Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1047 Inspection

Hearing these words, Ye Yuze was moved, but a little regretful. This girl's current attitude indeed has no intention of marrying him. Doesn't she want to be responsible as much as he does?

Men are like this. They hope that their women will never leave them, but they also don’t want her to restrict their freedom.

Martha's words made Dieter Schwartz a little embarrassed. This granddaughter was too ignorant. Don’t you know that grandpa wants to negotiate a condition? It’s not for you, why do you keep fussing like this? No wonder girls are said to be outgoing. It seems that this granddaughter really was raised in vain.

But at this time, Ye Yuze had already seen what Dieter Schwarz meant. He was not talking about marriage, but was taking the opportunity to take advantage. But he doesn't care about this. After all, he is also a cheap grandfather, so he can help if he can.

"Mr. Dieter Schwarz, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We are all businessmen, there is no need to beat around the bush."

Ye Yuze was too lazy to write ink, mainly because Martha was like a fighting cock on the side. After all, Nizi's parents and brothers are at home. If they really fall out, other people will target their family members.

Tel Schwarditz looked embarrassed. He didn't expect Ye Yuze to be so ungrateful. Don’t they say that Chinese people are reserved? Is this a slap in the face for being so naked?

However, people become better as they grow older. Now that Ye Yuze made his words clear, he just went down the road. "Well, young man, since you want to help me so much, I will give you a chance to compensate. Our LIDL supermarket wants to enter China, and you can definitely help in this regard."

Ye Yuze still has a certain understanding of Martha's family business. This LIDL supermarket has a certain reputation in Germany and even throughout Europe.

Completely opposite to Wal-Mart's super large supermarkets, LIDL supermarkets are all small stores, fully complying with the concept of supermarkets for the poor.

Such stores have low rents and are located in residential areas. So it is very convenient to buy things. Moreover, the price is extremely low and is deeply loved by the people. This is also the reason why Wal-Mart can be driven out of Germany.

As for why it can be so cheap, it is naturally the purchase channel. Although the stores are small, they are large in number, and the total supply of goods required is definitely greater than that of Wal-Mart's model of several stores in one city.

This kind of purchase volume allows suppliers to make profits, which naturally keeps costs to a minimum. In this way, both the supplier, Dieter Schwarz, and the consumer groups will benefit, and the business will naturally grow.

To be honest, if we just talk about business, Ye Yuze still admires the old man. In the retail industry, Ye Yuze knew that this was the first time he dared to compete with Wal-Mart and drove them away.

Now that he suddenly heard Dieter Schwarz's request, he hesitated for a moment. Every country has its own national conditions. The Germans have completely different requirements for goods than the Chinese.

This is one of the reasons why copycat products are so popular in China. In Germany, there is basically no market for counterfeit products because inspections in all aspects are strict and penalties are severe.

Of course, it was inconvenient for him to say these words to Dieter Schwarz, which was a bit embarrassing.

Moreover, when LIDL supermarket enters China, the purchase channel will naturally only be in China. If it is shipped from Germany, it will not be a supermarket for the poor, but a luxury jewelry store. The shipping costs are there.

These words can still be discussed with Dieter Schwarz. Unexpectedly, Dieter Schwarz said firmly: "I have a way to solve this matter."

When Martha saw that Ye Yuze was not disgusted with this topic, she did not stop him. After all, she was also a member of the family. When business is good, she also gets dividends.

In fact, the reason why Ye Yuze is worried is because of Dieter Schwarz. After all, he is not an outsider. If he just builds a bridge, this matter is very simple. The country has been attracting a lot of investment. If a huge supermarket like LIDL If you operate it in the past, it will definitely be very popular.

Seeing Dieter Schwarz's firm attitude, Ye Yuze nodded and agreed, and told him about his building.

Unexpectedly, Dieter Schwarz was very interested and wanted to go over and have a look. Ye Yuze immediately agreed. He also wanted Dieter Schwarz to go over and inspect it before making a decision.

In fact, he feels that China is suitable for large supermarkets like Wal-Mart. People who go to such supermarkets tend to have higher demand, and supermarkets also have better choices in purchasing channels.

And among those small shops scattered all over the streets, how many of them require quality? Just make things look alike.

Dieter Schwarz's LIDL actually opened a small store, and he really didn't have the confidence to open it.

The two people agreed that in a few days Dieter Schwartz would take a few people to China for inspection, with Ye Yuze as their guide. If the inspection results were satisfactory, they would then decide on investment.

After this incident, Martha had decided not to stay in Hamburg and left for Boston, where her company was also.

When I got there, I left the children with my mother-in-law and concentrated on my business. Now she is also the breadwinner of the family. She has to earn a share of the family business for her daughter. The family business is unreliable!

As for Ye Yuze, she had never counted on it. Who knew how many offspring this man would give her in the future? It is estimated that the distribution of property in that family is more complicated than in my own family.

After seeing Martha off, Yang Geyong is also going to Moscow. Ye Yuze made arrangements for the car factory, then said goodbye to old William, and set off with Dieter Schwartz.

Old William was so impressed by this young partner that he made a fuss over and over again, and now he has become a German son-in-law. The key is that his father-in-law is the richest man in Germany!

But he didn't dare to advertise that he and his German son-in-law were partners. His intuition told him that he had to keep a low profile because this guy was really unreliable. He didn't know if something outrageous would happen next time he came.

Although Dieter Schwarz and his party came to the capital in a low-key manner, how could such a person keep a low profile? There were five people in total, and it was a special plane. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation had already received the news.

So when Dieter Schwarz got off the plane, there were already people waiting for him at the airport. Dieter Schwarz was not surprised. His identity was there and he was used to seeing this kind of scene, so he dealt with it very appropriately.

When the airport pick-up staff arrived, they were surprised to see Ye Yuze. They wondered how he could get together with the richest man in Germany.

Don't wonder why they know Ye Yuze. The news is overwhelming right now. Ye Yuze is a celebrity in domestic and foreign media. People like the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation have seen him countless times in newspapers and TV.

Dieter Schwarz did not refuse the invitation to receive the staff and followed them to the Capital Hotel, while Ye Yuze went home directly.

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