Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1004 Personnel Allocation

Today, there are 46 manufacturers of various sizes producing auto parts in the development zone. Among them, the gear factory, gearbox factory, engine factory and assembly factory are all enterprises directly under the development zone. It is also a core enterprise belonging to the automobile factory.

What remains are some branch factories derived from these core enterprises. As well as the original affiliated companies of each regiment and each company.

Now that the Ninth Division has become a military reclamation city, these companies will automatically belong to the automobile company.

There are also factories built here by other units and mainland companies. Naturally, these are not part of the automobile group companies, but are just cooperative units.

However, these cooperative units are not many, only twelve. The most important one is a tire factory in Northeast China. Warrior brand car tires are basically supplied by this company.

In fact, this matter has always been a thorn in Liu Qinghua's heart. You must know that tires account for a large proportion of auto parts, and he is not willing to have such an important component in the hands of others.

It's just that the rubber industry is also very deep. It's not like you can just build a factory to produce qualified tires. Therefore, this rubber factory can successfully take root in the development zone.

Liu Qinghua ignored the fact that personnel reorganization was also going on in the market and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the leadership of the automobile group company.

There is no way, there are some unqualified leaders in every factory. If a group is established, these people will have to be eliminated, because not only do they not understand technology, but they also show off their seniority. It is impossible to obey the leadership of an outsider like Li Lindong.

Liu Qinghua treats the car factory like his own child. He will not allow any hidden dangers to remain in the upcoming restructuring.

He was not only relieved but also very satisfied with Li Lindong. Not only is he a college student, he is also very capable. The fact that Warrior Auto is doing so well in the South and abroad is inseparable from his efforts.

As mayor, he has his own rights. Those who are unqualified can just be transferred away. Of course, there will definitely be resistance to doing these things. But so what? He has no selfish motives. If you are not convinced, you can talk directly.

After meeting Mr. Wang, Liu Qinghua's mentality has completely changed. If he had some ambitions for fame and wealth before, now he only wants to make Junken City better and better.

Human life is very short, and if it’s too short, we can’t do much before it’s gone. Therefore, you must have no distracting thoughts, no scruples, and devote yourself wholeheartedly to fulfill some of your wishes.

He is already 52 years old, and it will be time to retire in another ten years. In the past ten years, he had to arrange every day to make this city truly a flower of the Gobi.

Cities rely on enterprises. Without decent enterprises, a city can only be a decoration. The Warrior Automobile Factory is the backbone of Junken City. What he has to do is to lay a solid foundation on this pillar, make it thicker, and become an Optimus Prime.

In order to achieve this goal, he dared to clear all obstacles in front of him. No matter who you face, you will not be afraid. If not, I will take you to Mr. Wang and talk to him.

In fact, the actual leaders of the development zone are Wei Yuxiang and Ma Rong. However, due to the nature of the enterprise, the development zone is inconvenient for excessive administrative interference in the enterprise.

Since Ma Rong and Wei Yuxiang also serve as factory directors, the basic details of the development zone are handled by a few deputies.

Liu Qinghua has already talked to Ma Rong and Wei Yuxiang. With the upgrade of Junken City, the development zone will naturally be upgraded as well. As a regiment-level unit, the work attitudes of two people are naturally not suitable for such leadership positions.

Even though Liu Xinghua usually regards two people as his children, when it comes to issues of principle, he will not give in. Even if this person is really his child.

Ma Rong had begun to hesitate, but Wei Yuxiang had a clear attitude, saying that he was only suitable to be the director of a steel plant, not for administrative work. Please ask the organization to remove him from the post of district chief.

Although Wei Yuxiang spoke freely, Liu Qinghua hesitated. Among the younger generation in the development zone, Ma Rong and Wei Yuxiang are undoubtedly the outstanding ones. And he is still a child that he has watched grow up. Such children need to be at ease and practical.

Liu Qinghua had no choice but to talk to Ye Wancheng, but Ye Wancheng smiled and said he was narrow-minded.

Zhao Ling'er and the first batch of college students, which one is not a good candidate? Why do you have to focus only on Wei Yuxiang and Ma Rong?

Liu Qinghua couldn't help but laugh after thinking about it. This was considered nepotism. Those children are all college students, and are actually more suitable for this kind of leadership position than Wei Yuxiang and others, but his eyes did not see them.

Regarding the development zone team issue, Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua have the same attitude. That is to insist on using young people and the first group of people to enter the development zone.

This is not to be xenophobic, but rather that those talented people have the deepest feelings for the development zone and will not do things that harm the interests of the development zone because of the struggle for power.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of professional talents in technical schools and hospitals. You can pull them out and put them in more important positions. This is also for the development zone to develop better.

The conversation with Zhao Linger went very smoothly. She happily agreed to leave the hospital and take up the position of Secretary of the Development Zone.

As for the position of district mayor, she also recommended several candidates. Of course, these matters will have to wait until the candidates for the municipal party committee and the municipal government are stabilized before we can discuss them.

However, Liu Qinghua has decided that this time he must pull out these young people and put them in leadership positions for training so that they can take over more important positions in the future.

The city's leadership problem cannot be dragged on for too long. At present, the positions of secretary, mayor, and director of the National People's Congress have been determined. The following personnel were quickly determined after discussions with the leadership of the corps. As a result, the new team of Junken City was quickly put into operation.

Because the city is currently small, Junken City is divided into three districts. The development zone is the largest, and the main urban area is divided into east and west districts.

In fact, the redistribution of cadres this time is not troublesome. The main reason is that the corps' agencies and units are not bloated. The cadres of the eleven regiments are scattered to municipal agencies and bureaus, which are not fully staffed yet. Of course there are those who are dissatisfied.

This is mainly due to Liu Qinghua and Ye Wancheng's protection of the development zone and not allowing them to serve as leaders in the development zone.

You must know that the current development zone is the soul of the entire military reclamation city, or those fat and oily factories.

The branches under the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Corporation are all purely joint-stock enterprises and are not suitable for appointing these leaders.

Despite the dissatisfaction, the discipline of the corps cadres is still very strong. After the team was in place, discussions began on the candidates for cadres in the three districts.

After several studies, it was decided that Ma Quanyi would serve as secretary of the development zone. Zhao Ling'er serves as district mayor. Liu Feng succeeded Zhao Linger as the dean.

The original batch of college students were recruited by the school to serve as department leaders in the department. Wei Yuxiang and Ma Rong continued to serve as deputy secretaries and deputy district chiefs. Also serves as factory director.

The arrangement between these two people was not actually Liu Qinghua's selfish intention, but the result of joint discussion.

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