Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 101 Buying a Floor Plan

The old uncle rushed towards the county seat with Ye Yuze in his arms. This bike was bought by his father after he was admitted to high school. This caused a sensation in the village at that time.

There is no way, the school is almost five kilometers away from home. Grandma loves her little son and is reluctant to let him walk.

The two people rushed to the county seat. It took me a long time to find the so-called prefabricated panel factory.

Just a big yard. There are many floor slabs piled inside.

A few young people were playing cards under the awning at the door. It's obviously too boring.

Saw two people coming in. A guy with a note on his face shouted:

"Hey, what are you doing? This is a factory area, no one can enter!"

Hearing his shout, a middle-aged man walked out of the office. Looking at the two children, one large and one small, who came in, he asked:

"What do you do?"

Ye Yuze quickly handed over another box of cigarettes. Explained his intention.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Yuze carefully: "Where are you from?"

Ye Yuze then explained the situation at home.

The middle-aged man nodded. "Reclamation warrior? Not bad, not bad! How many do you want?"

Ye Yuze shook his head, he didn't think about it. I just told him the number of rooms in the house.

The middle-aged man lights a cigarette. Squatting on the ground and counting.

The width of each floor slab is fifty centimeters. The width of the house is four meters. Each house is eight yuan. Multiplied by eight, the total is forty-eight dollars.

Ye Yuze shook his head. "Uncle, we want to build a six-meter house."

At that time, houses built in rural areas were usually small four-by-four houses. Add the thickness of the adobe. The house is very small.

Since it is planned to be built anyway. Ye Yuze just wanted to build a good one. Arrange everything for your hometown at once, so that your dad won’t have to worry about it anymore.

The middle-aged man was shocked again. Although this factory is state-owned, wages will be paid regardless of whether the goods are sold. But there is no bonus!

At that time, although the bonuses were not large, they were still available to workers with low incomes. That's all of great use.

According to Ye Yuze's algorithm, sixty blocks of floor space can be sold in one go. Calculated at one dollar and ten dollars. There are also six hundred yuan.

There are only about ten workers in the factory. Sold so many. A bonus of ten yuan per person should not be a big problem!

Thinking of this, the factory director threw the cigarette butt on the ground. He said excitedly:

"Originally, you need an approval slip to buy this. But since your family is a soldier in the Corps, I took care of it. You just need to pay the money and we will arrange delivery for you immediately!"

The factory originally thought that these two children must have just come to ask. Then the adults in the family still have to pay.

But he didn't expect Ye Yuze to directly take out 600 yuan and hand it to him.

"Uncle, count the numbers. If they are correct, arrange delivery!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. He took the money and counted it again in disbelief. Then he nodded numbly. Instruct the young man to load the car.

What happened today hit him a bit hard. A kid of several years old casually took out six hundred yuan. Are the people in the Corps that rich?

There is a tractor in the factory, but loading is a bit slow. The floor slabs were so heavy that they needed to be lifted piece by piece to the car using pulleys.

Looking at the sand and cement all over the floor. Ye Yuze suddenly remembered something.

Houses in rural areas are built with mud walls. Of course it doesn't matter if it's an adobe house. But a brick house is a bit inappropriate, right?

"Uncle, where can I buy sand and cement?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. Looking at Ye Yuze.

"What do you want that for?"

Ye Yuze looked disapproving. "Of course it's for building a house? Otherwise, why would the wall be used?"

The middle-aged man stopped talking nonsense. When people build houses, they always find ways to cut down some trees. That really doesn't cost any money. This guy just used the floorboard.

What's so strange about sand and cement walls?

He thought for a moment and said, "You can get it from me. Are all these things I get directly from the manufacturer?"

Ye Yuze is very grateful. The middle-aged man waved his hand. He has decided to deliver the goods himself. I really want to see what this family plans to build their house into?

Ye Yuze paid another hundred yuan. Sand was just free at that time. Just some cement money.

After leaving the address, Ye Yuze and the old uncle left first. Because it will take a while to install the car. They can't wait any longer.

Came to the supply and marketing cooperative in the county seat. Ye Yuze came directly to the pork stall. He took out fifty pounds of meat coupons and handed them to the salesperson.

The salesperson is a fat, middle-aged man. He took a look at the ticket and threw it into the small box.

asked. "A happy event? This is a big deal!"

Ye Yuze nodded and said nothing. This vote came from the wrong source. He doesn't want to be scrutinized.

The fat salesman took the half fan of pig directly off the shelf. Shave off the ribs. Then put it on the scale. The results were not enough.

At that time, the pigs were so small that no one could eat them. Pigs are also difficult to raise. But the meat at that time was really delicious.

A fan and a half is enough to make up fifty kilograms. Pork is 280 pounds.

Ye Yuze took out fourteen yuan and handed it to the salesperson.

The salesperson looked worried at the remaining ribs.

At that time, when people bought meat, they preferred fat. Selling the remaining items will be difficult.

But as a salesman, he must sell these things. But who in those days would spend money to buy some bones to eat?

So every day he said all the good things before putting things out.

But today Ye Yuze is a big player. Salespeople are too embarrassed to help people like this.

But unexpectedly, Ye Yuze looked at the ribs and pig heads on the case and asked proactively:

"Do these require meat tickets?"

"No, no! You can take a dime per pound!"

The salesperson is excited! He has never encountered such a customer.

Ye Yuze nodded and pointed to the washing water on the ground.

"Give me one dollar of these! I'll give you another six dollars!"

The salesperson is elated! I thought to myself that no wonder the magpies were calling on the roof early in the morning. It turned out that there was such a great thing waiting for him.

The rest cost more than five yuan. They gave me six yuan. This is giving me two dollars for free!

If someone gave me two yuan like this every day. You can see that you are getting rich. You must know that his salary is only more than thirty!

Thinking of this, he took the four pig's trotters aside and found a sack to pack everything.

"How did you get here?"

The salesperson wanted to send them away quickly. One is that he is afraid that Ye Yuze will regret it and give up. The second is that I want to go home and show off to my wife.

Pork on the back of a bicycle. Ye Yuze could only sit on the front beam.

The old uncle was confused by Ye Yuze's turn. But finally I got excited. So much meat. I have something to eat by myself anyway.

He couldn't even remember the last time he ate meat.

On the way back, the old uncle rode the car as if it was flying.

Fortunately, the salesman tied the sack tightly. Otherwise, Ye Yuze would probably not be able to find the pork when he got home.

When I got home, part of the brick had been pulled over. A large stove was also set up in the yard. Get ready to start building a house tomorrow.

Please collect, recommend, vote and invest.

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