Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1011 Steel Mill Crisis

The early summer in Ukraine is beautiful and romantic. The Dnieper River is sparkling and has fine ripples blown by the breeze. Over the river, there were occasionally a few seagulls flying upstream, chirping cheerfully.

But the people walking on the street frowned and had melancholy on their faces. With the country's independence, everything promised by the elites has not been fulfilled. Instead, it has made the already difficult life even more difficult. The days of ordinary people have come to worry about three meals a day.

In fact, this country should not be like this. They have vast and fertile land and a fairly developed military industry system. But because politicians only care about fighting for power and profit, they don't care about the lives and lives of the people.

Ivana came to pick up Ye Yuze at the airport. When she met this girl, she ran over and hugged Ye Yuze around in a circle.

Although Ivana is a more realistic and material woman. But Ye Yuze's height made it easy for her. Naturally, this woman fell in love with him.

Back at the company, Ivana reported to Ye Yuze in detail about Akhmetov and his acquisition negotiations. Ye Yuze was stunned when he heard this.

It turned out that Akhmetov did not plan to take out much money, but planned to use these factories as mortgage loans, and a bank would take out the money to the government.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly admire how well the white wolf played with his bare hands.

The valuation negotiated by both parties for several factories is US$15 billion. This estimate is quite fair. If we were only looking at equipment, this price would already be on the high side.

But the value of a factory has never been calculated in this way. You must know that the quality of the steel produced by these factories is among the higher-end in the world. If the hidden value and technical level contained in it were converted into value, it would be impossible to sell it in another country for hundreds of billions or trillions, let alone tens of billions.

It’s just the current situation in Ukraine, how can you care so much? They urgently need large sums of money to stabilize the domestic situation.

What is people's livelihood? People's livelihood is money. Although politicians don't care much about the suffering of the people, they still need a stable overall situation to support their ambitions.

So they began to focus on these high-quality state-owned enterprises. There are not many big businessmen in Ukraine at present. Even if there were some, they would not be stupid enough to use money to buy some companies that cannot be exchanged for money.

Akhmetov is one of the more outstanding ones. He is bold and careful, and coupled with many personnel connections, every time he takes action, he is sure and ruthless. Become one of the famous giants in the country.

Although he is very courageous, he still does not have the strength to take over five steel companies at once. It was only after contacting a bank in the West that he felt confident.

The bank said it would support him unconditionally. They can also help him sell the product, and even hint that even if he can't repay the loan later, he only needs to hand over the mortgaged factory to them.

With this promise, what else does Akhmetov have to fear? Operating with bank loans, these factories are still in production. The products seem to be underwritten by a Chinese businessman. It's just that the transaction between the two parties is an exchange of goods. Akhmetov doesn't need it, he only wants US dollars.

The profits of steel companies are also amazing. After all, the output is there. Even if it goes bankrupt after one year, Akhmetov can ensure that he makes a huge profit.

In fact, this transaction was not initiated by Akhmetov, but was prompted by some people above. And he decided to take action only after getting the guarantee from the bank.

At present, some people above have basically agreed to his acquisition plan, but it has encountered strong resistance from several factories. But Akhmetov didn't care. He knew that the decision-making power on these matters always rested with those above.

But he still cared about Ivana. This Ivana was the agent of a Chinese businessman in Ukraine. Originally, Akhmetov didn't take such a small role seriously, but he was shocked when he learned about it. I didn’t expect this woman’s background to be so profound.

He had invited Ivana to attend banquets several times, but Ivana never refused. He just showed a neither humble nor arrogant attitude towards him throughout the whole process.

In fact, Akhmetov's original intention was to win her over. The worst he could do was give her the same treatment and let her do it for him. I just never found the right opportunity to talk to her.

After hearing Ivana introduce the situation, Ye Yuze also frowned. It seems that he must stop this acquisition plan, otherwise he will definitely not be able to take away the steel in the future.

He definitely can't get involved in the higher-ups, not even with Ivana's father. Since Akhmetov dares to covet such a big business, the power behind him is definitely not comparable to that of a foreigner like him, but how to stop it?

Just relying on fantasy is of no use. Ye Yuze asked Ivana to make an appointment with the leaders of several companies to have a meal together. Although Ye Yuze knew all these people, he didn't have many interactions with them.

Ye Yuze knew all these people, and they were naturally very grateful to Ye Yuze. After all, it was Ye Yuze who helped them during the most difficult time, and there were no harsh conditions.

Now that they see him coming, they are naturally full of grievances, as if they were seeing their mother's family.

Factory directors are also members of the system, and they all have the status of cadres with high levels. However, because of the privatization system that has begun in Ukraine, their fate is destined to become history.

These people are depressed not only because their company will be acquired, but also because they have an unknown future.

There was nothing Ye Yuze could do about these things, he was not the savior. However, these people are not completely useless, at least they have their own help right in front of them.

It is obviously unrealistic for him to acquire these companies at present. It's not like he can't raise more than 10 billion US dollars by force, but what about those companies? You can't bankrupt yourself for a few foreign steel companies, right?

After pondering for a long time, Ye Yuze asked everyone: "What do your workers think?"

The answer is indeed what Ye Yuze thought. Restructuring is a very difficult process. Not to mention these leaders, the workers below will definitely not be able to figure it out either.

After all, private ownership and state-owned enterprises are two completely different concepts. What I have been taught since childhood is: "We are the masters of the country and we must overthrow the bourgeoisie that is sitting on top of us and tyrannizing us."

As a result, in the blink of an eye, the company becomes personal. How many people can figure this out?

"Don't fight alone. At the very least, you should unite with the workers to appeal your requests to the superiors. What role can just a few of you play?" Ye Yuze induced earnestly.

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