Dog's body met, he punched Mad Dog's temple again.

But because he rushed too fast, after the punch, his body had already passed by the mad dog, and he lost the chance to attack.

Mad Dog's eyes were filled with stars. It must be said that this guy's ability to withstand blows was too strong. Harry's punch would definitely knock anyone down, and even if he didn't, he would definitely lose his ability to fight within a short period of time.

But the mad dog turned around and started attacking again. Although many people saw that his steps were frivolous, they were still attacking. Do you accept it?

Harry looked solemn and did not go up to him. Ye Yuze secretly cursed a stupid pig. If he launched an attack at this time, it would definitely be enough for the mad dog to drink a pot.

Zhou Guihua also cursed: "Fuck, pig!" She also saw it.

The fighter plane just passed by briefly, and the mad dog had stabilized after a brief period of dizziness. At this time, he also understood that Harry lived up to his reputation and he couldn't fight too hastily.

But Harry's failure to seize the opportunity just now also made him understand that his opponent was still old and had lost his energy, so he could not be given a chance to breathe. Even if you fight, it will consume his energy.

Therefore, Mad Dog began to change his tactics, circling around Harry, and whenever he relaxed, he would throw a few punches to keep Harry tense.

After three rounds of this, Harry began to pant, his physical strength dropped drastically, and the sequelae of last night began to take effect. Sure enough, wine is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones!

At the beginning of the fourth round, Harry began to exert force, and he had realized that he could not waste any more. The opponent's physical strength is better than his, and if he continues like this, he will definitely be KO'd by the opponent.

As soon as the referee separated, Harry hit with a straight punch. Mad Dog dodged and took the opportunity to fight back. Harry raised his leg sharply and kicked Mad Dog in the stomach.

The mad dog staggered and took a few steps back. Harry rushed forward and punched Mad Dog in the left eye. Mad Dog's eyes were filled with stars, but he still hadn't reacted. Harry punched him with his left hand and hit him on the temple.

The mad dog shook a few times and tilted his body on the ring. Harry went up and punched him on the bridge of the nose, and was immediately pulled away by the referee.

The referee lay down next to Mad Dog and started counting: "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four..."

Before the referee finished his defeat, Mad Dog stood up unsteadily. Harry was about to rush over and continue fighting when the time came for this round again.

"Damn it, who's going to win? I bet $100,000 on Mad Dog," an audience member cursed.

"Harry must win, he is the home court. The momentum is here. How many people are cheering for Mad Dog in the whole stadium? I bet on Harry to win." The fat man next to him said disdainfully.

"I don't think so. Harry's physical strength is obviously not enough. He is fighting quickly. If this round doesn't work, he will definitely lose." A woman holding a cigar commented calmly.

At the beginning of the fifth round, Harry still used his old tactics. As soon as the referee called start, he punched out with a bounce. It was just a miscalculation this time. Mad Dog, who had never used his legs before, raised his legs and kicked directly this time.

How could Harry's fists be longer than his legs? His fists didn't reach him, but the mad dog's feet had already kicked him on the chest.

Harry was already charging forward, but the mad dog kicked him harder and harder. Harry felt his breathing stagnant, and a heartbreaking pain came from his chest, making him unable to breathe at all.

How could the mad dog miss this opportunity? He jumped up and rushed in front of Harry. At this time, Harry's body was as hunched as a prawn. Mad Dog kneeled Harry in the face, and Harry spurted two spurts of blood from his nose and fell on his back on the ring.

"Ah!" There was an uproar on the stage, too fast. In this round, such a result occurred in a flash of lightning, and no one could have expected it.

The referee lay on the ground again and started counting. Harry's head was buzzing and the pain in his chest had eased, but the blow to his face made his vision and thinking begin to blur.

I can't fall down, I want to get up. He silently gritted his teeth and encouraged himself. Lift your body little by little, then your legs. Eventually Harry staggered and poked himself in the ring again.

Everything in front of me was still blurry, with countless little stars shining. The referee's voice sounded as if it was coming from the horizon: "Can you still fight? If you can't fight, then admit defeat!"

"I can fight! I won't lose!" Harry looked at this boxing ring that had created countless honors for him. As long as he had a breath, he could not fall in this boxing ring. Here was his glory.

"If you can spank me, hold the baby for me!" Harry felt something was in his arms and subconsciously reached out to catch it. Then he looked down and saw that it was a child.

The child is chubby, and his eyebrows are somewhat similar to his. He then looked up and saw Zhou Guihua standing in front of him. There was a surprise in my heart.

After having sex with Zhou Guihua last time, he missed this Chinese girl very much. But when he contacted Ye Yuze and asked for Zhou Guihua's address, Ye Yuze refused to give it to him.

Ye Yuze naturally couldn't give it to her. At that time, Zhou Guihua was still someone else's wife. If this fool chases him to Junken City, nothing will happen.

To be honest, Ye Yuze felt that this guy was a good match for his senior sister. They are both so indifferent, so living together for two people is definitely not tiring. If you have something to say, speak up, and if it doesn't make sense, fight. Then the past is past.

I saw Zhou Guihua and the child. Even Harry's dull mind understood what was going on. There was a burst of ecstasy in my heart, and my ears were no longer deaf and my eyesight was no longer blurry. full HP resurrection.

"Honey, you take care of the child first. I'll beat the shit out of this kid and then we can go home."

Zhou Guihua rolled her eyes at him: "It's useless, a living person can be bitten by a dog, let me take it out on you!"

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