Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1020 Women’s Dairy Farm

Everyone laughed and discussed the issue of having milk or not. Until it extends to the matter of husband and wife. Although Cuicui is married, she has never experienced this kind of topic. His little face was already as red as a piece of cloth.

Seeing her like this, Chi Na'er asked curiously: "What's wrong with Cuicui? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Only then did everyone notice something strange about Cuicui, but they soon understood the reason and couldn't help laughing.

Only Chi Na'er, a naive person, looked confused and couldn't understand.

"Okay, okay, since everyone agrees, let's make it happen!" Cuicui recovered and quickly struck while the iron was hot.

"Okay, it's settled. If we don't do something, don't let these men replace us like cows. We should also introduce foreign breeds." A woman shouted loudly.

Then there was a burst of laughter. Chi Naer opened her mouth and wanted to refuse, but she looked at the sisters around her, bit her lip and stopped talking.

In fact, today's dairy farms really don't need men if they are raised in winter. They are only needed during the grazing season.

However, this is not absolute. In the past, men relied on men for herding because the livestock were not very obedient. But these cows are as honest as little sheep, and a dog is enough. Cuicui's wish came true and she ran to find Zhang Jianmin.

Zhang Jianmin was surprised at first when he heard that his wife had agreed to be the director of the dairy farm, and then he was relieved. To be honest, since the dairy farm was established more than a year ago, Chi Naer has been worrying more than herself. She deserves to be the director of this field.

Cuicui called Ma Quanyi, and Ma Quanyi was naturally happy. Junken City currently looks large in scale, but in fact it is still short of people.

At present, the population has basically transferred to industry, but agriculture and animal husbandry are indeed industries that cannot be underestimated. After all, this is the foundation of the Corps.

In addition, wineries and dairy plants are two major consumers of food and milk. Land and pasture become even more important.

There is also a pharmaceutical factory. That guy eats herbs and is more vicious than a cow. If these factories were not upgraded to Junken City, they would have no choice but to lease land elsewhere.

However, with the introduction of agricultural machinery and imported dairy cows. It has indeed saved a large number of people. What needs to be solved now is the problem of growing traditional Chinese medicine.

Engineers from Martha Farm Tools Factory are already studying this topic. If traditional Chinese medicine is grown, picking can also be mechanized. Ma Quanyi has nothing to worry about.

The transformation of the Gobi Desert is still in progress. Although it is winter, the frozen soil is vulnerable to the powerful machinery and equipment.

Besides, it’s just picking up stones and spreading grass seeds, and the land requirements are not strict. No need to work hard. So in nearly a year, the Gobi Desert has been transformed by more than half.

After the renovation is completed, Ma Quanyi does not plan to use it for grazing. Instead, we are preparing to build a high-quality alfalfa base. Alfalfa is a kind of feed that livestock loves to eat regardless of whether it is dry or wet, and it is rich in nutritional value.

This thing does not need to be managed, it is just like pasture. Sow the seeds and it will grow. When the time comes, the lawn trimmer will directly harvest and bundle it.

The situation Cuicui reported just now undoubtedly solved a big problem. Because of the special characteristics of the times in our country's agriculture, men are the main force of labor. There is no way, there are few machines, and they mainly rely on strength.

No matter how capable a woman is, she can't compete with men in terms of strength, right? Therefore, what is often called a lack of men is actually a lack of men.

Just like the past animal husbandry company, the men went to herd the animals, and the women basically had nothing to do in the company, but you couldn't give them less wages. Because he is also a corps soldier! We all live on salary.

So the company commander and instructor had to find ways to arrange work for the women. Many of the tasks were actually of no value at all. Imagine a animal husbandry company. If the sheep are not in the company, what can you do?

Ma Quanyi often went to the dairy farm, but his inherent thinking pattern imprisoned him and he did not think deeply about it. But Cuicui's phone call just now made his head open.

Yes, this kind of mechanized farming seems to be fine without men. In this way, male labor can be liberated. How much can you do?

Ma Quanyi quickly took out the map and checked all the wastelands and Gobi Desert in Junken City. Wondering where to develop the next part of the Gobi Desert once the changes are completed?

The area occupied by the Ninth Division is entirely on the border with Kazakhstan. It is a long and narrow safety zone isolated for herdsmen along the border. It is 500 kilometers long from north to south.

It is the division with the longest individual guard area in the entire Corps. Accounting for one-fifth of the entire border area.

The reason for this is that when the relationship between the two countries was tense, there were many disputed areas. If the herdsmen's sheep accidentally wander into those areas, the sheep may be occupied by neighboring countries, and if they resist, their lives will be threatened.

In order to prevent this situation from happening, the corps leaders formed the ninth division. Keep the danger to yourself and prevent the herdsmen from entering the disputed area.

But this situation has eased a lot, and now the neighboring country has become Kazakhstan. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, bilateral relations have been developing very well, and some minor frictions that often occurred in the past have not occurred for a long time.

Moreover, soldiers from both sides would greet each other warmly when they met, as if the top leaders of the two countries were also discussing the issue of re-dividing the disputed areas. If this issue is resolved, the so-called disputed area will no longer exist.

Without the disputed area, Ma Quanyi will have a large area of ​​pasture. These Dima Quanyi will not be given to Xiexue and them.

Although the guys from the agricultural company are also members of the infrastructure company. But in principle, Ma Quanyi would not save face with anyone. Rely on strength.

Now Ma Quanyi's closest concern is the construction of a dairy factory. His agricultural company has a winery there, so how can he be willing to do it if he hasn't even joined a company?

Currently, he and Xi Xuhe are still in a lawsuit over the traditional Chinese medicine cultivation base of the pharmaceutical factory. Ye Wancheng and Liu Qingshan had a headache when they saw the two of them. I have been stirring the pot in the same pot for half my life, but I have started to pinch myself as I get older.

Originally Xi Xuehe was a little afraid of Ma Quanyi because he had always been his direct leader. As a result, they are now at the same level, and his back has become stronger, but he doesn't give Ma Quanyi any face at all.

Liu Qingshan and Cuicui were only obedient in front of the two powerful secretaries, and it was useless to hold shares. I can't help it, I'm used to being bullied by them.

Liu Qinghua discussed with Ye Wancheng and simply isolated the traditional Chinese medicine base. But Ye Wancheng thought for a long time and still shook his head. The more companies he established, the more people he would have. There will be more people in the company's leadership.

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