Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1173 Undercooked Dough

Starting from Road No. 0 in Xinfeng, it takes more than 2,000 highways to reach Ali, and most of this road is Daban Highway with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, which is no less difficult than Duku Highway. And the mileage is much longer.

Therefore, they will have to prepare a lot of supplies. At least oil is a big problem. This era is not the future, with gas stations everywhere. Oil is a relatively scarce material in our country, and it is even more scarce in this relatively remote place. Not to mention gas stations, it is difficult to find a place that sells gas.

Truck drivers always use the method of pulling oil drums, but their truck cannot pull them, so they can only prepare a few plastic drums and put them in the trunk.

Ulan had not run past Ali, so he could not give them any more advice. All he could ask was to prepare more supplies.

They already had coats and bedding, and a lot of oil. All that was left was food and water.

It is obviously unrealistic to bring barbecue or raw meat. After all, it is summer, and it may smell bad if left in the trunk for two days. The two discussed for a long time and finally decided to purchase some dried meat and white flour.

The kerosene stove has been buried in the desert for a long time, and I will definitely have to buy a new one. But then I have to bring some diesel. Gasoline cannot be burned, and it is easy to cause accidents.

After loading the car fully, the two set off. This section of the journey is not much better than the desert. The only thing that strikes the eye is the stone and the next door. There is almost no green in sight.

The reason why it is called no man's land is not that people will die if they enter it, but that this place is not suitable for human habitation.

In fact, not only is it not suitable for human habitation, but after passing Hongliugou and driving all the way, I didn't see even an animal or bird. I remembered what the aunt at the guest house said: "There is no grass on the ground and no birds in the sky." It is really true.

However, along the way, the two of them have become accustomed to these things, especially the desert road, which was originally the same. It's just that that time, Wu Lan guided the way, but this time it's all on his own.

The key thing now is that the two people are facing a problem, that is, once the altitude exceeds 5,000 meters, the oxygen starts to become thin. The problem is that people are particularly prone to fatigue and have difficulty breathing.

After all, both of them were born in Northern Xinjiang, which is not a low-altitude area, so there is no discomfort. The oxygen bag I prepared seems to be of little use.

After driving more than 200 kilometers in one go, Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh secretly when looking at the almost identical scenery. He didn't know what the use of such a place was created by nature.

This road basically runs on the ridge, and the road signs say something like "Da Ban". I heard that it takes several Dabans to reach the dividing line between Ngari and Northern Xinjiang. It’s just that after running for so long, I just passed a Dashan.

In fact, Daban means the ridge in Beijiang dialect. Some people also call it the depression in the middle of the saddle. There are several ways to explain it, but the bottom line is that it’s a steep mountain road, and that’s certainly true.

This section is a bit hard to drive, because the temperature will drop at high altitudes. Don’t think that just because it’s summer, it will be warm everywhere. When you reach an altitude of 5,000 meters, you will encounter snowy mountains that remain unchanged all year round at any time.

Some people will sigh in the summer: "If it snows at this time, I can wear short-sleeved shirts and have fun in the snow."

In fact, you can try it at 219. I'm not going to lie to you, you really don't dare to wear short sleeves. At this moment, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were both wearing coats in the car.

It was already approaching noon, and the two of them felt tired. In fact, the more than 200 kilometers had not exerted much physical energy on the two of them. What I felt at this time was a kind of fatigue, the kind of fatigue that made my whole body and mind feel.

At this time, their car had reached the highest point of Jieshan Daban, and the two decided to have something to eat before leaving.

After getting off the car, Yang Geyong peed down the cliff first, then took out the kerosene stove, lit it, added water, and put in a few pieces of air-dried horse meat. They were going to make water-cooked slices to eat.

Ye Yuze knows this, because this is the only meal that his father is good at. No need to learn, you can just read it.

I washed my hands and kneaded the noodles quickly, and then waited for the water to boil. They thought they would have to wait a while, but they said the food was not cooked well at high altitudes, so they were prepared to spend twice as much time.

Unexpectedly, the water boiled quickly, and the two people looked at each other. Could it be that the drivers were fooling them again? The key is that the water boiling time is shorter than usual?

But at this time, I no longer have time to think so much. If the water boils, I have to go down.

The so-called water-stretched dough is to soak the mixed dough in water, directly pull it into dough pieces and throw them into the pot to cook.

Ye Yuze works very quickly, mainly because the two of them don't need to be so meticulous. It doesn't matter if the dough is larger or thicker, the more chewy the dough, the more delicious it will be.

If a woman were to make the rice, they would definitely make it thinner than the rolled out dough. Ye Yuze certainly wouldn't do it, as that would be soulless. To eat this thing, you have to have a hard-to-bite texture to be able to enjoy it.

The noodles were quickly thrown into the soup pot, and the water kept turning. It was just a little abnormal. Normally, the aroma of meat should have wafted out by this time. After all, the air-dried horse meat has been cooked for a while. But the two of them just didn't smell it.

But they are not that kind of meticulous. Whether it is fragrant or not, it is just horse meat, so it will not stink. Be careful not to cook the noodles for a long time. Over time, they will become less chewy and lose their soul.

So after cooking it for a while, the two of them took it out, dipped a piece of naan in it and started eating.

After just one sip, Ye Yuze vomited on the ground. Wasn't it cooked at all? What the hell is this called? It obviously takes longer to cook than at home, but why is it still raw? This thing must not be eaten, right?

Ye Yuze snatched the bowl from Yang Geyong's hand. This guy was still eating deliciously.

Yang Geyong looked at him in confusion: "What's wrong? Why don't you ask me to eat?"

Ye Yuze said angrily: "Are you stupid? Can't you eat raw or cooked food?"

Yang Geyong smacked his mouth: "The taste doesn't seem right, is it undercooked?"

Ye Yuze stopped nagging him and poured all the slices in the bowl into the pot and started cooking again.

This time Ye Yuze was careful and did not fish it out rashly. Instead, he tasted it again and again. After cooking it for almost ten minutes, there was no more dough in the dough piece.

But at this time, not to mention the soul of the dough, even the shape was gone. It was a sticky pot of soup that was unappetizing to look at.

But when people are hungry, they can't care about so much. Xilihulu eats a piece of soup, and a pot of soup slices goes into his stomach. Put aside the good and bad food first, because he's not hungry anymore anyway.

After the two of them ate and studied for a while, they finally figured it out. It turned out that when people said that the rice was not cooked well, it meant that the air pressure here was high, and the water looked like it was boiling, but in fact it was not. This pot of noodles is almost cooked, no wonder it tastes so bad.

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