Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1116 Junken Mechanical and Electrical Company

Now that the conditions have been agreed, Ye Yuze called Yang Geyong to discuss registering a technology company. He was not prepared to let Junkencheng take a stake in this company.

Although they are all his own, he is afraid that after the older generation retires, the people who take over will bring constraints to the company. The Lenovo thing is there. When interests and the future are both presented in front of them, most people will choose interests.

He has no way of judging right or wrong in this kind of thing. Just like Lenovo, the situation is there and they choose to maximize their interests, which is both famous and profitable. You can't say they are wrong.

But decades later, when someone choked me, I realized that I was short-sighted, but what's the use? The gap has widened for decades. The people who were in office at the time had already retired, so who would still pay for the decisions made at that time?

Nowadays, Ye Yuze is not short of money, and he is not afraid even if he spends all the profits from the car company. What's more, there is Kevin, a wizard, who is his weapon for overtaking in corners.

I took Ni Guangnan to the Netherlands, mainly to see the lithography machine. Mr. Ni was very excited. Chinese people cannot buy these things. Even if they can buy them, they are products that are several generations behind.

He would never have thought that Ye Yuze could buy it through other channels and transport it back to his country.

When he arrived at ASML, Shi Guangnan couldn't see enough. There were all kinds of equipment that he had only heard of, which made him, a scholar who had always followed the rules, actually have the idea of ​​robbery, and he wanted to pack all these things and take them back to the country.

The person negotiating was naturally Luke, and Ye Yuze couldn't say much. They bought these equipment in the name of a Hong Kong shipbuilding company.

As for why shipping companies buy photolithography machines? This is not within the scope of ASML's consideration. As businessmen, making money is their main purpose.

As long as it does not violate the Batumi Agreement, they don't care, because Hong Kong Island is still a British colony.

Ni Guangnan is more familiar with the history of ASML than anyone else. He told Ye Yuze in detail about this small company founded in the 1980s under Siemens. With more than 30 people, after several years of hard work, it has become the entire lithography industry. The overlord in the field of machine learning has completely overthrown the original overlord, the United States.

Hearing this, Ye Yuze's blood surged with enthusiasm, and he couldn't help but whisper: "Old Ni, can you do this?"

Ni Guangnan smiled bitterly and did not answer directly. This involved too many fields. Because his department was suppressed by Liu Chuanzhi, there are only about thirty people left in his department. The number of people is equivalent to the original Asmai.

But they have mobilized the whole country to build this company, but besides Ye Yuze, who else can help them with the company they are about to establish?

But looking at Ye Yuze, he finally answered: "I can't give you a specific promise now, but I will die in this company for the rest of my life."

Ye Yuze was moved by the old man's words: "Mr. Ni, as long as I have it and can do it, you can speak to me for whatever I need. Apart from doing research, you don't have to worry about anything else."

The two people shook hands tightly. This is also a promise between two generations in China. At present, the promise between them only represents the two of them, but what about the future? No one knows...

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Yang Geyong directly requisitioned the newly built research institute of the steel company.

Ye Yuze ordered two billion US dollars worth of equipment in the Netherlands at once. Such a move was not common among large state-owned enterprises at the time.

After Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua learned about this, they insisted on taking shares and promised that they would only invest and not participate in management. After several negotiations, it was finally decided.

The name of the company is China Junken Mechanical and Electrical Company, of which Ye Yuze invested 1 billion and accounted for 40% of the shares, Yang Geyong invested 500 million and accounted for 20% of the shares, and Junkencheng invested 1 billion and accounted for 25% of the shares. Ni Guangnan holds 10% of the shares. Kevin holds %5 shares. Among them, Ni Guangnan and Kevin are both technical investors.

The reason why Ye Yuze invested one billion can account for 40%. Mainly because he purchases and transports all the equipment, a job that no one else can do.

After the matter was settled, Ye Yuze and Ni Guangnan came to Kevin to discuss the matter. Although they owned technology stocks, the operation of the entire company still relied on them, so they naturally had to be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Ni Guangnan waved his hand: "I don't want the shares, let Ye Yuze hold this share, so that others don't take it and constrain us. The old man will be satisfied if he can develop China's chip technology in this life, what do I want with so much money? ?”

Then Kevin hugged Ye Yuze and asked in surprise: "Ye, are you saying that I am now a shareholder of a company with a market value of three billion?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "This company is worthless at the moment. How much it will be worth in the future is up to you."

Kevin patted his chest: "I will become the general manager, and within five years I will increase the company's market value five times!"

Ye Yuze looked at Ni Guangnan, who nodded in agreement.

Ye Yuze also hugged Kevin back: "It's settled, you will be the general manager and let Mr. Ni look after you!"

At this time, Kevin smiled mysteriously, took out a chip and waved it in front of Ye Yuze's eyes: "To express my sincerity, I will give this small gift for free."

Ye Yuze didn't understand the situation, but Ni Guangnan grabbed it and asked anxiously: "Is this the control chip of a three-axis machine tool?"

Kevin whistled: "Of course, such a good device can't copy a single chip. Who am I qualified to be the general manager?"

"Great, great!" Ni Guangnan was spinning around the room excitedly.

In more than a month, this guy actually copied the main control chip of a three-axis machine tool. Although this is not original, what is the difference? Standing at such a starting point, how could we not develop our own high-tech products?

Ni Guangnan had already called the student and asked him to resign en masse with his staff and go to the new company in Junken City.

Lenovo would have been eager to see them resign en masse. Because this department has become a major constraint on their market expansion, because it is a money-burning department.

They have long forgotten that without Shi Guangnan’s Hanxian, how would Lenovo be today?

It's just that it's meaningless to fight for this at this time, and the original originator Shi Guangnan has become an ordinary R\u0026D staff.

When Shi Guangnan returned to Beijing to resign, Liu Chuanzhi convened a board meeting and proposed to pay Shi Guangnan 5 million yuan in compensation.

Ni Guangnan called Ye Yuze to discuss the matter, but Ye Yuze just asked: "Mr. Ni, am I short of those five million people?"

Ni Guangnan said "thank you" and hung up the phone. He didn't want to take the money, he was just worried that Ye Yuze was short of money.

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