Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1237 Mother and daughter recognize each other

Hearing Chi Na'er's indifferent answer, Zhao Ling'er's anger suddenly spiked. According to her previous temper, she would definitely come to her door and have a big fight.

But now she is in her thirties, and her work experience in the past few years has made her much calmer.

Now she is already a senior official in Junken City. Although his character still hates evil, he will no longer be as reckless as before.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ling'er couldn't suppress the fire in her heart. I decided to go to the dairy farm tomorrow and meet Chi Naer.

The next morning, after breakfast. Seeing that Ayi Jiang was going to Ye Yuze's house after cleaning up, Zhao Ling'er stopped her.

"Ayi Jiang, you will go out with me later. Go and do some errands."

Ayi Jiang said nothing, but his expression was obviously resistant. It's just that Mei Hua kept telling her to listen to Zhao Ling'er, so she didn't leave directly.

Zhao Ling'er didn't care whether she was happy or not, she put her son in her arms and went downstairs.

Ayi Jiang was stunned for a moment, but the younger brother in his arms kept smiling at her and shouting "Sister, sister."

Ayi Jiang suddenly felt soft in his heart. No matter what, this was her brother and her relative, so he smiled and followed Zhao Ling'er out.

When she came to the dairy farm, Zhao Ling'er walked around but couldn't find Chi Na'er, so she found out after asking. Chi Na'er has been herding cattle outside for the past two days.

In fact, as a farm manager, there is no need to graze cattle outside. It's just that Chi Na'er has always liked this way of life, so she often goes to herd cattle by herself.

After asking for directions, Zhao Linger drove over anyway. Today she wanted to question this heartless woman, who didn't even recognize her own child, was she worthy of being a mother?

The sky over the grassland is very blue, with large white clouds piled up like snow-capped mountains growing on the sea. In August, the pasture has begun to turn yellow and stretches in the autumn wind, as if it is about to say its final farewell to the world before the snow comes.

Ayijiang stared blankly out of the window. The familiarity made her feel that the scenery was so close. Just like something rooted in the blood.

After driving for a while, a herd of cattle came into view. They are sparse, not like a flock of sheep grazing ahead and moving forward.

The cattle are gathered together in twos and threes. The little calf kept running happily on the grass. After a while, he probably recognized his mother by mistake and was expelled by Daniel.

After a while, a cry came from not far away, and the overwhelmed calf became happy again and ran towards its mother with open hooves. He screamed "moo" hard, as if he was acting coquettishly.

"Ou, I want to ride a bull!" The younger brother next to him took Ayi Jiang's arm and urged Ayi Jiang to open the car door so that he could get out and ride the bull.

A loud song came, drifting on the grassland with the autumn wind: "I have seen thousands of beautiful girls, but you are the most lovable. You are like the newborn sun in the morning, so warm, girl..."

Looking for the sound, I saw a woman wearing a floral skirt and a gauze scarf on her head. She was riding a horse and singing leisurely with a whip in her hand.

Zhao Ling'er stepped on the accelerator and braked hard when she reached the woman. The woman looked at the jeep with dissatisfaction and said angrily: "Who are you? Don't you know you are not allowed to drive casually on the grassland? Destroy the grassland!"

Zhao Ling'er ignored her, opened the car door and walked out, then opened the back door, and Ayi Jiang walked out with her younger brother.

Chi Na'er sat on the horse and stared blankly at Ayi Jiang who came out, as if nothing existed in the world at this moment, and only this little girl with empty eyes was left standing there.

"Get down!" Zhao Ling'er scolded, and then reached out to pull Chi Na'er's arm. Chi Na'er did not resist and jumped off the horse.

Zhao Ling'er put her son on the horse's back, then jumped on it, and then shook the reins, and the horse started to play happily on the grassland.

Little Yang Wei chuckled loudly, just like the calf running around just now. "I'm going to fly, I'm going to fly."

He held his hands open, showing no fear of riding a horse for the first time.

Zhao Ling'er hugged her son's waist. This brat was just like his father. Born to be a lunatic, he has never known fear. You are only three years old, are you really a Kazakh doll?

Chi Na'er looked at her daughter blankly. In fact, it was not that she had never seen her daughter before. Even this time when Ayi Jiang came back, she secretly went back to see it.

But every time she looked at her, Chi Naer didn't dare to let Ayi Jiang find her. Mother and son are connected, how could she not love her daughter? She just didn't want to disturb her because Yang Geyong could give her a better life.

Ayi Jiang did not look at Chi Na'er, although she had not seen this woman in so many years. But blood is thicker than water. From the moment she saw Chi Naerfa, she knew who this woman was?

In fact, over the years, whether it is my father or the Meihua family. She has never concealed her life experience. She always told her that her mother's name was Chinar, and she was a Kazakh woman.

However, there was always a haze in Ayijiang's mind. "You are not my daughter. You were born to someone else by your father. He brought you to me to raise."

After so many years, Chi Naer's figure has long been indifferent from Ayi Jiang's mind, but these words are like nails stuck deep in Ayi Jiang's heart.

"Ayi Jiang, I'm mom!" After all, Chi Na'er couldn't hold back and walked towards Ayi Jiang with open hands.

Ayi Jiang took a few steps back and looked at Chi Na'er nervously, his eyes full of caution. Her eyes glanced at Zhao Ling'er who was walking away, but the horse had already run away and disappeared.

"My daughter, it was my mother who was wrong. You are the daughter of the grassland. You will eventually return to the grassland. We now have the best grassland and the best herds. Mother will never let you leave me again. I used to They are all lies to you, you are my mother’s biological child!”

Chi Naer said, big tears rolled down her cheeks. He rushed over in a few steps and held Ayi Jiang in his arms.

Ayijiang struggled for a while, but couldn't break free. There was a very familiar aura about this woman that made her feel friendly. The smell of grass mixed with milk.

"Ayi Jiang, my mother didn't recognize you before because she thought that my father could give you a better life, but I was so wrong. You are the daughter of a Kazakh. How can you be happy without the grassland, cattle and sheep?"

Chi Naer hugged Ayi Jiang and continued to talk. She said many things not only to her daughter, but also to herself.

Yes, how can a daughter of the grassland be happy after leaving the grassland? Just like a fish leaving the sea, it will eventually die of thirst on the beach.

Ayijiang's heart, which was wrapped in a shell, seemed to make a soft sound, and the shell burst. She hugged her mother's strong waist tightly.

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