Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1160 Nalati Town

It is said to be a town, but it is actually a village. This town only became prosperous after the development of tourism in later generations, but there was really nothing in front of it. Just like all Kazakh villages, there was a health center, a township government, a supply and marketing cooperative, and a restaurant.

The two of them were a little worried. Although it was okay to live in a car due to the temperature here, how uncomfortable would it be?

At this time, a young girl came over and asked Yang Geyong: "Are you looking for a place to live?"

Yang Geyong nodded: "Why don't you have a guest house here?"

The girl burst out laughing: "We rarely have outsiders come here. Even if they come, they are inspected by superiors. They all stay at the mayor's house. Isn't it a waste to open a guest house with no one to live in it? ?”

Well, this reason is so strong that Yang Geyong is speechless. But since this girl asked him, she naturally had her own thoughts, so he stared at the girl, wanting to see what she would say next?

"Go live in my house. I am the only one in my house now. By the way, my name is Gu Li." Gu Li has a cheerful personality, like a happy lark.

The two of them were overjoyed when they heard this. They were still debating whether to leave, but they already had a place to live.

After following Guli back home, she was indeed the only one at home. Like all Kazakh houses, there was a large yard full of fruit trees. But the house is not that good. It is a low-rise adobe house with only three rooms.

However, there is no need to take a shower. There are no washing facilities or running water in homes in pastoral areas. To drink water, you have to go to a well.

This is different from the Han people. The Han people all carry water, but in the pastoral areas, they use ox carts to pull the water, or use two leather water bags to let the horses move the camels.

Gu Li seemed to understand the living habits of the Han people. She took out two basins and asked them to fetch water and wash themselves. Then he caught up with the bullock cart and went to the well to pull water.

While the girl went out, the two of them quickly freshened up, forgot about their clothes, and went to the river to wash up later.

Gu Li came back soon. There were two large buckets on the bullock cart. Gu Li picked up one with difficulty and wanted to pour it into the water tank. Yang Geyong took it over and helped her complete the task easily while holding the other in one hand.

Looking at this girl, a shadow appeared in Ye Yuze's mind. That is Old Yumin’s sister Gu Li. I have never seen her since she went to Tangcheng. I just know that she got married early. How is her life? He really doesn't know.

Gu Li started cooking for them, but was stopped by Ye Yuze. She said she was going to a restaurant in town to eat later. Gu Li twisted her fingers in embarrassment and hesitated to speak.

But Yang Geyong smiled and said: "We will bring it back to you, so you don't have to cook anymore."

Gu Li then laughed. It turned out that women were not allowed to go to restaurants to eat. In fact, according to religious customs, halal restaurants are generally not allowed to sell alcohol, but the requirements are not that strict.

It was still early, so Ye Yuze suggested that Gu Li take them to play. Gu Li naturally agreed happily, and the three of them drove up to higher places. Although the slope of this mountain was gentle, the altitude was very high. As soon as they climbed halfway up the mountain, the temperature began to drop sharply.

After driving a few hundred meters higher, we could already see the white snow. There is a clear dividing line of twenty meters between the white snow and the green grass. There are no plants between the dividing lines, but there is one winter and one summer on both sides of the dividing line.

Although Gu Li is a local, she rarely comes here. Because the terrain is a bit high, if it weren't for the powerful off-road vehicle, it really wouldn't be possible to drive up.

Guli laughed loudly and ran into the snow and then onto the grass, very excited. Ye Yuze took out his camera and took pictures of her.

The camera was brought back by Ye Yuze from the United States. It was an instant camera. The so-called Polaroid means that you can get the photo immediately after taking the photo.

Although this camera is not expensive, the photo paper is expensive, and a photo costs almost one dollar. Currently, this camera is only available in some big cities in China, and most of them are brought back from abroad.

When it comes to photography, Ye Yuze is not an expert, he just can't take photos of people.

Gu Li sang and danced excitedly when she got the photo, as happy as a child. Yang Geyong looked at her obsessively, as if he saw the shadow of Chi Na'er when he was young.

The three of them played until about eight o'clock before driving down the mountain. Gu Li held a bunch of photos in her hands and couldn't calm down her excitement at all, and kept chattering all the way.

Gu Li's family lived in the south end of the town. I dropped Gu Li off first and the two of them went to a restaurant. The restaurant is run by an old couple and they don't have many dishes, just one goat and three meals.

The so-called "one lamb three meals" is lamb leg meat kebabs, and the bones are used as hand meat. Peel off the fat from your belly and cook it with your hands.

Ye Yuze didn't ask for finger food because he saw Naren here and he hadn't eaten it for a while. And it’s rare to get authentic food.

Naren is actually mixed noodles, but the noodles are not noodles, but wide noodles similar to trouser belt noodles.

Different from the noodles, Naren does not have vegetables. The noodles are dried horse meat and horse intestines. This kind of meat is very chewy, and Ye Yuze likes to eat it anyway.

The two of them asked for food and did not eat it here. Instead, they packed up their food and went to Guli's house. With that girl here, the atmosphere can be more lively.

Back home, Guli was busy posting her photos on the wall. Seeing them coming back, I quickly cleared the table. The milk tea was already hot on the stove, and each of them poured a bowl.

To be honest, the mutton is very good. But Gu Li was a little dissatisfied, saying that the boss was evil-hearted, how could the mutton be so thin, and where had the fat gone?

Ye Yuze couldn't laugh or cry and told him that he didn't want to grab food. Gu Li still looked dissatisfied and said that Han dolls don't know how to eat meat.

Ye Yuze grinned and admitted that he couldn't do it because he was fat. Especially that kind of sheep tail oil, you can't even eat it in one bite.

First, Naren was eaten to soothe her protesting belly, and then the two of them started drinking. Gu Li handed over her bowl and insisted on having a drink.

Generally speaking, women are not allowed to drink, but there are so many taboos at home. Yang Geyong directly handed her a bottle of wine and let her drink it by herself.

Unexpectedly, this girl had a good capacity for drinking. She would not put down the bottle of wine, and served the two of them with bowls of rice.

Yang Geyong never refuses anyone who comes, he just picks up the bowl and starts eating, Gu Li's eyes are filled with little stars.

Kazakh women like heroes, and their heroes are representatives of bravery. He is good at riding horses, good at wrestling, and can drink wine.

Although Yang Geyong didn't ride a horse, he could drive the car to such a high mountain, which even a horse could not do.

And Yang Geyong’s drinking capacity, what is he if not a hero? So Yang Geyong became Gu Li's idol.

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