Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 119 Shake hands with death

Drowning people all have one thing in common, that is, they subconsciously grab onto something.

Yinhua was grabbed by Ye Yuze's shoulders and immediately let go of the fishing rod. Both hands hugged Ye Yuze directly.

At this time, the two people were three or four meters deep from the water. But at least the water flow in this place is not too fast.

Ye Yuze dodged Yinhua's hands, grabbed the collar of the back of her neck, and kicked the ground with both feet.

The moment he emerged from the water. Ye Yuze took a sharp breath. After being in the water for a while, my lungs almost exploded.

By this time his position was close to the other side of the river. Yang Geyong was still staring nervously at the river from the opposite side. Look for their shadow.

Seeing Ye Yuze's head popping up, Yang Geyong turned around and ran upstream. The water is shallow over there. Able to wade directly across the river.

The river bank near Ye Yuze is relatively steep. He really didn't have the energy to swim far away.

At any rate, Yinhua also regained consciousness at this time, and her hands couldn't help splashing in the water. He didn't let his body sink.

Ye Yuze struggled to grab a protruding stone on the shore.

Then he held Yinghua's butt and pushed her up.

It's just that both of them have already lost their strength. Yinhua's hand couldn't reach the shore and she couldn't use any strength.

Ye Yuze's body was in the water, and he barely stepped on the water to keep his head above the water. The hand holding the stone couldn't use any strength.

Because the stone is so big, it is better to say that it is holding on to the stone with the palm of one's hand.

Yinhua's hand was still half a meter away from the edge of the river bank. She tried her best to stretch her arms but couldn't reach it.

The river bed was slick and she could not grab anything. Ye Yuze's strength was almost exhausted. Once it sinks into the water. The only result for the two of them is to become fish together.

At this time, Yang Geyong finally ran above their heads. This kid's judgment on things is sometimes really calmer than Ye Yuze's.

If he had jumped directly into the water, none of the three people would survive.

But now that he is on the shore, everyone is saved.

Yang Geyong grabbed Yinhua's hand as soon as he possessed him. Then he struggled with his arms and thrust his body upwards. Yinhua was lifted straight up.

See where your feet can reach. Yinghua kicked her feet and stood on the ground. He turned around and reached out to pull Ye Yuze.

Just, when the two people looked towards the river. Nothing can be seen.

"Yuze!" A shrill cry came from Yinhua's mouth.

Yang Ge picked up a branch from the ground and handed it to Yinhua.

"Take it, and when you see us coming up, hand the branch to us!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for her to answer. Yang Geyong jumped into the water with a "Plop!"

Yang Geyong's mind is very simple, if the silver flower falls into the water. He could still rationally consider how to rescue him on the shore.

But now it was Ye Yuze who fell into the water, and his brain stopped working. This is the difference between friends and brothers in his heart!

It's just that the water here is too deep. He stabbed several times in succession, but could not find any trace of Ye Yuze.

Yinghua over there has cried into tears. And Yang Geyong had no strength at all at this time. He grabbed the branch handed over by Yinghua and gasped in the water.

He would not come ashore unless he found Ye Yuze. It's just a pool with a radius of fifty meters, but it's so deep, and the underwater terrain is complicated.

There are tree roots and rocks crisscrossing the area, and although the water is very clear, it’s really hard to see what’s going on at the bottom.

The reason why the silver flowers can be found is because the water where they fell into the water is relatively shallow. Ye Yuze jumped in time. So he was caught by Ye Yuze all of a sudden.

Yang Geyong looked at the river and determined the area he had just searched. Then I decided to go down and search from there.

Ye Yuze has now reached a critical moment of life and death.

The moment Yinhua was pulled up by Yang Geyong just now. Ye Yuze's body softened completely.

This is how people are, whenever they try their best to do something. All the potential in the body has been discovered.

Once the thing is done, the whole body will be unable to move as if it has lost all strength.

Ye Yuze quickly sank into the water, and then was swept by the water towards the depths of the pool.

The reason why this pool is formed is that it is a bend in the river.

The river water that keeps flowing in forms a whirlpool here. Make a twist and turn downstream.

Yang Geyong entered the water several times but did not dare to swim in the direction of this whirlpool.

Anyone who knows how to swim knows it. A whirlpool is the worst place to go in the water. Once caught in the whirlpool.

No matter how good you are in water, you will be pushed directly into the bottom of the water. You can't get up without turning into a floating corpse.

This is the fate Ye Yuze is encountering at this moment. Because I don't have any strength. Drifting in the water, he was swept into the whirlpool.

Originally, Ye Yuze had given up struggling. His mind still stopped at the moment when Yinhua stepped ashore from his shoulder.

He didn't know why, although he knew his life might stop at the age of nine. But he felt satisfied that the little girl could live in this world from now on.

A huge suction forced him to spin in the water. It was not long before he was transferred to the bottom of the river.

If it was because he was holding his breath just now, he couldn't help but drink some water.

Then the current river water was like a boulder that seemed to be crushing his body. He couldn't even drink water.

The feeling of suffocation made him subconsciously want to stand up straight and run towards the water.

But the huge pressure forced his body to cling to the bottom of the river bed. I couldn't lift myself up at all.

This strong sense of suffocation made his somewhat fuzzy mind begin to clear up. He began to crawl at the bottom of the river bed.

Not to mention, although I can't stand up. But crawling along the river bottom is no problem.

By this time, I no longer cared about drinking water or not. Once you find a way. Ye Yuze started to move faster.

The riverbeds all have slopes. Ye Yuze began to climb higher. Slowly, he climbed out of the whirlpool.

The pressure on my body is gone. However, Zi started to lose strength. Because of the buoyancy and velocity of the water, he could not walk underwater.

But he knew that even if he reached the water, he would not have the strength to swim ashore.

Looking down, I saw a large white stone at the bottom of the river. Ye Yuze bent down and hugged him.

This stone weighs twenty kilograms. Not much lighter than him.

But he picked it up easily at the bottom of the river. With something to fall on, there was finally no obstacle to his walking at the bottom of the river. Walking towards the top easily.

When he was approaching the shore, he found that his fishing rod was stuck in a rock crevice.

He reached out and grabbed it. Continue walking towards the shore. Finally his head emerged from the water.

The moment you breathe in the air. He coughed violently!

A moment of runny nose and tears. Squirt out together with the water in your stomach.


Yinhua, who was lying on the bank, howling and nervously searching the river surface, was alarmed by Ye Yuze's cough.

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