Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 113 Commendation Conference

The order was quickly passed on. The party branches of each battalion and company rushed to the regiment headquarters after receiving the call.

No one knows what happened. A meeting of grassroots cadres of the entire league should be held.

Several leaders of the infrastructure company also rushed to the regiment headquarters on tractors.

We were still discussing what happened along the way?

Because it's far away. When Ma Quanyi arrived with the people from the infrastructure company. The auditorium of the regiment headquarters was already full of people.

There are more people in the Tuanzhi agencies. After all, they are production and construction units and cannot be as capable as real combat troops.

There were several people sitting on the rostrum. The one in the middle is not familiar to everyone.

The regimental leader and political commissar were with them one by one. This must be a leader from a higher authority.

As long as the position is not as high as the group leader, they will not sit on both sides. The Corps still maintains its military style. The distinction between superior and subordinate relationships is particularly clear.

The leader cleared his throat and blew into the microphone. Then asked:

"Is Comrade Ye Wancheng here?"

Everyone was stunned. Everyone knows Ye Wancheng, and they know him because of his excellent medical skills. And she was unwilling to stay in the regiment hospital and took the initiative to work as a health worker at the grassroots level.

Why did this enlarged meeting of the entire league cadres mention him? No matter how famous he is, he is still just a hygienist. Nothing counts here!

Anyone present here would have a higher status than him. Isn't this unscientific?

Ye Wancheng was also stunned and remained silent for a while. Ma Quanyi next to him quickly poked him.

"The leader is calling you!"

Only then did Ye Wancheng react and quickly stood up.

"Report to the leader, Ye Wancheng is here!"

The leader smiled and waved his hand. "Okay, just come. Sit down first!"

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine the leader was selling in this gourd?

After everything is ready. The political commissar stood up. Pick up a piece of paper.

The political commissar rarely reads from the script when delivering his speeches. He has good literary talent and basically expresses his speeches without the script. I don’t know why he changed it to read the manuscript today.

“Dear leaders of the Ninth Division, on behalf of the Tangcheng City Lunan District Committee, I sincerely admire you for cultivating such good soldiers as Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua!

During their visit to relatives, the two of them bravely participated in emergency rescue and disaster relief regardless of their personal safety. Many injured people received timely treatment.

They do not seek fame and fortune, but we cannot deny it. Therefore, in the name of the district committee, we implore the leaders of the Ninth Division to commend these two comrades!


salute! "

Tangcheng City Road South District.

After reading this letter, the audience was noisy. I didn't expect these two people to come back from a trip and do such a big thing.

The political commissar knocked on the table to signal everyone to quiet down. Then he picked up another piece of paper.

Everyone was in an uproar and secretly dumbfounded. "What else?"

The second letter read by the political commissar was a commendation letter from Jinling City. Similar to the Tangcheng Road South District Committee.

Although communications were underdeveloped at that time, such major news would naturally be reported on radios and newspapers every day.

They are all Chinese, and naturally everyone in the Corps is paying attention to every news there.

But he didn't expect that someone around him would go there to participate in emergency rescue and disaster relief. And it was commended by the government there. This honor makes everyone envious.

After the political commissar finished reading, he sat down.

At this time, the group leader stood up. "The Jingshi Party Committee made a decision after research. Each of our Ninth Division will donate ten yuan to support the reconstruction of Tangcheng!

I hope that the leaders of each unit will go back and convey this spirit. Of course, don’t force this matter. Everything is voluntary! "

"Wow!" Fierce applause rang out. How could anyone question such a decision? It was an era of sentimentality, and all selfish behaviors would be despised.

"Now I ask Comrade Liu Qingquan, deputy political commissar of the division, to announce the two appointments!"

The audience looked at each other again for a while. Shouldn't the letter of commendation just read be a commendation? Why did someone from the division announce the appointment? There's something wrong with this program.

No matter how doubtful they were, everyone calmed down. Listen to the deputy political commissar's speech.

"Comrade Liu Qinghua is conscientious in his daily work and does not care about personal gains and losses. Coupled with his outstanding performance in Tangcheng rescue and disaster relief. After study and decision by the Party Committee, Comrade Liu Qinghua is appointed as the deputy political commissar of the Third Regiment!"

There was a moment of silence. Then the applause broke out.

Everyone understands the reason why Liu Qinghua was promoted and transferred to the Third Regiment. In fact, it was also to take care of his family reunion.

His lover serves as the director of the Third Regiment Hospital. Two people spend less time together and more time apart. This time the whole family was finally reunited.

The applause stopped. The deputy political commissar picked up another piece of paper and read:

"In view of Comrade Ye Wancheng...appoint him as the instructor of the infrastructure company. Take over Comrade Liu Qinghua's position!"

Ma Quanyi applauded while feeling mixed emotions in his heart. Unexpectedly, this opponent would become equal to him in a blink of an eye.

But Yang Yulin, Zhao Dengxuan and others applauded desperately. I wish I could slap my palm into pieces.

The commendation meeting ended soon. The political commissar specifically asked the comrades of the infrastructure company to stay for a while. Then the meeting was adjourned.

Several people in the infrastructure company thought the political commissar wanted to encourage them. Ask Ye Wancheng to keep up his efforts.

Unexpectedly, the political commissar handed Ye Wancheng a large paper bag.

"Comrade Ye Wancheng, you gave birth to a good son! You have made great contributions to our regiment!"

Your family suffered losses during this earthquake. I heard that my hometown is also building a house. This is the reward given to you by the Youth League Party Committee! "

Speaking of this, the political commissar smiled.

"Don't refuse this, it's mainly for your son! Bring him to see me when you have time. Liu Qinghua can praise your son so much!"

Ye Wancheng held the money with a choked voice: "Thank you, leader!"

At this time, the group leader also came over. Pat Ye Wancheng on the shoulder.

"The doctors in the regiment are nervous now. So you will continue to serve as the health worker of the infrastructure company. Is that okay?"

Ye Wancheng stood at attention. "Promise to complete the mission!"

The group leader nodded with satisfaction. "You are a good comrade. Nowadays, material rewards are not recommended. So this money can only be given to you privately. I hope you understand!"

Ye Wancheng nodded heavily.

The instructor also returned to the infrastructure company. He wants to hand over work to Ye Wancheng.

Along the way, Yang Yulin and others were noisy. He made a fuss and asked Ye Wancheng to treat him to a drink. He will naturally agree to this.

When I arrived at the company, I went to the company headquarters first. Liu Qinghua handed over the work to Ye Wancheng.

Then they came to Ye Wancheng's house together. Ma Quanyi and the others also came.

After all, Ye Wancheng is already the company instructor. This face must always be given.

It was Mei Hua who was shocked when she came back. She didn't expect that all these people would gather at her house to drink.

After everyone finished telling her everything. She sat aside in disbelief and was in a daze.

Until Ye Wancheng handed her the brown paper bag containing the money. She took it out and counted it several times before writing the letter with a smile on her face.

Please collect, recommend, vote and invest.

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