Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1118 Repaying the favor

However, many people in Kazakhstan are not willing to change their thousands of years of living habits. Living by water and grass, working at sunrise and resting at sunset are traditions engraved in their bones.

The villages in Zhambul changed because of the emergence of port food, which is rare.

After arranging things in the village, the labor force suddenly became rich. Now that Yue Ji has become the village director, she naturally has to consider the issue of labor arrangements.

It's just that there is really nothing suitable for these elderly people and women to do, because herder women have never been in the habit of working.

Although women of all ethnic groups in cities have begun to enter factories, there are really no such examples in real pastoral areas.

Yueji thought for a long time and called Yang Geyong to discuss. After some discussion, she decided to open a snack stall at Horgos Port.

Because the land there belongs to the village's pastures, they can do whatever they want there.

The report was sent to the township, but the township was unsure about the matter and reported it to the county. But I don’t know when it will be approved?

Yueji and Maimaiti discussed it and decided not to wait until they get started. Once approved, I will probably earn enough money to build a house.

Anyway, they just need to build a few food stalls and lay down some carpets. These are all ready-made, and besides, I don’t plan to make anything complicated, just make a few naan pits and dig a few earthen stoves.

When the time comes for naan pancakes, hand-picked rice, naan meat pits, and strip shopping, so many people in the market will have to run out because of the smell.

If someone is in charge at that time, tell them: "We Kazakhs are a hospitable nation. Who is hungry and wants to eat something?"

After the matter was settled, Maimaiti and a few village stewards went to organize things, and almost got it done in one afternoon.

Early the next morning, a group of men went to dig earth stoves and build naan pits. I thought that the market management personnel would come to take care of it, but in the end, no one even asked.

During the day, the stoves and tents were all set up, and we were ready to open.

This food stall has several large tents that can accommodate more than a hundred people dining at the same time. The tents are all made of felt that the herdsmen drive themselves, and with carpets, they are not only beautiful, but also very ethnic.

The main force of the food stalls are all the women who are very agile. It is initially determined that wages will be paid, and the remaining profits will be divided equally among the villagers.

Of course, all this has to be discussed after the business is opened. Without money, everything is just a fantasy.

On the opening day, the women all wore their most beautiful clothes and came to the food stall before dawn.

When it was time for dinner at around nine o'clock, all kinds of food were already placed on the table, and the aroma immediately filled the entire market.

The merchants who had just set up their stalls came over one after another and started to order what they liked without asking the price and started eating.

You don’t have to worry about being cheated in Northern Xinjiang, the prices are absolutely reasonable, and a bowl of various kinds of food is only two yuan, and if you don’t have enough food, you can get extra noodles for free.

There were probably more than thirty women here today. At first, there were more people watching the excitement, because there were not so many people needed for cooking.

As a result, as the number of customers increases, how can there be time to stay idle? Everyone got busy, and later went to the village to call for people. There was nothing we could do, there were too many people eating.

There are thousands of people in the market, and with the foreign merchants coming from the port, there is no way to count the traffic. They can't even provide one naan for each person.

By about ten o'clock, the whole village was already on the battlefield, and it was still a big mess.

After a busy morning, Yue Ji counted the money, and it turned out to be a terrifying more than three thousand yuan. Isn’t this lunch?

The villagers were all excited. There were only about forty households in the village. Can each family get a hundred yuan on this day? This was a shocking concept to the people at that time.

When it was time for lunch, there was no need to make arrangements at all. Everyone performed their duties, which was much more efficient than in the morning. It was not finished until five o'clock in the afternoon.

When the stalls were closed in the afternoon, the people in the market slowly dispersed. But some people came to buy food before leaving, but there was only naan left in the stall. They didn't pick any of them, just grabbed a piece of naan and left.

At the end of the day, everyone in the village was exhausted, but happy! I have taken out the big unity in the money box several times, but I have no choice but to fit it in.

Yueji specially sits there guarding the money, otherwise everyone would be worried, that's seven thousand yuan!

In order to encourage everyone, the main laborers were given 50 yuan directly, and the older ones were given 25 yuan. This left 4,000 yuan, which will not be divided for the time being and will be kept as village money for future use.

On the way back, the women in the village were all proud and proud. For generations, they have relied on men to survive. Because they are the labor force.

But with today's situation, they can't compete with women in what they earn. A few lazy men are following their wives around, which is called attentiveness. Looking at it, Yueji secretly relieved herself.

There were two old men left to look after the food stall, so the items would not be collected. Back in the village, Yueji redistributed the staff. It’s all based on the speed and expertise of today’s work.

Those who make naan quickly specialize in making naan, and those who make slivers quickly make slivers. Barbecue is a man's thing. But women still need to cook with their hands.

The amount of salary has also been set. It is based on the speed of work and must be decided after everyone discusses it. In the future, wages will be paid every month, so it will be too troublesome to pay every day.

With this matter completed, and the income from animal husbandry, the villagers can rely on even the lonely elderly people for their livelihood. Not to mention how open our hearts are.

As the decision-maker of the entire matter, Yue Ji has unparalleled prestige in the village, and is the proper eldest sister.

But she also had to take care of the company's affairs and couldn't wait for food every day, so the village selected two young girls to collect money.

Jiang Bul looked at all this with a smile, feeling full of accomplishment. Such a capable wife still had to wash clothes and cook for herself when she got home. According to the people of Northern Xinjiang, it is "very evil!"

Yang Geyong drove here and saw all this, and of course he was very happy. The people in this village helped him a lot, and even said that without this village, there would be no Yang Geyong.

So he spent his own money to hire some workers from the development zone to help them build sheepfolds and settlements.

Junken Electromechanical is currently in the equipment installation stage, and Ni Guangnan is as energetic as a young man. Not to mention his students, where have they seen so many advanced equipment and instruments?

In the days of Lenovo, we were able to produce so many results with such backward equipment, but now we have to switch from gun to gun, and I feel embarrassed if I can't produce some amazing results.

They have given themselves a military order to have their own patented products in six months.

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