Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1042 A Gathering of Heroes

He even opened an account himself and showed off his affection to Martha from time to time. Ye Yuze had to admit that the Internet was really a very powerful thing. It's just that currently there is only the Internet network in the United States, and their main functions are for business communication and transactions.

However, with the intervention of private capital, all kinds of anecdotes and gossip news have begun to sprout, gradually surpassing the original intention of establishing the website.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but feel a pity secretly. How great would it be if China could have such a network? It's just that there are still very few computers in China at present. Most of them are concentrated in high-end teaching and scientific research institutions, and they don't have their own network. Therefore, even if a private person owns a computer, it is just a decoration.

Soon, Ye Mei also became a celebrity. This Chinese-German baby just learned to speak bilingual together, which made the melon-eating crowd talk about it. Soon Ye Mei had a resounding name, that is, the nation's daughter.

Even though Martha is German, Europeans have a sense of identity with Europe as a whole, so Ye Yuze also has a nickname, German son-in-law. Of course, this is just what the Germans say. And Europeans call him European son-in-law.

As the Internet spread, media and TV stations began to interview the family. The titles that everyone likes to use are about the daily lives of national daughters and European sons-in-law, and even the pig's feet of Martha are ignored.

The days passed like this, and the assembly line of the automobile factory was finally built. On the day when production started, Ye Yuze invited many media to attend the production ceremony, and in countless shots, he drove Martha and her daughter home in a Warrior sedan.

When all kinds of photos and videos flood people's eyes, another voice is also becoming more and more intense. That calls into question the quality of this sedan.

Mainly because this car looks so weird. Different from the more square models of this era, the entire body is designed to be streamlined, that is, it has an arc-shaped structure. It makes people who are used to seeing square and square models feel awkward.

However, many people immediately put forward different opinions, that is, such a model virtually expands the internal space. Moreover, the cabin that combines the concepts of off-road and sedan is loved by many young people.

In fact, this is the prototype of the SUV of later generations. This is one of the suggestions Ye Yuze gave to Ivan and the others. It has a raised ground, but it is not an off-road vehicle, but it can generally adapt to the terrain, which naturally makes many people feel itchy.

As the quarrel became increasingly fierce, Wang Lina began to officially speak out in the media. She said that she could form a team and compete with any car manufacturer, regardless of speed, comfort and off-road performance.

Public opinion was in an uproar. How could this competition compare? A road race is obviously not suitable and a cross-country race is out of the question. After all, those cars have a slightly rougher road surface and the chassis is supported. How can this compare?

Off-road manufacturers are naturally not afraid of this, but they are not so shameless. People have repeatedly promoted that this is a family car.

But then Ye Yuze said that we welcome any manufacturer to participate in this challenge, including off-road vehicles. The Warrior Sedan can adapt to all-terrain competition.

The domineering attitude of the European son-in-law suddenly aroused the competitive spirit of all European and American car manufacturers, so the large-scale competition led by German TV and broadcast by all European and American TV stations began to enter the registration stage.

This time Ye Yuze notified the country in advance. CCTV learned that Warrior Auto was going to make a big splash abroad again, and immediately prepared a strong lineup to participate in the live broadcast.

After all, this is a matter of bringing glory to the country, and the Warrior heavy truck has created a miracle. Even if it fails this time, it will be an honor even though it fails. After all, this is the top event in the family car industry. It represents the top level in the world.

Originally, Ye Yuze only planned to hold a simple mountain rally. However, the German TV station learned from the experience of the last heavy-duty rally in the United States and decided to organize a large-scale all-terrain competition. From highway to mountain races.

After all, Europe is the birthplace of cars and a place that represents the top level. They decided to really make German cars famous through this competition.

By this time, Ye Yuze could no longer influence the situation. His only advantage was the huge attention. Many reporters squat in front of their homes all day long, filming every move of the family. There is no privacy at all.

Fortunately, the competition started soon. There were no separate venues for this competition, mainly because the total area of ​​Germany was only over 300,000 square kilometers. There are so many highways, there would be traffic problems if there were separate venues. After all, the game needs to be banned.

In view of this situation, the TV station has adopted a strict review system, limiting the displacement to around 2.0, and the content of the competition is not only speed, but also fuel consumption and stability. After all, this is not a professional racing car, everything must be practical.

Moreover, only one car from a manufacturer is allowed to participate in the road race. If there is an accident, it will be a quality problem. It is useless to find other reasons.

That's it, there are more than 60 manufacturers participating, so the departure time of each vehicle must be strictly recorded here at the starting point. In order to determine the race results at the finish line.

Moreover, the fuel tank must be cleaned before the game, and the organizing committee will refuel it uniformly. And you can't stop at will unless you want to use the toilet.

However, a thousand kilometers is nothing to ordinary people, especially for these famous car manufacturers, it is normal to go as fast as two hundred yards. That means you can reach the finish line in just a few hours.

In view of the performance of the Warrior truck in the last American Rally, the TV station finally ranked the Warrior sedan at the end to give him room to perform.

But in this last group of five cars, they obviously wanted to compete. Rolls-Royce, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi, four big brands that represent typical German standards, surround the Warrior Car in the middle.

As a group of vehicles was sent out, it was the turn of the warrior convoy to set off. Two hours had passed since the departure time of the first group. A thousand kilometers away, for these top cars, trying to catch up with the car in front is nothing more than a dream.

Yang Geyong is a perseverant person who refuses to admit defeat. When he saw the starting flag waved, he stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out like an arrow from the string.

For this competition, Yang Geyong has been familiar with the road conditions here these days. But I have to admit that in the early 1990s, the roads here were indeed much better than those in China.

Wang Lina, who was sitting on the side, stared straight ahead. Originally, she wanted to drive, but Yang Geyong refused.

After all, this kind of long-term and high-load exercise consumes too much physical strength, and Yang Geyong was afraid that she would not be able to persist as a woman.

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