Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1086 In the face of life and death

Cuicui is a woman with a strong character. The death of her parents since she was young has made her much more independent than other children.

Although their eldest brother was there to protect them from wind and rain, she, the eldest sister, had to take care of all the chores at home. At that time, she was less than ten years old.

The car was driving hard against the strong wind, and Cuicui felt that the car was like a kite floating in the void, and any gust of wind could blow it to the ends of the earth.

He held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and stepped on the accelerator with his foot, but the speed of the car was only fifty or sixty miles.

Cuicui knew that this valley was only about twenty kilometers long, and as long as she drove out, she would not be in such great danger.

I glanced at the fuel gauge subconsciously, and my heart sank. There is not much gas left, and even if we get out of the old wind outlet, we can't drive to Tacheng.

Suddenly, a large piece of stuff rolled down from the mountain and smashed down towards the car window. Cuicui turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the car twisted and hit the mountain on the roadside with a "bang".

Cuicui broke out in a cold sweat and looked at the object, only to find that it was just a frozen block of snow.

The car had stalled upon impact and the hood had been deformed. Cuicui restarted the car, and it suddenly caught fire. Cuicui patted her chest and secretly rejoiced.

But as soon as the car got out, she found that it didn't go in a straight line. He covered himself tightly and looked out of the car window. It turned out that the tire was punctured by a sharp stone.

There is a spare tire at the back of the car, but if you change the tire in such a wind, not to mention whether it will freeze to death, it will definitely be blown away.

Cuicui sighed and took off the gear. She didn't dare to turn off the engine. Yeshan was sleeping soundly in the car. Once the warm air stopped, within ten minutes, the temperature in the car would be the same as outside.

Her only hope now is that the wind and snow will stop soon, and a passing car will find them and save the mother and son.

Because the car was close to the cliff, the wind was slightly weaker. Cuicui climbed into the back seat and picked up her son who had already opened his eyes.

When the little guy saw his mother, he squeaked a few times, then opened his mouth and cried "Wow".

Cuicui knew that her son was in trouble. She skillfully changed his diaper and started feeding the baby with open arms. Her son always excretes and eats at the same time.

After eating and drinking, Ye Shan babbling and talking to his mother. The little guy is six months old and his only thought is when he is full and hungry.

Since the full moon, he has been running around with his mother in the car. By now he had developed a good habit, that is, as soon as the car started driving, he would fall asleep immediately, just like he was in the cradle.

It's just that I don't like to sleep when I get home at night, mainly because I sleep too much during the day.

Cuicui stroked her son's little face and found that his brow bones were very wide and many thin eyebrows had begun to grow.

Cuicui smiled and complained to her son in a low voice: "Everyone is born with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but your eyebrows grow out so late, which makes my mother always feel guilty."

"Bah, bah, bah." Ye Shan responded to his mother, not sure if he was explaining something?

After searching in the car, I found a few pieces of beef jerky. Cuicui often didn't have time to eat. In order to ensure her son's nutrition, she gravitated toward herdsmen in terms of diet. There were always lumps of milk and beef jerky around her. For such a high-calorie diet, at least there will be enough milk.

As time passed, the wind did not weaken at all, forming various strange sounds in the valley.

The child fell asleep again, but Cuicui didn't dare to sleep. She was afraid that the car would stall. Once she fell asleep, it would be difficult to start the car again at this temperature.

The sky darkened little by little, until night completely enveloped the surroundings, but against the backdrop of the snow, everything outside could still be seen.

Warm air also burns oil, and the oil meter pointer has been slowly falling. Cuicui's heart began to feel cold. If no car passed by before the oil burned out, she and her son would sleep here forever.

She whispered in a low voice: "Ye Yufan, you bastard, you only know how to work all day long, do you know that my son and I are going to die?"

Ye Yufan, who had just returned from his inspection, suddenly felt palpitations in his heart. Due to the huge cargo throughput at Alashan Port, the number of armed police officers has increased to two squadrons and was renamed Alashan Port Detachment.

Ye Yufan was promoted to detachment leader because of his outstanding work performance. It's just that because this detachment doesn't have enough people for the entire regiment, his detachment leader belongs to the deputy regiment level.

After three years of marriage, he and his wife spend less and less time together. Now according to his rank, family members can accompany the army.

It's just that Cuicui's work is getting busier and busier. Especially after giving birth to a child, she almost doesn't have time to see him.

And Ye Yufan didn't have time to go home because of work. So much so that he couldn't even remember what the child looked like.

This sudden heart palpitation made him feel very uneasy. He didn't know what was going to happen? Just as he was about to go back to the checkpoint to take a look, Cuicui's shadow suddenly flashed in his mind, so he grabbed the phone and called out.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Looking at the watch, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. My wife should be at home at this point, right?

He called the company again, but no one answered. He was getting more and more panicked, and he called Xi Xuhe again. Uncle Xi went to work with his wife every day and knew her whereabouts best.

After getting through the phone call, I learned that I had just finished dinner. Due to the time difference, people in northern Xinjiang tend to have late dinners.

Hearing Ye Yufan ask about his wife's condition, he learned it and didn't take it seriously, and replied casually: "She went to the deer farm this morning. With such heavy snow, she must live there."

Ye Yufan felt a little more at ease, but still a little worried, and said, "Uncle Xi, can you call Luchang and ask if Cuicui is there?"

"Okay, you wait a moment, I'll hit you now." Xi Xuehe suddenly felt uneasy. I put down the phone and called.

When Wei Ping told him that Cuicui left before it started snowing, Xixi and the microphone fell on the table.

Cuicui left the deer farm at two o'clock in the afternoon. According to the normal speed, she should have returned to the company at four o'clock. But where can this person go?

After Xi Xuhe called Ye Yufan back, he quickly called Ye Wancheng. Then he got dressed, took a flashlight, ran back to the company and drove away.

He didn't have time to say hello to others. He didn't dare to think about the fate of a woman with a child in such weather if she got stuck in a car.

Cuicui is young, so she rushes to do all the work, but she doesn't want to let him be burdened. If something really happened today, he would not be able to atone for this sin even if he died.

His car is still an old-fashioned Gas. He likes this car. It is a Soviet product and will not easily leave people on the road.

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