Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1166 Ye Wancheng takes the back door

Everyone naturally knows Wei Quanyou, and many people have a hard time explaining his choice. There were those who admired him, but there were also those who were disdainful. In order to convince him, the leaders of the company and the regiment had to do a lot of work. After all, no one wants to give up on their comrades.

But without exception, these people were pushed back by Wei Quanyou. It is impossible to say that they are not angry. These people are still in leadership positions today.

As soon as Ye Wancheng finished speaking, he said: "Wei Quanyou is an extremely stubborn person. We tried our best at the beginning. Since this is his own choice, I don't think there is any need to warm up to the cold butt. Although we are now a military reclamation company. City, but we are still a corps, a paramilitary unit, and discipline is our first principle."

"Bullshit, when did Wei Quanyou violate discipline? Don't you know what his choice was? He has been patrolling alone for so many years, instead of enjoying himself and getting rich!"

Mr. Zhao is still domineering, no, he is Director Zhao now.

Liu Qinghua pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, this is our dereliction of duty. Although I was in the Third Regiment at the time, I knew about this matter when I came back. This matter should have been resolved long ago. I have the same attitude as Lao Ye, and I also Please excuse me and use the back door."

The three giants had the same attitude, and the deputy mayor did not dare to speak. Not to mention not daring to offend the public, he couldn't afford to offend these three!

The vote was unanimously approved by 11 votes. This was a backdoor operation carried out by the Standing Committee of the Military Reclamation City.

Lan Lan and her mother were assigned to the agricultural company and were responsible for managing the sorghum in that area. And her husband Liang Tian, ​​together with his father-in-law Wei Quanyou, became the border guards on that stretch of the border.

The wages of border guards are calculated based on the average salary in Junken City. From then on, Junken City has another occupation, that is, border guards, which can be found on the entire border of Junken City. Some are part-time and some are full-time.

Through this incident, the entire military reclamation city once again set off a climax of military training. The original military training of the Corps was mostly winter training because it was relatively free at that time, but now it has been changed to regular training.

Especially in schools, primary schools, technical schools and military colleges, military training has become one of the assessment contents. At the very least, the operation of conventional weapons and live-fire exercises are what every student must master.

Speaking of this, there is a joke, that is, among the first group of college students to come to the Corps, they are far more likely to fail in live ammunition shooting.

It's really not that he doesn't train seriously, but no matter how much he practices, the bullet will miss the moment it is fired, mainly missing the target. This is a bit embarrassing.

Even a cute girl like Ruyi has good grades, but he, a grown man, really can't stand it.

For this matter, Zhao Ling'er specially lent Carpenter Li out for a week to make a surprise attack and asked her father-in-law to help her son-in-law.

Not to mention, as expected of a carpenter, he soon figured out the reason why his son-in-law's live ammunition missed the target. That was because he moved too much when pulling the trigger, and he liked to close his eyes, so it was strange that he didn't miss the target.

Once the problem is found, it will be easy to solve. It is hoped that this long-standing problem will no longer hold back the entire development zone.

Naturally, there are also voices of opposition to these things. For example, some students admitted to the Military Reclamation University from other places always think that they are the proud ones of heaven. They are students, not soldiers, and should not undergo military training.

Regarding this point, President Zheng Lanzhi and Secretary Wang Shuqin responded unanimously: "Junken University has its special responsibility, that is, once the country needs it, the teachers and students of the school are all qualified soldiers. If you can't accept it, you can drop out of school. "

John also couldn't understand this matter. He asked Ye Wancheng several times: "Who are you preparing to fight?"

Ye Wancheng smiled: "We never take the initiative to provoke, but we are not afraid of anyone. We are always ready to protect our homeland and our country! Your country knows this better than anyone else."

Wei Quanyou and his son-in-law Liang Tian both wore brand-new military uniforms. Naturally, they did not wear cap badges. They both rode horses. This horse was also equipped by Junken City for border guards.

In this way, Wei Quanyou's old rheumatism was naturally relieved. Ye Wancheng ordered him to go to the hospital for treatment, and Wei Quanyou agreed, but because his son-in-law was not familiar with the terrain, he had to take him out first.

Regarding Wei Quanyou's persistence, Ye Wancheng said nothing more. He could understand the psychology of his old comrade. To others, what he did was meaningless, but to Wei Quanyou, it was something bigger than the sky.

As for the arrangements for their family, Wei Quanyou didn't mention a word. Ye Wancheng didn't need him to mention it. He just kept many things in mind. Because in the hearts of two people, this is not a private matter.

When Wei Quanyou took him along the border for two days, he repeatedly told him the situation on the road one by one. He also asked him to bring pen and paper. Because there are too many things in the memory, it is impossible to remember so many things in a short period of time just by relying on the brain.

As for Lan Lan and her mother, their jobs are also very simple. Just pay attention to the growth of sorghum. When watering is needed, just turn on the drip irrigation equipment.

Their area is relatively remote, so the company can only send people here to patrol. To this end, the company also sent people to renovate his house. The house is too old. It is still a mud house built when we entered Xinjiang. It looks crumbling.

From then on, on the border line under the jurisdiction of Junken City, there were always patrolling veterans. Every time they passed by the border guards, the soldiers would salute them in unison and shout: " Old monitor!"

The military reclamation soldiers immediately returned a standard military salute. And stood at attention, watching the soldiers go away.

This incident was first published in the Corps' internal newspaper by a reporter from Junken City. Later, the entire Corps began to follow this approach, and among the Chinese professions, in addition to forest rangers and mountain rangers, the incident was published. There is another profession called "border guard!"

Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze had also finished their rest at this time. This trip to the Duku Highway filled their hearts with awe. You must know that this is not the complete Duku Highway in later generations, but a simplified version of the Duku Highway. It is so thrilling. , it’s really hard to describe it with words.

You must know that in later generations, the Duku Highway was closed in winter because it was too dangerous.

The next section of road is from Kuqa to KS. This section of road is much better than the Duku Highway. However, the two of them discussed it and decided to take a detour on the desert road. After all, both of them have never seen a real desert. .

It was only when the car actually drove in the sea of ​​sand that the two of them realized that all their imaginations were powerless.

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