Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1240 The birth of five-axis machine tools

Hard work paid off, and when Lao Si and Jingjing went down the mountain, they still had something to gain. It turned out that a male pheasant took pity on them and somehow put his foot into the condom.

So, the two people carried the trophy, which they had bought with half a bag of grain, and happily went down the mountain. After all, this was their first prey.

By the way, I changed my mobile phone number. Please save it. Jingjing suddenly remembered this matter, so she called the fourth child.

When she got home, Jingjing was still blushing. After all, her relationship with the fourth child had made a breakthrough today. Although it was embarrassing to think about it, Jingjing felt that her attack was effective. It seemed that the Americans were not that scary. At least the fourth child was not so determined.

The day to return to Boston was coming soon, and Ayi Jiang was a little hesitant this time. Because she had a very good relationship with both mothers, she was a little reluctant to leave.

Zhao Ling'er didn't care. She felt that it would be the same wherever she went to school. When Chi Naer arrived, she firmly told Ayi Jiang to leave.

"Girl, my mother disowned you in the first place so that you could have a brighter future. You can come back to work in the future, but you must complete your studies. Otherwise, wouldn't my mother's efforts have been in vain?"

Ayijiang finally listened to his mother's words and decided to return to Boston. There was also a small commotion in the Ye family. Meihua insisted on keeping Ye Mao, saying that she had raised all the children, and Ye Mao should not be an exception. Let Ye Yuze and Yu'e take the other children back to school.

This request is actually a bit unreasonable. After all, Ye Mao is only a few months old and cannot live without his mother. As a mother, Yu'e is even more inseparable from her children.

Ye Yuze was also a little annoyed. Although his mother had a bad temper, she was always very sensible in doing things. I don’t know what’s going on?

Ye Wancheng usually doesn't care much about housework, but he didn't support Meihua in this matter. Meihua was about to be completely defeated, but Yu'e unexpectedly took the initiative to keep the child. Not only did they keep Ye Mao, but also Ye Mei and Ye Rou.

Ye Yuze secretly asked his wife why? Yu'e sighed: "Husband, mom is lonely. She has been supporting the family for so many years, but now she suddenly becomes a housewife and can't bear it."

"But if she is asked to follow him to Boston, she won't be able to let go of her father, so leaving the child behind is considered as a way to support her."

"Then you don't want your son? And why did you keep your daughter?" Ye Yuze still didn't understand his wife's behavior.

"The two girls were born and raised abroad. If they are not allowed to live in China for a few years, I'm afraid they won't even know which country they are from. Besides, we also have Ye Feng, who is also my son."

Ye Yuze was suddenly moved. Only then did he understand why his mother decided that Yu'e would be her daughter-in-law.

Erhong and Martha would never be able to do this.

Perhaps it was to give Ye Yuze a surprise. He had been staying in Junken City for more than two months. Good news came from Junken Electromechanical, that is, the five-axis linkage machine tool was finally ready for mass production.

This is undoubtedly a historic breakthrough for China's precision processing industry. For this breakthrough, all media chose to promote it in a high-profile manner. After having my neck stuck for several years, I am finally feeling proud.

Ye Yuze didn't consider the above intentions. He was just an entrepreneur, so he gave heavy rewards to the meritorious personnel this time.

Of course, he couldn't sell the product cheaply. As the most cutting-edge equipment of this era, he directly quoted a high price of 100 million yuan.

There is no way around this. He has feelings, but he is not a philanthropist. So many R\u0026D personnel and so much equipment are all made with real money.

Moreover, technology is updated very quickly. If you don't sell it at a high price after you develop it, it will be just as cheap as cabbage when others come up with it.

However, Ye Yuze is not worried about this at present. At least in terms of CNC equipment, Ye Yuze believes that no domestic company can catch up within ten years.

As for exports, Ye Yuze has no restrictions. Anyone can buy them. Each one costs US$8,000. Currently, this price is really unavailable abroad.

Orders are coming in like flakes, and there are more orders from abroad than from domestic ones. Foreign businessmen came to place orders one after another.

In fact, Ye Yuze understood that many foreign businessmen who bought this machine tool did not believe that the Chinese could build this kind of machine tool and wanted to buy it back and study it. Look at the gap between Chinese products? Fortunately, there will be targeted suppression in future sales.

But Ye Yuze doesn't care, after all, there are many companies that buy it back and use it. Ye Yuze has confidence in his products. In comparison, he believes that it is useless for some people to tell lies with their eyes closed.

For purchases by domestic enterprises, Ye Yuze has made strict regulations. Except for military industrial enterprises, the purpose must be explained and he will visit regularly in the future.

Because there are some embarrassing things that happened with Warrior Automobile, that is, some companies bought them from Warrior Automobile Factory and then resold them abroad to earn the price difference.

You must know that the price difference between domestic sales and export sales of Junken City's products is nearly ten times.

Therefore, Ye Yuze decided to take some necessary measures for the sale of five-axis machine tools. For export, he can sell it himself and there is no need to give the profits to others.

Therefore, every domestic machine tool sales contract must indicate this clause. Once it is discovered that something like this has happened, Junken City will not only put them on the blacklist forever, but will also pursue legal procedures to claim compensation.

Relevant state departments are very supportive of this clause of Military Reclamation Mechanical and Electrical. This can also be regarded as giving Junken Machinery and Electrical a Shangfang sword.

This time back to Boston, Ye Yuze and his family took their own plane. Ye Yuze decided that he must get a pilot's license when he went back this time. Where can I fly my own plane to Dorawind in the future?

She stood quietly among the people seeing her off with tears in her eyes. The thing she regretted most these days was not completely defeating the American guy.

It is certain that the fourth child likes her, but it can be seen that he is obviously hesitant between the two. So much so that on the day before we left, we didn't break through the final boundary with Jingjing.

Just after walking out of the airport, Jingjing's phone rang again. When Jingjing saw it was the same number again, she felt angry.

As soon as he was connected, he asked: "Who are you? I don't know the Fourth master. Why does he want to give me money? Is your employer mentally ill?"

The caller was obviously overwhelmed by Jingjing's rant. But after a slight pause, he quickly explained.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Maybe I didn't explain clearly at first and you misunderstood. In fact, you know my employer. His Chinese name is Ye Yujie."

Jingjing's head buzzed, as if she had been hit by a sledgehammer, and then she shouted hysterically: "Tell your employer to go back to the United States with his money and never come back again!" "

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