Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1014: Dumplings go out and enter the store

No one can guess Yu'e's thoughts. It is said that love is selfish. No matter how honest and kind she is, if Ye Yuze crosses the bottom line, she should turn around and leave.

It's no wonder that Meihua likes Yu'e, among the women Ye Yuze comes in contact with. Only when she comes home can Mei Hua truly relax. Because there seems to be nothing this girl can't do, and she can do it even better than Mei Hua.

Seeing Ye Yuze coming back, Yu'e's eyes flashed with something strange, but then it was hidden again. He just asked lightly: "Have you eaten?"

Ye Yuze shook his head, he was impatient. When I'm in a hurry, I basically just keep rushing. I don't take the time to find a place to eat. I basically just make do with it on the plane.

But if you don’t like the food on the plane, don’t talk about it. He never even knew if he was full, he could only say that he was not hungry anymore.

Seeing Ye Yuze shaking his head, Yu'e didn't waste any time and went to the kitchen. The kitchens of foreigners are all connected to the living room, and Ye Yuze saw Yu'e making noodles there.

She works with quick hands and feet, like a woman who has been doing housework since she was a few years old. It's a pleasure to watch. Ye Yuze suddenly felt so relaxed, like a wanderer who finally returned home after traveling for a long time.

Soon, a steaming bowl of hot noodle soup was served. It is a custom of northerners to make dumplings when they go out.

The noodles, which are as neat and uniform as if pressed by a machine, are plated in a bowl, topped with some chopped green onions and chili peppers. The crispness and bright red color set off the whiteness of the noodles, making people salivate.

Ye Yuze put down his chopsticks and picked up half the bowl. Then he opened his mouth and took a sip, and half the bowl of noodles disappeared.

Many southerners are curious when they see northerners eating noodles: "Don't you need to chew it?"

I can't explain this clearly for a while. Because you don’t understand the joy of sucking noodles.

Different products also create different eating habits. For example, southerners say northerners have boring meals.

It cannot be denied that the non-staple food of southerners is much richer than that of northerners, because the south has a variety of vegetables all year round, while the north only has stored cabbage and potatoes in winter. And radishes.

But northerners also have something richer than southerners. That’s the variety of staple food. If you ask a northerner to eat a staple food for two consecutive days, he will definitely go on a hunger strike to show you. And southerners can eat a bowl of rice for a lifetime.

What does home feel like? It’s not about luxury and luxury. It's just simple and warm, just like the bowl of clear soup noodles in front of Ye Yuze at this moment. No, there's a poached egg lying underneath.

Seeing Ye Yuze's unfinished expression, Yu'e smiled and said, "The family will be back soon. What should you do now that you've been full for a while?"

At this time, Ye Rou in the cradle cried "Wow". Just as Ye Yuze was about to take a look, Yu'e had already walked over. He picked her up skillfully and changed her diaper.

This child is very well-behaved, which is also related to the American habit of raising children. Usually the baby is placed in a stroller and rarely held except for breastfeeding.

Don't think that babies are ignorant. If you put a child down who is used to being carried by others, he will cry for you. In fact, from this characteristic of babies, we can see that what humans fear most is loneliness.

Ye Yuze looked at all this, his eyes a little dazed for a moment. It's like the second sister is taking care of her own child. No, the second sister is not as skilled as Yu'e.

After giving the child to Ye Yuze, Yu'e went to prepare dinner. Ye Rou struggled a few times, seemingly unwilling to be held by this unfamiliar man.

But after a while, the little guy seemed to remember something, opened his toothless mouth and smiled at Ye Yuze, making Ye Yuze's heart melt.

Ye Yuze lifted her up and put her on his neck and started walking around the room. The little guy was babbling and didn't know what to say anymore. Anyway, he was very excited.

After a while, the children came back one after another. First there were two little girls, then Mei Hua and Ye Feng. The first thing the three children did when they entered the house was to see Ye Rou.

After teasing for a while, the food is ready. Because Ye Yuze just came back, the whole family ate noodles.

Meihua has a relatively strong Chinese stomach, and even after coming here for several years, I still can’t get used to the food here. Even if I don't go home at noon, I will try my best to go to a Chinese restaurant to eat some food.

Now, in order to take care of my mother's appetite, the fourth child specially opened a store near her company. If my mother doesn't want to go out, she can just make a phone call and the food will be delivered to the company.

Mei Hua has been proud of this for a long time, and she always praises her little son's filial piety to everyone she meets. Of course, this couldn't stop her from being dismissive of her youngest son when she got home.

Many Chinese mothers' cognitions cannot be changed. She still has a grudge in her heart about a junior high school student who opened a store without studying hard.

There are also many varieties of vegetables here in the United States. Although she is making noodles with soybean paste, Yu'e still makes a lot of side dishes. Generally speaking, girls prefer to eat vegetables.

For someone like Ye Yuze, these side dishes would have been wasted. Because he rarely touches it, he just mixes the fried sauce and noodles, and then has a meal.

There is no need for family members to do the housework after dinner, there is a nanny. It's actually very inappropriate to hire a nanny here, because she can't cook Chinese food and can only clean.

Meihua asked Ye Yuze about his outing this time, and Ye Yuze told the truth. Mei Hua couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this. This eldest son was really her pride.

People of their generation are patriotic. Although she could not guess the importance of the Ukraine matter, since Mr. Wang praised it, it must be a big deal.

Halfway through the meal, the fourth child came back, and without anyone caring about him, he scooped up the noodles and ate them hungrily.

Ye Yuze asked curiously: "Don't you own a fast food restaurant? Why are you so hungry?"

The fourth child grinned: "Brother, those things have already made me vomit."

Looking at his pitiful look, everyone couldn't help laughing. There are not many restaurant owners in the world who starve themselves like this.

Ye Yuze asked about the situation of his chain store. It was currently developing well. It's just that Cindy has replaced the original shareholder and started to become Laosi's partner. As for the price, that's a trade secret, and she didn't say it anyway.

Cooperation with Wal-Mart has also begun. Wherever the processing plant can reach, Wal-Mart supermarkets have Chinese fast food.

Wal-Mart does not charge fast food restaurant rent, but only charges some management fees based on turnover. This allows the expansion of fast food restaurants to reduce a lot of costs. Nowadays, Chinese fast food is spread in several big cities, with at least more than 100 stores.

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