Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 108 Anyone who offends my relatives will be punished no matter how far away they are.

"How did you know about Xu Seng? Why did you lead people to arrest him?"

In the old house of the Ye family, Ye Wancheng looked at his younger brother Ye Wanxiang seriously.

Ye Wanxiang raised his head and looked at his eldest brother and his mother with serious expressions. His eyes flickered and he glanced at his nephew who looked like nothing was wrong.

"I, I heard about it myself. So I sent someone to go!"

Ye Wancheng still doesn't understand what's going on!

He angrily grabbed his eldest son, who was sitting on the kang and staring intently. Raise your hand and slap it on your butt.

"don't want!"

Several voices sounded at the same time. But my wife is the fastest. His whole body was lying on his son's back.

Then there is my mother-in-law. Everyone glared at Ye Wancheng! It's as if he would fight with all his might if he dared to fight again.

Ye Wancheng was also trembling with anger at this time. He pointed at his son and cursed:

"You..., you can still protect him? How vicious is what he did? He ruined a person's political life!"

But he didn't expect that my voice would be higher than his!

"He almost ruined our auspicious time, shouldn't he be punished? If my grandson hadn't contacted the crane, I would have fought with him today!"

Looking at the old woman whose eyes were red, Ye Wancheng was also a little scared. He was still young when he went out.

I really don’t understand these particularities in rural areas. I didn't expect my mother to react so much.

At this time, Ye Yuze looked at the bodyguards protecting him. Shi Shiran climbed up from his father's lap.

"Dad, he did this to my family and deserves this kind of punishment! I don't want to leave unknown dangers to grandma and the others!"

Not many words, but very powerful. Dad also fell silent.

Although he doesn't like the way his son does things. But I vaguely feel that it makes some sense.

People don't care about anything anymore. Why do you care about his future?

The next day, the news spread throughout the commune.

Xu Seng couldn't become the brigade secretary. After the commune leaders thought about it again and again. Xu Le, the former captain of the Third Production Team, was directly appointed as the team secretary.

Xu Le is a retired soldier. I have been a production captain for five years. Party member. The reputation in the village has always been very good.

Xu Le is Lao Rou’s eldest brother. I have a good relationship with the Ye family. The Ye family also belongs to the third production team. Xu Le often takes care of her.

As for Xu Seng, after being splinted, his wife took him home to recuperate.

At that time, official reputation was still very important. Even if the commune leaders want to take care of him. But his reputation is too bad. No longer suitable for leadership positions. You can only be a member of the production team.

The wife he had bullied for half his life. This time I finally turned over. No longer just listen to him shouting with low eyebrows all day long.

After Xu Le figured out the whole thing. Naturally, I am very grateful to the Ye family.

Several members were specially sent to help the Ye family complete the finishing work of the new house.

After the matter was completely settled, it was time for Ye Wancheng and the others to leave.

After all, it’s time to go back to Tangcheng. Although there must be chaos over there. But my grandpa was also the production team leader there. The second aunt is the women's director of the brigade. At this time, you must be on the front line.

Although Ye Yuze's grandma's family lives in the city. But it belongs to the urban-rural fringe area. They belong to vegetable farmers.

Even though they are also farming, the land is basically used for growing vegetables. The vegetables they grow are used to supply the Tangcheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Therefore, when they eat food, they have to go to the food station to buy it.

At that time, their group was considered a relatively wealthy class.

Because they have both food supplies and their own private plots. The rice grown every year is basically enough to feed myself.

So at that time, workers in Tangcheng liked to marry wives from grandpa’s team the most. That way you don’t have to worry about food. You don’t even have to worry about the food.

The night before leaving, the Ye family had a guest. Invited all the elders of the Xu family over. Naturally, Xu Le cannot be left behind.

Ye Wancheng solemnly entrusted his family to everyone.

Mr. Ma patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, eldest nephew. As long as we are here, no one in this village will dare to bully your family!"

Early the next morning. Several people with bicycles took Ye Wancheng's family to Lugongbao.

There is no station here. Just stand on the roadside and wait for the bus.

Boss Xu looked at Ye Yuze for a while. Picked him up.

"My eldest nephew, I don't know how to thank you enough! If anything happens in the future, I will write to you! As long as I can do it, I will never shirk it!"

Looking at Boss Xu's face glowing red. Ye Yuze understood that this guy was nourished by love.

He nodded quickly and responded: "Okay, uncle. I will definitely come to you if I need anything!"

A group of people reluctantly went back after knowing that the Ye family had boarded the car.

Take the long-distance bus to Tangguantun, where there is a train station that can go directly to Tangcheng.

But when Ye Wancheng went to buy a ticket, Tangcheng Railway Station was closed to traffic.

Ye Wancheng thought for a while and then bought the one from Tianjin. It's closer there. Let’s figure it out when we get there!

The two places are very close, and the train takes more than two hours to reach Tianjin.

Ye Yuze led everyone to stay in the plastic factory guest house. He knew it there.

Unexpectedly, the instructor has returned. He naturally knows about things in Tangcheng. I also want to go and have a look.

So they found Wang Chunsheng. See if he can get a ride to Tangcheng.

As soon as Wang Chunsheng heard that Grandma Ye Yuze's family was from Tangcheng. Naturally.

He soon replied. There happens to be a convoy transporting relief supplies to Tangcheng tomorrow. Agree to take their family over.

In the evening, Wang Chunsheng invited their whole family to the hotel to entertain them warmly.

Naturally, Ye Yuze was full of praise during the dinner. Plus some exaggeration from the instructor.

Only then did everyone realize how many difficulties Ye Yuze had solved for the company!

When Wang Chunsheng took out several samples for everyone to see.

Mom was so excited that she burst into tears! Naturally, the mother is the most proud of her child’s potential!

Although Dad didn't say much, he drank too much into himself that night.

The reason why Wang Chunsheng is so diligent. It was because Ye Yuze's big order shocked the main factory.

The plastic cloth factory has never had orders exceeding 20,000 yuan since its establishment. And Wang Chunsheng launched such a satellite as soon as he took office.

Originally, the director of the main factory would definitely not give him any publicity about this matter.

Coincidentally, a leader from the municipal party committee came to the main factory for an inspection that day.

When asking the sales department about the situation. The newly appointed sales section chief wanted to show off his achievements. Big blow.

As a result, without paying attention, the performance of the plastic cloth factory was also blown out.

The widespread loss problem of the tertiary industry is also a headache for the municipal party committee.

You must know that all government taxes come from enterprises. The tertiary industries are all tied together with enterprises.

If the tertiary industry loses money, the main factory will naturally pay less tax. This has seriously affected the government's tax revenue.

Please collect, recommend, vote and invest.

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