Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1204 Financial Crisis

When he got home, Ye Yuze was a little tired. After taking a bath and lying down, he didn't want to eat.

Yu'e brought the millet porridge to his mouth and fed it in mouthfuls, followed by the radish strips she had pickled, which were crunchy. After a few mouthfuls, Ye Yuze's appetite was whetted.

But it was useless to open it. Yu'e wouldn't let him eat more for dinner. It is said that it is not easy to digest if you eat too much at night.

In fact, Ye Yuze just wanted to complain: "Brother, I exercise so much every day and don't eat enough, how can I do it?"

Don't think wrongly? It’s about practicing. Ye Yuze never let go of his two piles in the morning and evening. Although he no longer drove piles after the injury, he really didn't dare to delay standing and breathing.

This is thanks to the inner breath used during acupuncture. Ye Yuze had pierced himself more than once. He found that when using Nei Qi, it had a great effect on stimulating acupoints and clearing meridians.

In this case, how could Ye Yuze be lazy on this? This is a unique skill, and it is estimated that not many experienced Chinese medicine practitioners can do it.

I ate a few pieces of steak and drank three bowls of millet porridge. Ye Yuze was sitting on the sofa watching TV, but a piece of news attracted him.

Financial tycoon Soros made a high-profile declaration to enter the Asian financial market and has already entered the Hong Kong stock market.

At this time, the phone rang: "Dad, are you sure to fire Mary?" The son's immature voice rang in the receiver.

"We must dismiss him, don't delay, you decide who to hire as general manager!" Ye Yuze didn't bother his son. He was not in the mood at this time. My thinking is a bit confusing.

Ye Feng hung up the phone with an "Oh", and then called back a short while later: "Dad, I asked Aunt Hongying to serve as acting general manager for a three-month trial period, and I made a two hundred call to your account. Billion dollars, Dad, are you going to make some big move?"

Ye Feng's voice was filled with excitement. It was probably the first time I had done such a big thing and I was very excited.

"Wait to watch the news, son. Dad will help you earn some living expenses so that you won't go hungry in the future."

The guy on the TV talked eloquently to the reporter: "The most serious bubble in Asia's financial market right now is Hong Kong Island. House prices and commodity prices are even higher than in New York. How can a small island support such high consumption?" ?So, I think this market needs to be consolidated and brought back to a rational track."

The corners of Ye Yuze's mouth twitched. Is this guy planning to come to the Hong Kong Island stock market? Should I call and threaten him?

But thinking about that guy's flamboyant character, Ye Yuze decided to give up. No matter how arrogant you are, it's just a fund. Hong Kong Island is currently Chinese territory.

Although you can mess up the pound, why don't you try to mess with the Hong Kong dollar? If I can't beat the shit out of you, then I think you're tight! The Chinese government is not the British government. What kind of predator can make you mess around?

But since this guy made such a high-profile statement, he must have made arrangements underneath. People like them never leave opportunities to others.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuze called Li Yanan, "I will no longer acquire Zheng after I sell him tomorrow morning. I will do my best to protect my own business. Don't let the stock price of our brother company drop."

Li Yanan agreed: "I know, I didn't ask another word."

Ye Yuze turned on his computer and checked the trends in the Asian financial markets, and was shocked. It turns out that the Asian financial markets in 1998 were already in turmoil.

Even the currency of Japan, which has always been known as an economic powerhouse, has depreciated to a terrible extent, and then its real estate and stock markets. If they hadn't had a strong real economy, what would this country have become?

With the fall of Japan, neighboring countries fell one after another. In particular, Thailand, once known as the Four Little Dragons, is already on the verge of collapse in this financial turmoil.

No need to read any further, Ye Yuze understood that this was all the work of international financial oligarchs such as Soros.

In fact, these people don't play any conspiracy with you. Most of the time they are just playing dirty tricks. Just throwing money at you. Hit your currency first, then futures. If you place an order when your futures hit the bottom, they will retreat after making a profit. There is no concern at all about how your country or region is affected.

Ye Yuze made an exception and did not practice Kung Fu that night. He wanted to think of a safe way to deal with it. In order to prevent his company from suffering any losses, at this time, he had even forgotten what the Zheng Group was going to do.

Early the next morning, Ye Yuze asked the company's finance staff to convert all Hong Kong dollars in the account into US dollars. He knew that as soon as Soros and the others took action, they would first attack Hong Kong dollars.

Sure enough, as soon as the market opened, large contracts began to appear in the foreign exchange market. Basically, they are short-selling Hong Kong dollars, and the main one is the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Hong Kong dollar.

This caused the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar to plummet. This has been the case for several days, and the futures and stock markets are also in mourning.

Big investors are protecting the market, while retail investors are selling. And the big investors only protect their own stocks, so how can they control other stocks?

The most frightening thing is the Hang Seng Index, which has shown the same pattern as the stock market crash in previous years. It has plummeted all the way and almost opened low at the beginning of the market.

Ye Yuze is rich in funds, and he doesn't care at all when faced with panic selling. He collects as much as he can, otherwise why raise so much funds?

This continued until August 25th, when the market suddenly stabilized. But in this case, who would dare to enter the market? What they hold in their hands are stocks or futures that cannot be sold, and they are still desperately trying to sell them.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Ye Yuze decisively ordered to buy 30 billion U.S. dollars of Hang Seng Index futures contracts, and everything he did went up.

Little Apple's face flushed with excitement. She had witnessed the miracle created by Ye Yuze. Knowing that the boss is going to fight again, it is different from being a trader for him before. At that time, I was just scared, but now I am only excited!

At this time, the Zheng Group was also silent. It must be said that this Zheng Tongwei was ruthless enough. Originally, several people pooled their money to attack the brother company.

As a result, Zheng Gao caught up with the financial crisis and spent all his money buying his own stocks. Even so, he could barely keep his stock from breaking four.

But who doesn’t need money to protect the market at this time? They all begged him for help, but where could Zheng Tongwei have the money to give them?

If you sell your own stocks, wouldn't you destroy the Great Wall? So I tried my best to put it off and not give it.

As a result, several people completely broke up with each other. Now Zheng Tongwei's left eye is still blue. If he was beaten by his allies, if he was not in his company, it would be as simple as a black eye.

Zheng Tongwei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the market had finally stabilized at the opening of trading today.

In fact, everyone understands that this is the action of the government, not the Hong Kong Island government, but the country. They will not allow oligarchs to disrupt financial markets.

There are so few tickets, so give some to Xingbu Balangzi and Adasi.

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