Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1092 Underground Club

Ye Yuze and Zhou Guihua's training was not showy. They were all punching and kicking. Naturally, they had a clear understanding of fighting.

They first figured out where to place their bets, then moved closer to the ring to get a closer look at the two men fighting.

This kind of game is also divided into rounds, each round lasts three minutes, and there are fifteen rounds in total. But the difference is that except for the crotch, no other parts will be restricted, and the referee will not step forward to separate the two players. The referee will not stop the game until one party admits defeat or is unable to resist.

Ye Yuze was secretly speechless, this is so damn hard! Zhou Guihua, with her eyes shining, stared at the stage without blinking, judging in her mind who of them would win?

It is no longer possible to place bets in this game. Every time you place a bet, you have to wait until a new player enters the field. Otherwise, in the middle of the game, when a person is about to die and you buy him to lose, the banker still has to pay to death?

At this time, the white players were obviously weaker in terms of physical strength, and their moves were a little shaky. Although the black man started to move slowly, his punches were still very steady.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but admire that the physique and explosive power of black people were generally better than those of other skin colors.

The black man's left fist feinted, the white man lowered his head to dodge, and the black man's right fist hit the white man in the face with an uppercut. The blow made his upper body fall back.

How could the black man miss this opportunity? He pushed his knee up hard and hit the white man's chest hard. The white man groaned and collapsed on the ground without even being able to scream.

Ye Yuze felt a bit of pain, but he knew what it felt like to be hit in the chest. It was not only painful, but also suffocating. It’s so uncomfortable.

The black man bent down and punched the white man in the face again. One of the white man's eyes suddenly swelled up.

The referee ran over and pulled the black man away. The white man had lost the ability to resist at this time and was not allowed to attack again. The referee had to pass for a few seconds. If the player did not respond after counting to eight, the referee could stop the game after counting ten.

The referee knelt on the ground with one knee and one hand on the ground. His eyes were close to the white man's face, carefully observing his reaction, and then he began to count.

"1, 2, 3..." As the numbers came out from the referee's mouth one by one, the time before the end of the game was getting closer and closer, the white players still closed their eyes tightly and made no sound.

Many people cursed that these were won by white people. If this guy was knocked down like this in the sixth round, they would definitely lose everything.

Zhou Guihua looked angrily at the scolding guys, including several women. She is a member of the martial arts world, and she respects every opponent, no matter whether she wins or loses. Except those who don't follow martial ethics.

Ye Yuze pulled her, it was obviously not appropriate to cause trouble here. To be able to run a black boxing business here, the background must not be simple.

He is well aware of the so-called democracy and freedom in Western society, and the laws are in favor of capital. The so-called performances of politicians on stage are actually speaking for capital.

Therefore, you can yell at the president here, but it is best not to provoke those powerful financial groups.

Zhou Guihua was obedient and stopped provoking after being pulled by Ye Yuze. Instead, she nervously stared at the player lying on the ground.

When the referee counted "7", the white player finally opened his eyes and began to stand up with support.

In fact, the injury he suffered was not serious, but his breath was blocked and he couldn't move for a while. When he recovered, his body movements were still unaffected.

The referee saw him getting up and breathed a sigh of relief. The white man's assistant quickly climbed onto the ring and helped him take a short rest.

Take out the dental tray and rinse your mouth. The white man and his assistant whispered something.

At this time, the referee's whistle sounded again, the timeout time was limited, and the game started again.

As soon as the referee finished shouting the start, the black people began to attack violently. I guess he just wants to take advantage of your illness to kill you. After all, the white man was hurt by the blow just now.

The white man could only defend passively at this time. The punch to the eye just now affected his vision, and he was hit several times in succession.

Just as the black man rushed over again and prepared to attack violently. The white man suddenly made an incredible move. He suddenly raised his right leg and swept sideways, kicking the black man directly on the temple.

"Plop", the kick was so strong that the black man fell to the ground like a broken stake.

"It's over, it's over." Zhou Guihua spread her hands and sighed. This blow was too hard and she kicked her opponent's temple. Not to mention ten seconds, if he can recover in half an hour, he is considered to have a strong physique.

Sure enough, when the referee finished calling ten, the black man was carried directly out of the ring. Go directly to the next one.

This time, a strong man named Harry appeared. Ye Yuze couldn't tell his age. For such a strong bear-like guy, his age error was about ten years.

When he stood on the ring, the referee shouted excitedly: "Our poor Harry has not had an opponent for a year. Masters are lonely! So today the boss decided that whoever can knock Harry down will be rewarded with a million dollars."

There was a commotion in the audience. Is this bonus a bit high? Do you want to buy him and lose? Everyone's minds quickly began to judge the pros and cons.

The key is that this guy has never lost since he appeared in this boxing ring. This incident makes the boss very embarrassed. You must know that such a person has to be supported even if he is not competing. Otherwise, if you don’t make money, people will turn around and have to go elsewhere.

If a place doesn't have such a central figure, it won't be able to continue.

Harry stood on the ring with an arrogant expression, his eyes were like looking at a swarm of ants, which made Zhou Guihua feel unhappy. There was an eagerness to try in his expression.

Ye Yuze grabbed her wrist. The tiger girl couldn't bear the possibility of running into the ring.

At this time, Harry extended his middle finger and gestured towards the audience. Buzz said: "Reptiles, don't you even have the guts to go on stage? If you can punch me, I'll give you ten thousand dollars!"

He said this to everyone, including the spectators in the stands. Of course, the focus is still on the boxers surrounding the ring. Those guys have already become red-eyed.

Harry simply lay down on the rope and challenged them: "Come on, I'll let you guys come up together. I can beat the shit out of you all by myself."

No one with a bit of blood will tolerate such insulting words. Finally, a big man with the same strong physique broke free from the assistant's obstruction and climbed onto the ring.

This big man is not inferior to Harry in appearance. He is also 1.9 meters tall and weighs more than 200 kilograms. He looks like an iron tower from where he stands.

"Harry, I'm going to knock you down!" The big man challenged in a high-pitched voice.

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