Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1206 Ye Feng’s confusion

"Grandma, I'm going to find my dad. He's so annoying." Ye Feng came back from school and yelled at Mei Hua in the car.

Mei Hua burst out laughing and looked at her grandson lovingly: "Why doesn't he let you worry less?"

Last night on the phone, Yu'e's mother said that my father hadn't slept well for several days. Also, he lent me 20 billion U.S. dollars and paid me back 21 billion U.S. dollars in seven days. Do you think he still regards me as his son? "

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feng is already ten years old. Several years of living in the United States have made this child very independent.

In addition, even if there are professional managers in the company, he still needs to participate in decision-making. Therefore, he appears to be much more mature than the average person of his age.

Mei Hua patted her grandson's head: "It's natural to pay back debts. If he uses so much money from you, he should pay interest. Otherwise, who will lend him money next time?"

Ye Feng still seemed to understand, but he stopped talking and sat there thinking about something.

But after a while, he asked again: "Grandma, if it were you, would you charge dad interest? Also, if something happens to grandpa, will you charge interest if you give him money?"

Mei Hua was stunned when she was asked. Of course she couldn't ask for interest, not to mention interest, she wouldn't ask for the principal, but after thinking about it, she still answered:

"Ye Feng, if you give your father your own money, of course you don't need to charge interest. But this time you took the money from the company, and you fired the general manager for this, right?"

Ye Feng nodded and said hesitantly: "Mary is actually doing a good job. I wonder why dad wants to fire him?"

"Because he is authoritarian! Although your father usually smiles and looks harmless, when he does things, he does not tolerate any different voices. This is his advantage, but it is also a disadvantage, because who can guarantee that he will always Are they all correct?"

Meihua's answer was very pertinent. She knew that she could not let her grandson be as domineering as her son. As a company chairman, you must learn to listen and then analyze comprehensively so that you can make the most correct judgment.

"Then should I invite Mary back?" This question seemed to have troubled Ye Feng for some time. Grandma's words today made him a little bit ready to make a move.

"No, since the decision has been made, don't change it. You must maintain your absolute authority in the company!" Meihua answered decisively.

Ye Feng nodded and stopped talking. There are some things that he can't understand yet, but he just needs to be obedient.

In fact, his views have always been different from those of his father and grandma. Grandma and father have always been more inclined to Zha Hongying, but he feels that as a manager, Mary is more qualified than Zha Hongying. It's not that Zha Hongying doesn't work hard enough, but that she has no independent opinion.

As a company CEO, this is a fatal shortcoming. Therefore, he did not directly promote Zha Hongying as general manager this time. Instead, another one was hired from outside.

Back home, my two younger sisters also came back. Now they are also in kindergarten, and there are nannies to pick them up and drop them off.

Originally, according to Ye Yuze's intention, he wanted to send them to a noble school, but Mei Hua stopped them: "Our family doesn't have that many nobles, and Ye Feng alone is enough."

Ye Yuze never quarreled with his mother in this regard. He was alone in a foreign country with a group of children, so let her take care of herself.

In fact, according to this family's situation, there would be no problem for all the children to go to kindergarten. The reason why Meihua blocked it was because she didn't want their lives to be too comfortable. Why do we, three generations of poor peasants, learn those useless things?

Ayijiang is the hardest-working person in his family, compared with the Ye family. Her brain doesn't seem to be that smart, and she relies solely on hard work to stay among the top students.

Meihua was a little worried about this child. In fact, she wanted to send her back to Junken City. The child was too taciturn, especially after Ye Yuji left.

If this continues, Ayi Jiang will definitely stay in the United States and will not return to Juncheng.

It's not that Meihua cares where she lives, but that she's afraid that she's even alienated from her family.

Because she never took the initiative to call Yang Geyong, and Yang Geyong was careless and rarely called. If this continues for a few more years, who will still belong to whom?

Meihua approached Yang Geyong several times about this matter, but the boy always agreed and would forget it after only a few days.

Mei Hua could only shake her head. Men are indeed big pigs. Having a wife and son, I forgot all about my daughter.

Anyway, Ye Yuze persisted well and would call Ye Feng and his two daughters within three days at most.

In fact, Meihua knows that Yu'e's contribution is responsible for this. But Yu'e is also pregnant now. Who knows what will happen in the future?

When the car drove home, Meihua had already made up her mind to bring Yu'e to Boston. At least the child must be born here.

She was worried about letting two young people give birth alone on Hong Kong Island. Besides, you can also deepen your relationship with the children here.

Mei Hua is a person who just does what she thinks of. When she got home, she didn't care what time it was on Hong Kong Island and immediately called Ye Yuze.

The two men finished answering the phone in a daze, looked at each other with a wry smile, and immediately packed their things and prepared to leave. I can't afford it!

The fourth child is now a Harvard student. The reason why he can come to Harvard is really due to Jenny. According to his academic performance, according to Mei Hua, being able to survive until he graduated from high school is already the highest level.

But the United States has a strange rule, that is, the halo around the fourth child's head is too bright. Several prestigious schools competed for him.

After thinking for a long time, I finally chose Harvard Business School. Of course, this choice was forced by Jenny. Otherwise, the fourth child would not even be willing to go to college.

Now Laosi's fast food restaurant has become a well-known fast food brand in Europe and the United States. He is already twenty years old this year, so he naturally needs to participate in decision-making on many things in the business.

At any rate, Aunt Cindy has so many talented people that the company doesn't need to worry about him, otherwise he would be exhausted from college.

Since the beginning of school, Jenny has been like a mythical beast full of blood, and started pushing the fourth child forward again. Before his freshman year was over, he became the finance minister of the business school.

To be honest, the fourth child is very confused. He now envies his eldest brother's life the most. Although it seems that there is no goal, just a hammer here and a stick here and there. But everything he did was shocking.

Automobiles, steel, shipyards, and military machinery and electronics. Of course, no one in the world knows about Junken Mechanical and Electrical, but the fourth child knows!

Even the five-axis linkage machine tools that Europe and the United States are trying to block have been mass-produced. It's ridiculous that this place is still trying to block it.

The fourth child often wonders in a funny way, what would be the reaction if Big Brother and his five-axis machine tools were exported to the United States?

But he really couldn’t tell about this, not even Jenny. That girl is too principled.

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