Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1148 Happy cooperation

Moreover, if he moves up the level, he will have to move somewhere else. To be honest, if he went to a prefecture-level city with average conditions, he would really not want to go. After all, everything here was created with his hard work.

Nowadays, Qiu City is among the top 100 counties and cities in the country, and its ranking is relatively high. In addition, after so many years of operation, the team is relatively harmonious, and basically his instructions can be implemented quickly. How could this be possible in another place?

Hearing that Ye Lizuan wanted to see him, Wang Limin quickly asked to come in. This Ye Lizuan is his lucky general. It can be said that all the changes in Qiu City are due to him.

Ye Lizuan took Erhong into Wang Limin's office. Tell Wang Limin the purpose of Erhong's trip and his own thoughts.

Wang Limin immediately stretched out his hands and shook Er Hong tightly: "Okay, okay! Welcome Chairman Geng to our city. Ye Lizuan's words can represent the meaning of our city. If you need anything, just say it, and the city will fully cooperate!" "

Wang Limin, like all officials, went through a psychological process from being inactive and cautious at the beginning to becoming bold and aggressive later.

It was only after I tasted the sweetness that I became bolder. You must know that everyone within the system must also bear pressure, after all, so many people have to eat.

Local officials are the ones who face this pressure most directly. Since ancient times, China has called local grassroots officials "parent officials", and this parent refers to the parents who provide food and clothing.

In the reform stage, so many companies are in trouble. If this problem is not solved, how can you, a parent official, stay in this position?

At any rate, Wang Limin was lucky because Xuzhuang had a good relative named Ye Yuze who was from Qiu Shi. Wang Limin seized the opportunity and went to Guangzhou for inspection while most of his colleagues were still hesitant.

After returning, he carried out drastic reforms based on his model. Today, Qiu City's economy is developing rapidly. Including oil field taxes, the total already accounts for half of the entire region's tax revenue.

What is this concept? That is to say, a Qiu City raises the tax and fiscal revenue of the entire region. For the top leader of a county-level city, this achievement is enough to look down on most of his colleagues.

How could Wang Limin not pay attention to a national chain company like Erhong? I am also very grateful to Ye Lishuan, this is my vision! If such a large enterprise really develops a planting base here, the land in one township may not be enough.

After listening to Wang Limin's words, Erhong also let go of his hesitant thoughts. "How much land is Secretary Wang going to give us?"

"You will be paid as much as you want, including personnel. If there is any unreasonable dispute, the city will resolve it for you." Wang Limin did not hesitate.

"Okay, as Secretary Wang said, the base will be set here. Then ask Secretary Wang to give us 10,000 acres of better land. The rental price of these lands will be determined by the city, and greenhouses will be built on all of them. You have to grow vegetables all year round.”

People are happy, so Erhong naturally has to express his sincerity.

"I'll do it for you right now. I'll take you to visit right away. Tell me about the land you like!" Wang Limin stood up as he spoke.

But Erhong shook his head: "There's no need to go and look. It's just near Xuzhuang. My uncle's pig farm is adjacent, and his fertilizer can be used to grow vegetables. Our vegetables require organic vegetables, which are as organic as possible. Use chemical fertilizers and pesticides.”

"Uncle?" Er Hong's title made Wang Limin look at Ye Lizuan with some confusion.

"She is Ye Yuze's girlfriend." Ye Lishuan explained.

Hearing this, Wang Limin's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh, that's it! Okay, you have the final say on this, then let's go over there and have a look. It's just that the land in that township is used to grow feed. Keep an eye on it, we are discussing how to rectify it."

Wang Limin brought along his right-hand man Hao Jiujiu. Now Hao Jiujiu is the executive deputy mayor. This man is young and has strong work ability. He is basically doing all the normal things. Wang Limin no longer has to worry about it.

I heard that Erhong was Ye Yuze's girlfriend, and it was such a big investment. Hao Jiujiu was naturally very enthusiastic.

And as for Wang Limin's worry about insufficient feed land, Hao Jiuchiu solved it in one sentence:

"Secretary Wang, feed is food. The most valuable thing nowadays is food. We can buy it from outside. The price is lower than the local one and the quality is better. If the land is turned into vegetable fields, it will not only increase the value of the land, but also It fertilizes the soil. In addition, growing vegetables requires more people than growing food, and the people also have an extra way to make money, a win-win-win situation."

Hao Jiujiu's relatively professional analysis wiped away Wang Limin's only worry. "Okay, then we will give them 10,000 acres of land near Xuzhuang, next to the river and with easy access to water."

Several people soon drew 10,000 acres of land along the river eastward. Now Erhong's vegetable garden is directly from the river to the national highway, and the transportation is extremely convenient.

Wang Limin and Hao Changjiu met Dieter Schwarz at home and were filled with emotion when they heard that he was the richest man in Germany and the chairman of LIDL. Who did Ye Yuze come into contact with? It was so shocking.

It happens to be spring at this time, and most of the land is planted with winter wheat. Just in time to wait for this batch of grain to be harvested, vegetables can be planted directly. The main thing is to build the greenhouse first, otherwise construction will not be easy in winter.

Naturally, there can be no delay in building the greenhouse, and the construction must start now. However, building the greenhouse will inevitably spoil some spring seedlings, but we can start construction after negotiating the amount of compensation with everyone.

Erhong went to Baiyangdian again. There is always fish and shrimp in the supermarket. Baiyangdian is rich in fish, shrimp and reeds, which is suitable for aquaculture.

After the matter was done, Erhong and Dieter Schwarz were about to return to the capital. This time they brought a batch of pork back directly.

Erhong and Dieter Schwarz breathed a sigh of relief. The pork problem they were most worried about was solved. How could you be unhappy?

Grandma was a little reluctant to leave, holding Er Hong's hand and refusing to let go.

Erhong lay down and said something in grandma's ear, and the wrinkles on grandma's face immediately relaxed: "Tell my eldest grandson and bring him back to me when you have time."

Erhong smiled and nodded in agreement, and then got into the car with Dieter Schwarz and headed back. There were so many things going on that it stopped in Xuzhuang for nearly half a month.

Looking at the car in the distance, Wang Limin said with emotion: "These people are really bold in what they do. What they do is either a global chain or a national chain."

Hao Jiujiu didn't take it seriously: "Secretary Wang, won't the vegetables and meat from our Qiu City also be exported to China in the future?"

Wang Limin was shocked, and then smiled, yes, our Qiu Shi products have also gone out.

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