Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1163 Ye Yufan wants to be transferred again

Although in principle Ye Yufan returned to the leadership of the Army Kencheng, in fact the public security organs are under the dual leadership of the Shangji Public Security Bureau and the city, and the Corps itself is also under the dual leadership of the central government and the Northern Xinjiang Autonomous Region, so the provincial department did not want to talk to him. Ultra vires.

His contradiction is that in fact, after being transferred, his administrative level has not been improved, but his tasks have become several times heavier. After all, nothing can compare with the environment in Junken City today.

After working hard in Junken City for a few years, he may not be able to get promoted. Even if he is transferred to the Public Security Bureau of the Corps, the working environment will be relatively simpler.

It's just a habit developed by the troops. They never refuse tasks assigned by superior leaders. Even if they can't figure it out, they have to complete the task first.

In fact, his biggest concern is still with his wife. The reason why he changed his job was because of Cuicui's distress. If she were transferred, Cuicui would have no way to follow him. Now Cuicui and her husbandry company are developing very well. What about her? Maybe leave your job?

And the position of public security director is destined to be the same as being a soldier. There is no way to return to the army to reclaim the city at any time. So what is the meaning of his career change?

He didn't tell his father and Cuicui about this. After all, the provincial government only wanted to talk to him, and they had no intention of forcing him. He decided to wait.

Because it involved some local matters, Ye Yufan has been handed over to the local brother unit.

He grew up in this land and came into contact with many ethnic groups. In fact, people of all ethnic groups are kind-hearted and like to live a prosperous and stable life.

For them, all ethnic groups will live in harmony because they are one country, just like brothers and sisters.

However, some countries with ulterior motives always like to use money to gather some populists to interfere in other countries. In fact, every country hates such people.

It is undeniable that religious groups are sometimes easily exploited. And these people like to use religion to brainwash people, instill some populist and Nazi ideas, and make people exclude dissidents.

And those countries that support these forces are precisely those countries that flaunt themselves with democracy and freedom.

Ye Wancheng came to the office, and Wu Tianming also called. It was really about Ye Yufan.

Wu Tianming could naturally reject the request from the provincial department, but he had to seek the opinions of Junken City, especially Ye Wancheng.

Ye Wancheng thought for a while and said: "Let him decide this matter. He is not only my son, but also a party cadre. We have no right to make any decisions for him."

Wu Tianming couldn't help but sigh: "Old Ye, among your four sons, Ye Yufan is actually the most similar to you. I was worried that he would go!"

Ye Wancheng also smiled bitterly: "Old Wu, since the day we entered the army, when have we ever disobeyed orders from our superiors?"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Wancheng called his son, and Ye Yufan said he knew about it yesterday. Ye Wancheng did not ask his opinion. This was not his place to interfere.

It was rare for Cuicui not to go out today. Now the company's business is going very well, including a dairy farm, a deer farm, and the largest small-tailed Han sheep base.

The small-tailed Han sheep is a local breed in China, bred from a cross between local large sheep and XJ fine-wool sheep. It is one of the country's fine sheep breeds. It is resistant to rough feeding and has strong survival adaptability.

Especially the fecundity is strong, usually 3 litters can be born in 2 years, with 3-4 babies per litter, and as many as 7-8 babies.

In addition, it also has the characteristics of fast growth and high slaughter rate. The small-tailed Han sheep is a type of sheep that is used both for skin and meat. Its skin is soft and strong, its coat is bright and soft, and its natural pattern is beautiful and generous. It is a good raw material for leather making.

At the same time, the meat is tender, the meat tastes delicious, and the meat clean rate is high. Its lamb meat is a famous meat treasure in ancient and modern times. The small-tailed Han sheep have won prizes at many provincial sheep competitions and have been sold to other places as sheep breeds, skins and meat.

Deer farm has its own particularity and counterpart, so the scale has always been controlled to a certain extent.

The cattle farm, after ensuring the supply of the dairy factory and the school factory itself, also controls the amount within an appropriate range. Otherwise, if there is too much milk, it cannot be used for bathing, right?

Dairy plants then introduced milk insurance and canning technology. But the shelf life is short, and Cuicui and the others will not let the factory add some inexplicable preservatives to increase the shelf life of the milk.

Since these must be controlled in quantity, the only ones suitable for development are naturally sheep and beef cattle. So at present, the largest output of animal husbandry companies is these meats.

Since the last incident, Xuexihe no longer allowed Cuicui to go to the pasture by herself. Every time she goes out, she will be assigned a bodyguard.

Most of the time, this bodyguard is Zhang Jianmin. No one can match this guy's breeding skills. Now he is the deputy general manager of the animal husbandry company. Xiu He is preparing to train him as an assistant.

When Cuicui was on the phone asking about the lambing situation in the fifth factory? The door was pushed open, and Ye Yufan walked in.

Cuicui looked at her husband in shock. Although he had come to pick her up after get off work, he had never entered her office. What was wrong?

"Tell me? What's the matter here?" Cuicui has a straightforward personality and doesn't like to be sloppy.

I just came to see you, what can I do? Ye Yufan looked at his wife's office, which was much more impressive than his own.

"Come here, show your courtesy when you have nothing to do. If you are a traitor, you will be a thief. Our policy has always been to give leniency if you confess and be strict if you resist. If you don't tell me, I will punish you if you don't tell me."

Cuicui stood up and walked towards her husband with her teeth and claws bared.

Ye Yufan smiled bitterly: "You want to torture a police chief? Are you sure your brain is not wet?"

Cuicui grabbed his ear: "I tortured my husband, what does it have to do with the director of public security? Hurry up, otherwise my ears will hurt."

Ye Yufan apologized twice and then explained the work transfer. In fact, he had already decided to put it off for a while, but his father's phone call made him change his mind.

Because as an elder, the last thing he wants is for his son to be far away from him. As a result, Ye Yufan instantly understood what his father meant when he said, "You decide on your own."

It seemed that the old man didn't want to violate the organization's wishes. The old man's attitude made Ye Yufan, who was already unsteady, change his mind in an instant. Why don't you come to your wife to discuss this?

Cuicui was silent for a long time after listening to Ye Yufan's words. There was a bit of sadness in his expression. No woman likes to be separated in two places.

It's just that she knows this man best, and he values ​​his career more than anything else. Even so, he left his most beloved army for himself, which is enough to show his importance in his heart.

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