Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1230: Throw away the shopkeeper

Ni Guangnan is an imposing old man, and he soon stopped worrying about this issue. Chips have to be produced anyway, otherwise why buy so many lithography machines?

The reason why I had to call Ye Yuze was just because Huawei requested cooperation. For such a big matter, the chairman of the board, Ye Yuze, would naturally have to agree.

At this time, Ye Yuze was changing the diaper of his son Ye Mao with a face full of resentment, and the little guy slapped him again.

Damn, Ye Feng liked to do this when he was a child. Could it be that washing your face with child urine can beautify your face? The key point is that I am handsome enough, so why should I use such beauty products?

At this time, the phone rang. Ye Yuze was using a Motorola flip phone. When he saw the number, it was from Junken Machinery and Electric Co., so he threw it on the table and continued changing diapers.

He didn't want to answer the phone from that place, he couldn't even pretend to be cool, it was too unfulfilling.

The phone continued to ring, and Yu'e picked it up curiously. My husband usually answers the phone very actively. What's going on today? Could it be that it was a call from Erhong or Martha, and he was too embarrassed to answer it in front of him?

Yu'e picked up the phone and looked at the number, feeling even more puzzled. But she didn't talk nonsense to him and pressed the answer button directly.

"Hello, Ye Yuze is washing his face, what's the matter?"

It's not a personal phone call, Yu'e has no scruples. Is there anything you can’t answer your man’s cell phone?

"Tell that guy to come to the company right away. Huawei's boss has arrived and wants to discuss cooperation with us."

Ni Guangnan didn't even say hello to Yu'e. He didn't know much about those things. He directly stated the reason for the call.

Yu'e said, "I understand." and hung up the phone.

But Ye Yuze frowned and muttered: "There are so many things to do, let's just cooperate. Why do you have to ask me? My son's diapers haven't been changed yet."

But complaints are complaints. Ye Yuze is still very concerned about this great god's visit. This is also an opportunity for Junken Electromechanical to take off. Spending so much money to raise such a large company is not just for show.

The negotiation went smoothly, and there was no fuss over interests. Ye Yuze looked down on those so-called business methods. He felt that running a business was the same as being a human being, as long as there was equality and mutual benefit.

Relying on some equity and voice to control the company will lose the original intention of the company itself. Might as well be honest with each other.

Of course, he still has the conditions, that is, you can use the name Youwei in the cooperative mobile phones, but the bottom must be marked with the Junken series.

That is, all Huawei mobile phones must be marked with the word "junken", and future generations must also be marked with "junken first generation" and "junken" for the second generation.

Ren Qingcheng naturally has no objection. As long as the chip is developed, he will take care of everything that follows. No matter how old you are, the prerequisite is Huawei mobile phones, right?

The contract was signed quickly, and now comes the research and development phase. Junken Electromechanical's chip has been finalized, and now comes the appearance, performance and network transmission of the phone.

These things are the strengths of Huawei. At this time, Huawei is already competing in the construction market of communication transmission equipment in Russia, Europe and the United States.

As a Chinese company that started late and with a low starting point, it can reach this stage, which shows the vision and courage of Ren Zhengcheng. You must know that Huawei at that time was simply unable to compete with those established European and American companies in terms of technology and capital. But they still fought their way out.

This is one of the fundamental reasons why Ye Yuze is so generous about cooperation with Huawei.

Ye Yuze never considered himself a capable person, but he was definitely someone who knew how to use people. Well, how many construction company CEOs have you seen building walls?

The role of the boss is to put all kinds of talents in the right positions. Then just lie down on your own. Just like Mr. Ni, just scold him. After scolding you, why don't you work hard?

Nowadays, there are three people who can best learn from Ye Yuze in Junken City. One is Wei Yuxiang. He has also gone through a mental journey from the beginning of devoting himself to studying technology to the current comprehensive expansion.

It was not until the end that he understood that as a business leader, what he should do was not what engineers did.

Therefore, he is rarely in the factory now. Most of the time was spent on inspections in various places, and the joint venture model was used to support those foreign factories with good foundation, turning them into branches of Warrior Steel Factory.

Now he has set his sights on large factories with high-quality mineral resources. Such a factory can quickly turn into benefits as long as capital and technology are injected.

Today's Warrior Steel Factory has also become a behemoth. Changed to Warrior Steel Company. Preparations have been made for listing in Hong Kong. Just because of some policy reasons, some formalities are still required for approval.

The second one is Ma Rong. She understands things more thoroughly than Wei Yuxiang, so she gave up the company very early and entered the government agency so that she could protect the company more comprehensively.

In fact, Zheng Lanzhi is the one who has learned the most thoroughly. In terms of ability, she is incomparable to the other two. But she has mastered a unique skill, that is, as long as she has talents, she will never let them go!

Now she is the director of the Junken City Committee Office, the real housekeeper of Junken City.

Only the girl Zhao Ling'er has not changed much from beginning to end. He has always maintained his own style, simple and cheerful. But also intense.

Now that the construction of the refinery has taken shape, and the pipeline laying is nearing completion, in time, Junken City will develop rapidly again.

The weather is not too hot today, and Ye Yuze has received another task from his mother, which is to accompany his son to ride horses.

Today, Ye Fenghuo has become what Ye Yuze was like when he was a child. He got a horse from nowhere and took Yuanfang around all day long.

Plum Blossom can't control her grandson, but can she control her son? So Ye Yuze had to follow the two little kids under the bright sun. The key was not to get too close, otherwise his son would be angry if he was discovered.

What Ye Feng got was a batch of white horses. In fact, Ye Yuze always thought that white horses were not as good-looking as bay-red horses, but they were not his and he could not make the decision.

After Ye Feng finished practicing every day, he took Yuanfang to pick wild fruits. As a result, Ye Yuze had wild fruits to eat at home every day.

If you can't finish it, you cut the plum blossoms into slices and dry them in the sun, and make them into dried fruit like the Kazakhs do, to be eaten when the weather gets cold.

Maybe they were tired of picking wild fruits today, so the two little guys went to the river.

The river today is completely different from what Ye Yuze was when he was a child. The river bed is paved with pebbles, and the river banks are equipped with railings. There are trees on both sides, turning it into a park-like landscape.

Of course Ye Feng would not play here, but went to the upper reaches of the river, the section that belonged to Lao Yumin's territory. The original style is still preserved here.

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