Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1178 The school collapsed

After the old man shouted, three people appeared in the store, and they turned out to be the old man's family. Wife and son return daughter.

But after seeing his children, Ye Yuze was surprised. They were only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, is this your child?"

The old man nodded and said with a toothless smile: "Yes, one is fifteen and the other is sixteen."

"Then how old are you?" Ye Yuze asked again.

The old man chuckled: "I am 36 and my wife is 34. My family is poor and I got married late."

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong looked at each other, not knowing what to say? This is still a restaurant owner, which shows what the standard of life here is.

The family was very quick with their hands and feet, and in just over an hour, everything was put out. Only then did Ye Yuze understand why the boss looked at them like that just now. What is this table?

Fragrant pork legs, green spinach noodles, steamed buns, pastrami, corn buns, steamed buns, milk residue, spicy pork liver, tsampa, cold pot fish, etc.

The boss introduced everything to them, but Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong looked confused. They just didn't know what was on the table, but they could see that most of it was staple food.

The key point is, do any restaurants in China serve food like this? Can't you just give me one staple food and give the rest as vegetables?

But it's not the boss's fault. The restaurant originally didn't have many dishes, but more staple food. He had everyone bring them all.

Ye Yuze looked around. The fragrant pork leg looked very attractive in color. He took a chopstick first and he was not disappointed. It tasted very good.

This kind of fragrant pig should be very small, so the fat layer is very thin, not as thick as ordinary pork knuckles. Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze had a great time eating.

And what about the solidarity dumplings? Isn’t this called a dumpling? Just roll out a large piece of dough and wrap the stuffing inside. The key point is not to pinch it tightly, but there are still a few holes left.

Not to mention, the stuffing is real and full of beef.

Two people were eating when a few little heads appeared at the door. His eyes stared at Ye Yuze's table with extreme longing. All the little faces were dirty.

Ye Yuze waved, several children pushed and pushed, and finally a bold child walked in.

Ye Yuze asked: "Want to eat?" The little boy nodded, his eyes fixed on the fragrant pork leg.

Ye Yuze picked up the main leg and handed it to him without hesitation. The little boy picked it up and ran out.

Then a few children at the door timidly walked in. Ye Yuze simply asked the boss to get some pairs of chopsticks and asked the children to eat together.

The boss hesitated: "They are dirty, can you still eat them?"

The boss is obviously worried that the children will not be blamed for eating them.

"How much does your table cost in total?" Ye Yuze asked with a smile.

"Please give me ten yuan as a guest. It's ten yuan and fifty cents in total." The boss grinned.

Ye Yuze didn't show any pretense. He took out a big dough stick and handed it to him: "You can make another table so that the children can eat."

The boss looked at him deeply, agreed, and immediately ran in and started working again. Maybe this time I had prepared the ingredients just now, but it took less than an hour for another table to be served.

But the store was already full at this time, and it turned out that the kid who ran out with the pig legs just now called another group.

The children, ranging from four or five to ten years old, filled the room. My eyes were fixed on the food served by the boss.

Ye Yuze flashed the money in his hand: "Just do it and use up all the ingredients in your store today."

The boss frowned and thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "Guest, we are generally short of food here. If you just want the children to be full, why not make all the steamed buns and tsampa, that way they can do everything Eat enough."

Ye Yuze nodded: "Stew all the meat and let the children eat whatever they want. Just tell me how much it costs."

The boss said "Okay!" and then went to work. After eating the meal from noon to four o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Yuze and the two were still not full, mainly because the children ate too much.

Only then did Ye Yuze feel that something was wrong and asked one of the smarter children: "Don't you all go to school?"

The child shook his head: "Our school has collapsed, and there is no place for classes these days."

Ye Yuze looked at the boss, who nodded: "The primary school in the town has collapsed and there is no money to cover it. Isn't it because the mayor and secretary of the township have gone to the county to run around? But the county has no money and is trying to find ways to raise money everywhere. , we can’t let our children not go to school, right?”

Ye Yuze stood up and said to the children, "Can you take me to see the school?"

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go." They had just had a good meal, and the children were very proud of Ye Yuze, the sponsor.

Ye Yuze settled the bill with the boss. The boss was honest and only wanted 25 yuan. Ye Yuze dropped 30 yuan and left.

The school is in the middle of the town, opposite the town government. It was originally Shi Lei's house, but it was in disrepair. Four of the five classrooms collapsed.

Only the teacher's office and a crumbling fifth-grade classroom were there.

Ye Yuze took a look and realized that the reason why the house collapsed was because it was built with white ash and mud instead of cement. How could such a house be strong?

Looking at the township government opposite, he saw that it was built of bricks. Ye Yuze naturally understood how difficult it was to bring in building materials in such a place.

After discussing with Yang Geyong, the two of them walked into the township government office. The township chief and secretary were not there, but a deputy township chief was there and asked them what they wanted.

Ye Yuze pointed to the school opposite: "We are tourists passing by and want to donate some money to build the school. How much does it cost?"

The deputy mayor stood up immediately and held Ye Yuze's hand tightly: "Thank you very much. The money is not much. Ten thousand yuan is enough. We have stones here, but we are short of cement and wood. We can do the labor ourselves." Dry!"

Ye Yuze shook hands with him: "Where can I buy cement? Can they deliver it?"

The deputy mayor nodded quickly: "You guys wait, the secretary and mayor will be back in the evening. You can discuss it with them then. These things are available in the county."

Ye Yuze shook his head: "No need to discuss, you can take us there, we have the car."

The deputy mayor hesitated for a moment, but he was probably afraid that they would regret it, so he called a staff member and told him to be on duty here, then got into Ye Yuze's car and followed them.

When I came to the County Materials Bureau, it was empty. After searching around the county town, I found cement and sand in a private trading warehouse.

The deputy mayor said that 10,000 yuan of cement and 5,000 yuan of sand would be enough.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and asked for 50,000 yuan of cement, 10,000 yuan of sand, and 30,000 yuan of steel bars. He decided to settle the matter once and for all.

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