Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1201 The prodigal bag is different

Bao BuTong was overjoyed. He was naturally not happy that Ye Yuze prepared steel plates for him, but that Ye Yuze promised him to build a big ship. Of course, the quality of Ukrainian ship boards is definitely not that good, which in turn saves a lot of money.

You must know that the steel plate is the most needed thing for freighters. Originally, he planned to use domestic steel plates, but the quality of domestic steel plates is still not up to par, with poor strength and corrosion resistance.

Secretary Wang patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry about the money issue. There's not much I can do about the US dollar. But there are so many banks in the RMB Shenzhen market, and I will help mediate."

Ye Yuze didn't want to talk for a moment. No wonder Bao BuTong wanted to build a big ship. It turned out that the root was here.

He angrily said to Bao BuTong: "You have already lost a business once. If you fail this time, all your shares will be confiscated."

Bao BuTong responded with a smile: "You can confiscate it if I cause it, as long as you let me build the ship."

Ye Yuze sighed: "A good company must have one or two losers like Bao Bubu, plus a wise boss like himself!"

Yes, we have to add Secretary Wang, a leader who loves success. Once such a big ship is built, there will definitely be many additions to his resume.

I called Ivanna and told him the quantity of goods needed in the Shenzhen market. I gave Baotong an account number and asked him to call the money. Of course, you have to be clear about money matters.

After having a meal with Secretary Wang at noon, Ye Yuze returned to Yangcheng. After playing outside for more than half a month, Yu'e wanted to go home. Her so-called home is Ye Yuze's villa on Hong Kong Island.

When passing the customs, Ye Yuze was deeply touched. Last year, British approval was required to enter the customs, but this year it became the People's Republic of China. How could all this be possible without the strength of the motherland?

Over the years in the United States, Ye Yuze has also been deeply touched. The so-called equality and peace between countries actually does not exist.

Because those countries believe in the law of the jungle, where the weak eat the strong. Just like if you try to reason with someone who is much more powerful than you.

When he wants to talk to you, he may still be able to listen. But when you don't want to hear it, where's the logic? The fist is the truth.

After returning home, Yu'e changed into home clothes and put herself comfortably on the sofa. Only then did she truly relax.

Seeing his wife curled up on the sofa like a kitten, Ye Yuze burst into laughter. This girl has always been very self-disciplined, especially in front of others. She always looked full of energy, and even he had never seen her lazy side.

The servants are very responsible. Even though they haven't been back for so long, the house is still spotless. Ye Yuze wanted to contact Little Apple, but Yu'e stopped him. I had just finished changing his dressing, but I didn’t want him to go out to pee, mainly because the stitches hadn’t been removed from the wound and he couldn’t even take a bath.

Ye Yuze was obedient and did not go against his wife's wishes. Yu'e went to make some millet porridge. After living in Hong Kong Island for so long, she still can't change her eating habits and loves to drink millet porridge.

Ye Yuze wanted to stir-fry two dishes, but Yu'e stopped him: "You are still a wounded person, don't be angry, be careful to tear the wound."

Ye Yuze stretched out his arms and said with a smile: "Do you think I'm made of paper? So delicate."

"If I say no, I mean no!" Yu'e tried her best to open her eyes and pout her mouth in a show of force.

Ye Yuze was so scared that he really couldn't afford to offend her. At present, this tigress has just taken shape and is still in the cute stage. Over time, it becomes terrifying.

Ye Yuze sighed. In fact, he didn't have to get married. This form of marriage actually killed a lot of originally beautiful love.

How many earth-shattering loves turned into feathers in the end? Only when you truly become a wife can you have the ultimate happiness, but no one knows whether that is still love.

Ye Yuze remembered a joke about an old couple who were very loving. The old lady pushes the old man's wheelchair along the street every day. The old man always calls the old lady "baby." As long as the old lady goes out, she will never leave her husband at home.

Everyone near home envied the old couple. Many young people in love will buy them some small gifts every time they meet them.

As a result, one time when the old lady went to the toilet, a young couple asked the old man: "Uncle, you are so old, aren't you embarrassed to still call me darling?"

The old man frowned and said helplessly: "But I forgot his name? Why don't you call him baby?"

The boy showed his hands to his girlfriend, who was not convinced and chased him into the bathroom and asked the old lady: "Auntie, aren't you tired of pushing him like this all day? You can come out and play by yourself when you have nothing to do."

The old lady pursed her lips: "I don't dare. In a blink of an eye, he can wink at Widow Liu next door. If I didn't break his legs, do you think he can be so honest?"

The little girl left the toilet with a frustrated look and walked forward alone. The boy caught up with her and asked her what was wrong.

The girl scolded angrily: "Why are you asking? If you ask again, your legs will be broken..."

The reason why Ye Yuze got married was for an explanation. After meeting Wulan, he felt deeply. Yu'e is a rather infatuated woman. If she doesn't marry her, she will definitely wait like this for the rest of her life.

It is better to get married and have a child. Even if there is a problem between the two of them, the child will eventually be her sustenance.

For example, my mother, if not for the company of these children. Do you really not know what your life will be like after divorce?

I laid myself flat on the sofa, not daring to lie down. I had to sleep on my side for the past few days due to my injury.

After dinner, the two of them watched TV for a while. Yu'e suddenly said: "How about we take all the children over? Let mom go back to Junken City. Although dad has Cuicui to take care of him, how can he feel comfortable with his wife?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Don't mind their business and let nature take its course. I'm afraid they won't be able to adapt to being together again. I'll wait until they get older and can't fight anymore."

Yu'e opened her eyes wide: "Will they still fight?"

Ye Yuze smiled "hehe": "Do you think my mother will have no resentment after so many years? How can I live without this tone of voice?"

Yu'e stuck out her tongue, not daring to think about that scene. She still has some experience of her mother-in-law's shrewdness. She wonders what she will be like when she becomes her mother-in-law.

The two of them spent a few days quietly without making any calls except to their family members. It wasn't until Ye Yuze had the stitches removed from his wound that he went to the company.

Ye Yuze was quite grateful to Little Apple for this wedding. This woman was simple-minded and upright in her actions. Really suitable for being partners and friends.

Tietou and the others now behave like successful people. After the return of Hong Kong Island, the so-called gangs of the past collapsed overnight. Only they land safely.

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