Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1060 Martha’s Family Banquet

Finally, Lao Si came in with the last plate of food. Dieter Schwarz quickly asked him to sit next to him. German dining tables are also rectangular, and Dieter Schwarz stood at one end.

Seeing that no one was eating, the fourth child felt a little different and asked everyone to learn together. Then he picked up a chopstick of sweet and sour fish fillet and placed it on Dieter Schwarz's dinner plate.

This group of foreigners finally understood how to eat. It turned out that they used shared forks and spoons to serve their own meals.

The fourth child was also hungry, but he ate very slowly, mainly to observe everyone's reactions. Generally speaking, he is a guest, and most people will not say whether the food is good or bad. He has to judge what everyone likes to eat based on how quickly they fill the dishes.

After some observation, Laosi has basically determined that Westerners are more interested in sour and sweet things. They didn't like the salty or spicy food too much.

Dieter Schwarz and Martha have been influenced by Chinese food and have basically no taboos. Others are much more cautious.

For example, Martha's uncle is staring at a plate of spicy chicken in a daze. This guy actually likes spicy food, but he is obviously intimidated by this dish that has more peppers than meat.

In fact, the fourth child cooks spicy chicken from Northern Xinjiang. If it were from Hunan or Sichuan, he would not dare to eat it himself.

Beijiang Spicy Chicken pays attention to using small roosters to stir-fry and not over-frying. The chili peppers are also long-spiked peppers that look bright but are not very spicy.

This dish was a bit far away from the fourth child. He liked it the most. Seeing that no one was touching the dish, he asked the nanny to get some.

Because it is a dry stir-fry, more garlic is used in this dish. In fact, the fourth child was already surprised just now because there were a lot of garlic seasonings in the kitchen.

There is even a pot of peeled garlic cloves. It seems that the elder brother’s statement about Germans loving garlic is not a lie.

The dishes Laosi cooked today also focused on pork, such as sweet and sour pork loin and burnt pork slices. The meat is wrapped in pot, and the meat is too oily. Smooth meat slices, boiled meat slices. He added garlic to all these.

This chicken spicy chicken was the only chicken plate on the table, but they were surprised by the green pepper on it.

For the staple food, Lao Si made some rice and a big plate of bread today. There are also many people in the United States who do not accept rice. This cannot be forced.

Even in northern China, there are so many people who don't like to eat rice, and many southerners don't eat steamed buns. This is caused by their eating habits, and he will not change them in this regard.

Dieter Schwarz had never eaten spicy chicken before, so he tried to take a bite when he saw how delicious the fourth child was. The result was the second and third bite. Can't stop. And he found that it was much more comfortable to eat with rice than with bread.

The salty aroma has a spiciness. Eat a piece of chicken steak and a mouthful of rice. Why does it taste so good?

Martha's uncle saw how sweet his father's food was and tried to taste a piece. Then two spoons went down, and the remaining half of the spicy chicken on his side was transferred to half of his plate.

Looking at it, Ye Yuze just grinned, "What the hell, that's food, can you bear it as a meal?" But people eat without any scruples.

Everyone saw that they were enjoying the food and started to try it. Except for the two who really couldn't eat spicy food, they all loved it. This plate of spicy chicken turned out to be the first to see the bottom, even the green peppers inside were cleaned.

Dieter Schwarz picked up his fork and was about to order more rice when he realized that the plate looked as if it had been brushed. This was because Martha's mother had wiped the soup with bread.

Looking at these hopeless children, Dieter Schwarz couldn't help but shake his head. It was so ungentlemanly. Then he brought over the plate of sweet and sour fish with a little bottom left, poured the rice in the bowl into it, and stirred it. I started eating it right away. I learned this from Na Wu.

Children see their parents setting an example, why are they so polite? They all started with their favorite dishes. When the nanny came to clear the table, everyone was shocked. Why were the plates and bowls so clean? She obviously didn't brush it?

No, there is still something in a basin, because the soup from the plate of boiled meat slices was not completely eaten.

Dieter Schwarz touched his belly with satisfaction and asked Martha: "Do you know why this little guy succeeded?"

Martha nodded: "It's delicious."

Dieter Schwarz shook his head: "This is your shortcoming. You haven't observed things thoroughly. The word "delicious" has limitations. We all like the dishes on his table, which shows that he spent this afternoon. Are we all thinking about what we like to eat? Maybe the dishes he cooks are nothing in China. But if he changes places, he will definitely be the best seller because he knows how to adapt."

Everyone at the table looked at Dieter Schwa in surprise. I have never seen him praise anyone like this? Because everyone has been exposed to his accusations since childhood.

Dieter Schwartz picked up the wine glass: "Fourth, I dare not say that you are the best cook, but you must be the best businessman in the catering industry."

The fourth child hurriedly humbled himself, then excused himself and went to wash up and rest. Tomorrow morning he planned to find a busier restaurant and start experimenting with new dishes.

Martha called Mei Hua in the living room and told her what happened at home today. Mei Hua was smiling happily and her little son was trying his best. How could any mother be unhappy?

At this time, Ye Yuze was already on the plane, and his three children plus him occupied half of the business class. This time he went to Hong Kong first and then to Northern Xinjiang.

Yu'e picked her up at the airport. Now she is very skilled at driving. Because there were so many people, she specially drove a business car. Take them back to the villa.

Today's Yu'e is becoming more and more temperamental. The person itself is beautiful, coupled with the calmness and foundation gained through experience in the mall. Completely showing the charm of a mature woman.

But as soon as she got home, she immediately became a virtuous housewife. Make this group of people comfortable.

Every time Ye Yuze was with her, he didn't want to do anything. It felt like he was at home, so lazy that he just wanted to lie down on the sofa.

Today, Yu'e's career is also doing very well. Her "Yinhua" brand clothing is very popular in Europe and the United States. Now it has returned to the mainland market as a foreign brand.

Because we are taking a high-end route, we have very strict requirements for the merchants we cooperate with. Niva has asked for cooperation several times, but Yu'e has not yet agreed.

Yu'e is easy to talk to, but that's just in terms of worldliness. Once work is involved, she won't save face for anyone.

Having been immersed in the clothing industry for several years, she understands that style and quality are the guarantees for maintaining a brand.

There are now three factories processing her products. Including Niva’s Guangzhou branch. Niva wants to take over all the processing of Yinhua clothing.

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