Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1075 A great victory

The age of fourteen or fifteen is the age when one is curious about everything. The task of making pancakes soon aroused great interest in them, mainly because it tastes delicious!

Children are like this. They are easily attracted to something, but soon get bored of it. However, there is an advantage, that is, they learn things very quickly.

In two days, almost everyone learned it. The fourth child dispersed them to various fast food restaurants. Introducing love pancakes.

The pancakes that were originally intended to be sold for two pieces were marked with a price of three yuan, and a label stated that the one dollar was a donation from the junior high school students of Boston Public High School to the state of Tennessee.

The students are also very competitive. Even though they are in the same group, each store and each person also competes with each other.

And the fourth child has explained that although this dollar is a donation, the children will still be paid for helping with the work in the store. For example, helping carry dishes and wash dishes. The store will pay you.

Children naturally like doing good things and making money in this way, and they all work enthusiastically. Although they all use their spare time, the class time here is short.

Jackson was also carrying out various activities with great fanfare, performing on the streets, and holding donation boxes to collect donations in crowded places. The momentum was huge for a while.

Of course, although he had a large number of people, he did not give up monitoring Lao Si. Finally, he heard that those guys had gone to work in a fast food restaurant, so he laughed and withdrew the surveillance people.

Jenny is not fixed in any store, but patrols various stores with Lao Si. Deal with problems in a timely manner.

On this day, they discovered something that surprised them in the West District. They found that someone in this store bought more than a hundred pancakes at once and put them in the car without knowing where to take them.

After entering the store and asking, I found out that a classmate in this store had a very good family. His mother found out about their fundraising and spent money to buy some for homeless people on the street every day.

The fourth child thought for a while, then called the Boston Times and introduced the situation truthfully.

The reporter came quickly and interviewed the classmate. Just as he listened, the reporter's thinking seemed to have taken a turn. Asked about their donations.

The fourth child naturally introduced the whole incident in detail, and within a day, reporters from TV stations and various newspapers came one after another to interview these students.

The main reason is that this method of fundraising is too novel, and then various media began to publicize it on a large scale. People are kind-hearted, no matter which country they are from. Even those who don't like Chinese fast food are starting to buy pancakes as a gesture of love.

The result of this is that not only the pancakes are selling well, but also the Chinese fast food is also well known to everyone. Business is booming.

The happy Cindy called Laosi and praised her: "Thank you, young man, I can rely on your pancakes to support myself in the future."

Fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye, and when it was time to count donations, the principal brought the accounting staff to the student union.

Most of the other groups have a score of 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars. In fact, the previous results were almost the same. No one was disappointed or surprised.

When it was Jackson's turn, even though he had a faint smile on his face, many people saw a trace of pride in his eyes.

But it’s not surprising that he was so proud, this guy actually took out one hundred thousand US dollars from his bag. In fact, their group did not have that many, but in order to fulfill his wish, his parents helped him make up the amount of US$12,000.

The principal couldn't help but praise him a few words, saying that this was the largest donation the school's junior high school had raised since the student union was established.

Faced with everyone's applause and praise, Jackson was very calm.

Finally, it was the fourth child's turn. Seeing that the fourth child didn't even hold a bag, Jackson finally showed a mocking smile.

"Hey, Chinese boy. You've created quite a stir. People from the school have come to interview you. Don't tell me that you haven't even raised ten thousand US dollars."

The principal joked, but actually he didn't have high expectations for this group. After all, how much money can you make selling pancakes? However, they had brought honor to the school. Even if they didn't have much money, the principal decided to commend them.

The fourth child winked at Jenny, Jenny opened her small bag, and the principal smiled again. Does this even have a secretary?

Jenny smiled and handed a check to the principal: "We have a lot of money. It's not convenient to bring cash, so I can only give you a check."

The principal took it with interest and was stunned. Then he handed the check to the accountant beside him and asked her to verify it.

The accountant took it and looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded. The principal looked at the fourth child and Jenny with excitement: "Children, you have created a miracle!"

Soon an announcement was posted on the school bulletin board. For raising 500,000 donations for disaster relief, the Laosi Group was not only commended by the school, but also by the city government. The mayor will personally come to the school to award certificates to the fourth child and Jenny.

You must know that the United States takes these matters extremely seriously. This time the reward has already determined that the two of them have one foot in the school gate. The fourth child was naturally extremely happy.

Naturally, other members of the team also received awards from the school. At least they will have outstanding results in their future recommendation letters.

After doing good deeds and earning money, the fourth child's prestige in the school immediately rose. If he was just a figure in a small circle before, from now on, he is a famous figure in the whole school. Everyone in the high school also knows him.

On this day, he just walked out of the campus, and Nima suddenly walked out from the side, took his hand and said, "Shall we go swimming?"

The fourth child was a little surprised. The two of them had not contacted each other for several months. Now that he knew she was having a hot fight with a handsome guy from the high school, the fourth child didn't understand why she came to find him?

But it can be regarded as a friendship that has grown from childhood to adulthood. Naturally, it is impossible to become strangers just because they broke up.

The fourth child turned around and looked around, and asked curiously: "Where is that handsome guy of yours? Why did you come out by yourself today?"

Emma dismissed it: "We broke up and are a poor guy who doesn't even have money for a beer. Such a person doesn't deserve a girlfriend."

These words made the fourth child feel a little uncomfortable. In fact, the two of them were childhood sweethearts, and Emma's family background was not good. When the two of us were together in the past, the fourth child would buy double portions of everything.

Emma was not materialistic at that time. If she liked money, the two would not break up.

But I didn't expect that Emma would change so much just a few months after the breakup? I really don’t know what she went through?

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