Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1155 Avalanche

At this time, Ye Yuze quickly interjected: "Shihezi and Junken City are both corps cities, and each has its own advantages. There is no need to compare."

The person who was about to refute Shihezi's driver shut up when Ye Yuze said this. The main reason is that he is not from any city, so there is really no point in arguing about this.

In fact, Junken City has never meant to surpass Shihezi. After all, Shihezi is the first city of Junken, and it is also a monument in the hearts of all Corps people. Its meaning has little to do with the city itself.

Changing the topic, the two of them asked everyone about the location of the most dangerous place on the Duku Highway. They were prepared to avoid disappearing here inexplicably while out for fun.

The drivers were very enthusiastic and talked about everything on the road. There was always someone who could fill in any missing parts.

Many of them are veteran drivers who have been running on this road for many years. They can remember every ditch and bump on this road with their eyes closed.

It's just that Ye Yuze and the others couldn't remember so much. They just picked up some places where the risk was very high and focused on memorizing them.

There are no inns here. Drivers are used to resting in the car for a while after eating and drinking before hitting the road. But there is an avalanche today, so we won’t know whether it is possible until a car comes from ahead.

In later generations, this road would be closed in winter. But at that time, there were few roads. How could it be closed? Drivers still run like this all year round.

After probably lying there for more than an hour, a car finally came from the front. It turned out that the avalanche was not that big, and the road was cleared quickly after the bulldozers passed by.

As for the car that was buried in the snow, the person was fine, he was just frightened. After the road was opened, we rested for a while and then left.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the news. They were all traveling together, and everyone would feel nervous whenever there was an accident.

Yang Geyong ran behind a large car for a while. He was an experienced driver and was very familiar with the situation here. It's safer to follow others.

But how can his character withstand such speed? It was like a turtle crawling, and it almost drove him crazy. So when there was a slightly wider road section, Yang Geyong overtook him as soon as he refueled, and then waved his hand after passing behind.

What did the truck driver shout to him? Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong didn't hear it. They were less than half of the more than 500 kilometers away. If they really followed the cart, they would have to walk for several days?

I have to say that Yang Geyong’s driving skills are really good. Although he encountered many difficult roads along the way, Yang Geyong rushed over without slowing down.

Unless he encounters that kind of blind curve, Yang Geyong will slow down and honk the horn. As for climbing and descending, these Yang Geyong didn't care at all.

While driving, Yang Geyong kept praising the car's excellent performance. Yang Geyong owns several off-road vehicles and even a military Hummer.

Although the Warrior cross-country does not have such powerful horsepower, its off-road performance is not bad at all. The main thing is that the military doesn't care about fuel consumption, so naturally soldiers' cars have to care about it.

Drive all the way here and compare. Yang Geyong has already determined in his heart that as long as this off-road vehicle of his own factory is put on the market, the sales performance will definitely be very good. My heart felt at ease.

The car went over a hill and just entered a canyon. Yang Geyong couldn't help but stop the car. Ye Yuze's eyes were already straight. The mountain on the left was a cliff like a knife and an axe. On the top of the cliff, there were piles of white snow that never melted all year round. It poked its head out in the shape of a cloud.

In the mountain stream on the right, a river hangs down from the mountain like a silver chain. It flowed into a lake with a radius of more than 100 meters, with a layer of mist steaming on the water, making the entire lake steam like a fairyland.

The lakeside is full of wild flowers of various colors. Next to the wild flowers is a Populus euphratica forest with not lush leaves but strong branches.

This mountain, this water, and this tree make Yang Geyong, a person with no romantic qualities in his body, want to recite a poem.

Of course, he definitely couldn't write it, but he had to express it, right? So Yang Geyong put his hands to his mouth and shouted "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" towards the mountain stream.

The echo soon came back from the bottom of the stream, and the sound was long and continuous.

"No, run!" Ye Yuze picked up Yang Geyong and ran towards the car.

Although Yang Geyong doesn’t know what’s going on? But his reaction ability was very fast. The two people ran back to the car, started the car and ran out.

Behind their car, several large masses of snow rolled down from the cliff, completely blocking the road below. If they had left two minutes later, they would have been buried inside.

"It's all my fault!" Yang Geyong's face was filled with self-blame. He had forgotten what the driver at the Lao Hui Restaurant told him not to make loud noises or honk the horn too loudly when in such a place.

As a result, this accident caused a small avalanche. Fortunately, there was no car at the moment. If something happened, Yang Geyong would have to feel guilty for the rest of his life.

But Ye Yuze remembered an ancient poem in his mind at this moment: "Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavens." How appropriate is it used here?

After this accident, Yang Geyong became much more careful when driving and was no longer so unscrupulous.

When passing through the Nalati Prairie, the two of them stopped and rested for a while. Then continue on the road.

One-third of the place we pass is cliffs, and one-fifth of the area is in high mountain permafrost. It crosses nearly ten major rivers in the Tianshan Mountains and crosses four ice mountains covered with snow all year round. You can imagine the hardships along the way.

This road is like an awl, peeling back the mysterious veil of this high wilderness layer by layer. Along the way, you can enjoy the red and dry Kizilian mountain scenery, the mysterious and steep canyon scenery, the dense vegetation and nomadic style in the hinterland of the Tianshan Mountains, and the vast grassland scenery, etc.

Every scenery is shocking, and at the same time, you will be immersed in the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

"Is this our Northern Xinjiang? I used to say how proud we were as Northern Xinjiang people, but when I saw these scenery, I realized how ignorant I was!" Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh.

When it started to get dark, they turned into TKS County, which is a county in the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture and is very famous here.

It is famous because the altitude of the county is over 3,000 meters, and it is also known as the City in the Sky. There is also another title called Bagua City. The Bagua here naturally refers to the Bagua in the Book of Changes.

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